4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (2024)

4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (1)

Building a “shelf” on your glutes can shape a well-rounded bum, but to achieve it, you’ll hone in on specific gluteal muscles to sculpt muscle definition. These five glute strength exercises help shape and define the buttocks and can slot into any existing lower body strength program.

While body recomposition (the art of losing fat and building muscle simultaneously) is the most effective method for sculpting your physique, targeting and strengthening your glutes builds the definition in the area, whether or not you plan to lose weight.

Here are four glute exercises for building your glutes and why we love them. We recommend adding some adjustable dumbbells, kettlebells, or resistance bands to some of them.

What exercises are good for your glutes?

The three main gluteal muscles are the gluteus maximus (the biggest and most powerful), gluteus medius and gluteus minimus. A lesser-known fact about the glutes — they count as part of your network of core muscles, so keeping them robust and functioning matters.

Strong glutes help protect the lower back from injury, improve posture and facilitate movement. Runners, weightlifters and just about anyone engaging in exercise will benefit from strengthening all three gluteal muscles — you could lift heavier and run faster, for example.

4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (2)

Together, your glutes stabilize the pelvis, rotate the hip joints and support lower body movement in all planes — side-to-side, forward and back and rotation. But each has its own set of jobs: your gluteus maximus deals with hip extension, external rotation and abduction and adduction of the thigh; the gluteus medius supports internal and external hip rotation and abduction while stabilizing the hips and pelvis; and gluteus minimus sits deeper and supports hip abduction, rotation and stabilization. The tensor fasciae latae (not a Gen Z brand of coffee) internally rotates and abducts the hips and supports your joints, like your knees.

Your focus will be targeting the fleshier maximus muscles, which create the most shape and bulk, and especially, the fan-shaped medius muscles that sit at the top of your bum toward the outside of the hip. To create a “shelf” on the glutes, ergo building a well-rounded bum, lateral movements like side lunges, deadlift variations, squats and glute bridges are all about to become your best friends.

4 compound strength exercises to build and bulk your glutes

Rather than isolating your glutes, the four exercises below also target other lower body muscles, including your hip flexors, quads, hamstrings and calves, making them effective compound exercises.

1. Banded clamshells

4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (3)

The resistance band clamshell is effective for hitting the medius muscles responsible for laterally lifting the leg, also strengthening your hips.


  • Lie on your right side, with your legs stacked and knees bent
  • Rest on your right elbow, stacked underneath your shoulder, or extend the arm away
  • Engage your core and keep your hips forward-facing
  • Press the inner feet against each other, then open your top knee as far as possible without rocking your hips
  • Pause, then lower your leg back to the starting position. Switch sides after completing your reps.

Here’s what happened when one writer did resistance band clamshells every day for a week.

2. Weighted curtsy lunges

4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (4)

The curtsy lunge works wonders for your gluteus medius and inner thighs. Try with your body weight first, then use a heavy dumbbell or kettlebell to progress the exercise.


  • Start with your feet shoulder-width apart and hips square
  • Step your right leg behind and around your left leg — imagine drawing a semi-circle with your toes as you do this, then rest the ball of your foot down
  • Lower into a lunge. Keep your torso upright and engage your core
  • Your left thigh should be parallel to the floor, and your right knee almost touching the ground
  • Push through your feet to stand and return your right leg to its starting position. Switch sides.

Keep your toes pointed forward, and avoid twisting your hips.

3. Staggered stance deadlift

4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (5)

It’s the best compound exercise for strengthening your entire body. The staggered stance helps work one side of your body at a time and emphasizes the glutes and hamstrings. You can use a barbell, a set of dumbbells or kettlebells, or a single weight.


  • Start standing with your feet hip-width apart
  • Take a small step back with your left foot so that your right heel aligns with your left toes, and rest on the ball of your left foot
  • Position your weights on either side of your front foot or one to the inside of your front foot
  • Hinge forward at the hips and maintain a flat back and engaged core
  • Grip your weights, pull your shoulders back and engage your lats
  • Stand and fully extend your hips at the top, then slowly lower the weights with control to feel the glutes and hamstrings fully loading. Switch sides.

4. Single-leg squat

4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (6)

Pistol squats are an advanced calisthenics exercise requiring coordination, strength, power and balance. We recommend learning how to do pistol squats properly, but the variation below is more entry-level. The unilateral exercise works one leg at a time and helps develop flexibility and mobility.


  • Start standing with feet hip-width apart
  • Hook your left foot to the outside of your right ankle
  • Stand tall and engage your core, keeping your chest lifted
  • Bend your right knee and lower into a single-leg squat as far as possible while pressing your right heel down
  • Pause at the bottom, then explosively push away to stand. Repeat for reps, then switch sides.

If you prefer, extend your leg behind you with the knee slightly bent and lifted away from the ground. Find your balance, bend your standing leg and lower into the single-leg squat — see if you can tap your back knee to the ground — then explosively push to stand. Switch sides.

What builds your glutes most?

Various factors are at play concerning hypertrophy — the muscle-building process. You’ll need to consider how often you train (we recommend at least several times a week) and adding resistance exercises into the fold.

Using the progressive overload technique, you can gradually manipulate the variables of your resistance training to build muscle; this includes sets, reps, load, or frequency to increase exercise volume. Change exercises or workout routines and increase load every 4-6 weeks to freshen things up. We love these glute exercises as a guide.

Your diet also matters because protein intake provides the building blocks for muscle growth and repair. We discuss what to eat before a workout according to a sports nutritionist, but remember, protein intake is unique to you and your exercise levels. It may take some trial and error.

Lastly, if you’re in a building phase, a slight calorie surplus (around 200-400 calories max) helps promote muscle growth, which can be worked out using a calorie calculator or working with a coach and adjusted accordingly. But we don’t recommend counting calories for long periods as the quality of your food and relationship with it is most important, along with moderation.

If you have lazy glutes, we recommend starting leg workouts with these simple glute activation exercises to fire up the hips, glutes and back before big lifts like deadlifts or barbell hip thrusts.

More from Tom's Guide

  • Forget burpees, build muscle all over with one kettlebell and these 4 moves
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4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (17)

Sam Hopes

Senior Staff Writer - Fitness

SamHopesis a level III fitness trainer, level II reiki practitioner, and senior fitness writer at Future PLC, the publisher of Tom's Guide. She is also about to undertake her Yoga For Athletes training course. Having trained to work with mind and body,Samis a big advocate of using mindfulness techniques in sport and fitness, and their impact on performance. She’s also passionate about the fundamentals of training and building sustainable training methods. When she's not writing up her experiences with the latest fitness tech and workouts, you’ll find her writing about nutrition, sleep, recovery, and wellness.

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    4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises (2024)


    4 strength exercises that sculpt your glutes and build a strong core without ab exercises? ›

    Marching bridge

    Schafer says this is a great exercise for the core and glutes: Pushing the heel into the ground engages the glutes, and keeping the hips from dropping to the side works the core.

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    Marching bridge

    Schafer says this is a great exercise for the core and glutes: Pushing the heel into the ground engages the glutes, and keeping the hips from dropping to the side works the core.

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    Weak glutes can be addressed through a variety of exercises, including squats, lunges, bridges, and hip abduction exercises. Strengthening these muscles can help improve posture, stability, and movement, and can help reduce the risk of lower back pain, knee pain, hip pain, and ankle pain.

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    Begin in plank position with your hands flat on the mat. Squeeze your abs and keep your legs together as you jump your feet to your right elbow and back to starting position. Then, jump your feet to your left elbow and back to starting position. Continue alternating.

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    Let's get into the strategies you can use to kick your rear into gear to achieve the bigger, firmer booty you want.
    1. 7 exercises for a bigger butt. Ready to add some mass to your backside? ...
    2. Glute bridge. Share on Pinterest. ...
    3. Jumping squats. ...
    4. Walking lunge with weights. ...
    5. Single-leg deadlift. ...
    6. Clamshell. ...
    7. Banded side step. ...
    8. Donkey kicks.
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    The 3 Absolute Best Exercises to Build Your Glutes
    • Barbell Hip Thrusts. Variations: Dumbbell hip thrusts, kettlebell hip thrust, single-leg hip thrust, banded hip thrust (mini band around knees) ...
    • Barbell Bulgarian Split Squats. ...
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    "To grow the glutes, you'll want to ensure that you're training them with at least one exercise from each of the following four categories: thrust/bridge exercise; squat/lunge exercise; hinge/pull exercise; abduction movement," says Jeremy Ethier, kinesiologist, fitness trainer, and founder of Built with Science.

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    Barbell Hip Thrusts

    Starting with one of the best glute exercises in the book: The Barbell Hip Thrust. This should be one of your go-to's when looking for the best glute exercises (and they're great for your hamstrings too!). This makes them a great lower glutes exericse.

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    Try doing squats, weighted lunges, donkey kicks, and glute bridges, which all target the muscles in your butt. Do 3 sets of 20 reps for each exercise, and do your butt workout every other day, at least 3 times throughout the week.

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    Exercises such as squats, lunges, or leg presses will help increase muscle strength in your glutes and keep them firm. A balanced diet rich in lean protein, complex carbohydrates, and essential fats is crucial for toning your body.

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    Hip Bridge

    Lie on your back facing up with your knees bent. Plant your heels into the floor. Raise the buttocks off the ground until your back forms a straight line from the knees to the shoulders. Hold for one second before slowly lowering down.

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    Walking, running, and climbing all work the glutes. Strength training that targets these muscles can help give you a tighter, more rounded look. Adding a few butt-busting moves to your routine may be enough to see a change.

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    One important thing to remember is that glutes don't grow overnight. Rather, most people start seeing noticeable changes within 6-8 weeks. For others, they might notice progress around 10-12 weeks.

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    • Tomatoes. Research has shown that tomatoes can prevent age-associated muscle strength decline, making them a great addition to your diet to keep your butt toned. ...
    • Eggs. ...
    • Nut Butter. ...
    • Salmon. ...
    • Avocados. ...
    • Tofu. ...
    • Mushrooms. ...
    • Spinach.
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    Since your abs and glutes support each other in many movements, Moore says it makes sense to pair them together in one workout. “Supersetting these two muscle groups together can make for an efficient workout, especially if you're strapped for time,” she says.

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    Some of the best exercises for glute activation include the following:
    1. Full Extension Step-Up.
    2. Resistance Band Kickbacks.
    3. Wall Single-Leg Glute Bridges.
    4. Hip Drop and Lift.
    5. Toe Stab Hip Raises.
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    Both ab muscles and glute muscles make up the core. These muscle groups work together to provide strength and stability through the trunk of the body. Abs and butt exercises naturally pair well together, making a combination of the two an effective and efficient workout.

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    1. Crunch. "The ab exercise that all other ab exercises are measured against is the simple crunch," Weil says. ...
    2. The plank. ...
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    Author: Wyatt Volkman LLD

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    Name: Wyatt Volkman LLD

    Birthday: 1992-02-16

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    Introduction: My name is Wyatt Volkman LLD, I am a handsome, rich, comfortable, lively, zealous, graceful, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.