8 Keys to God's System of Wealth - KCM Blog (2024)

God has created a wealth-generating system that cannot fail! Are you operating in it? Find out with these 8 Keys to God’s System of Wealth.

Money answers everything. The first reaction to that statement by many Christians would be to claim that it is carnal, selfish and outside of biblical values. Yet, it is a direct quote of scripture from Ecclesiastes 10:19. Money is an essential thing in this life, so to desire money is not selfish—it’s necessary. Even if all you want to do is walk the streets evangelizing, which doesn’t take a lot of money, you still need provision for food, clothing and shelter. You still need money!

God wants you to have money for three fundamental reasons:

  1. To fund Kingdom work. To “go into all the world and preach the gospel” takes money!
  2. To provide well for your own household. That’s your job—not your family’s or the government’s. God has called you to work to provide for yourself.
  3. To subdue the earth. To have dominion on the earth, we should be controlling most of the resources. For example, if you don’t like the immorality posted on the billboard outside your office, here is the answer: Own the billboard. If the magazines in the store are offensive: Own the magazines. That’s how you subdue the earth.

Some denominations that claim we should not discuss money are often those whose members also work 80 hours each week to earn every dollar they can. On the other hand, many people in the faith camp are waiting for Publisher’s Clearinghouse to show up on their doorstep rather than focusing on the spiritual role work plays in the manifestation of God’s blessings.

According to Buddy Pilgrim, strategic advisor to Kenneth Copeland Ministries, founder of Integrity Leadership, and former president of poultry giant Pilgrim’s Pride, we need to align our thinking about wealth with God’s so we operate within His system. If you’re ready for a change in your financial situation, here are eight keys to God’s system of wealth you can learn from today.

1. God Is Your Sole Source

“And my God shall supply all your needs according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.” –Philippians 4:19 (NKJV)

The idea is simple, yet it takes a lot of spiritual work to get to the place where you let God be your sole Source of supply. The Bible says, “If someone won’t work, he shouldn’t eat” (2 Thessalonians 3:10, CJB), and God is the Creator of work. However, He never intended for us to put our faith and hope in our labor alone. He also did not intend for you to turn anything else into your source—not your family, not your credit cards and not the government. He is your Source of supply. What does He supply?

  1. Everything you need to thrive
  2. Power to produce wealth
  3. Abilities of any kind
  4. THE BLESSING that produces wealth

Think about it. The Bible does not say God makes you wealthy; it says He will give you the power to produce wealth (Deuteronomy 8:18). That means, He will always give you something to put your hands to, anoint your ability, and bring THE BLESSING on the scene when you are obedient to His commands.

Buddy Pilgrim says the key to allowing God to be your Source is to first know your calling, then to stay focused on your calling, and finally to execute your calling with a faithful heart.

Request THE BLESSING of the Lord It Maketh Rich MP3 audio series by Kenneth Copeland for only $7! Offer good April 14-20, 2019.

8 Keys to God's System of Wealth - KCM Blog (1)

2. Business Is the Only System That Creates Wealth

“Engage in business until I come.” –Luke 19:13 (ESV)

Christians tend to want the wealth transfer, spoken of in Proverbs 13:22, to be an event. But God’s system is an ongoing system—a continual flow of wealth into the hands of the righteous. Business is that system. That doesn’t mean that every person is called to own a business—but each of us will engage in business in one form or another, whether it be at our jobs, in our purchases or with our investments.

Business is the exchange of goods or services for profit or economic gain. When you are employed, you are selling your services. That makes you part of the system. However, don’t discount the idea that you may be called to own or manage a business in some way. As Christians, we are called to take dominion—and business is a powerful place of influence in this world that should be dominated by the righteous.

Another way we participate in God’s system of business is by acting as patrons. When you give your money to a business, you are transferring wealth from the Kingdom of light to whatever that business stands for. And if you own a business, you are bringing money from the sinner into the realm of righteousness.

Then, there is an interaction with a business that each of us has almost every day. The way in which we treat another man’s business (his system of wealth creation) will determine the success you see in your own wealth. Luke 16:12 says, “If you have not been faithful in what is another man’s, who will give you what is your own?” (NKJV).

For example, when you go to a fast-food restaurant, if you take a handful of sauce and then dump most of it in the trash, you are mistreating someone else’s system for creating wealth. When you rent a hotel room or a car, the way you treat what belongs to someone else and their ability to create wealth will impact your ability to receive God’s supernatural intervention in your own efforts to generate wealth.

The more we become faithful in these sorts of things, the more we will prove ourselves worthy of THE BLESSING of the Lord on the work of our hands.

3. All Business Requires Work

“All hard work brings a profit.” –Proverbs 14:23 (NIV)

Work is not a curse, and it isn’t toil. Yet, so often, we hear people complain about their jobs or how much they dread Mondays. That’s because they haven’t had a revelation that their work is more than a paycheck. Work was God’s idea, which means it’s a good idea!

God says He will bless the work of your hands. That means you can expect much more than a natural return on your work. Proverbs 14:23 says, “In all labor there is profit” (NKJV), and you know that He speaks of much more than a natural increase. He says whatever you put your hands to will prosper and succeed, and when your heart is right and you are in obedience, His blessing on your work will send you farther and faster than you could ever go on your own. You’ll find yourself promoted when you weren’t expecting it, given a raise when you might not deserve it, and afforded opportunities most people only dream of.

Find A Prayer for Work That Prospers here.

4. Business Is Our Promised Land and Proving Ground

“God tested Abraham….” –Genesis 22:1 (NKJV)

Abraham was a wealthy man, but it was only through a time of proving and the resulting BLESSING of the Lord that brought him into the Promised Land of prosperity.

Business is to us today what the land was to Abraham—it is our promised land and proving ground. Abraham first proved himself faithful; so also, must we prove faithful in work and business if we want the output (wealth) of work and business. We do this by being:

  1. Faithful in the little things. Be faithful in how you handle your money, how you treat other businesses, how you live.
  2. Faithful in where we are now. If you work for a school, focus your efforts on the success of that school. If you work at a restaurant, be dedicated to excellence and being a positive face of that establishment. For in its success, you will find yours.
  3. Faithful even when working for unjust bosses. Determine to have faithful stewardship on the job, even when you work for someone who isn’t so nice, like Laban. Ten times he changed Jacob’s wages. Even so, Jacob went forward and was a faithful steward of Laban’s farm. Then, when he tried to leave, Laban said, “I’ll pay you whatever you want.” You see, when you do good work, you can name your worth.
  4. Faithful with another person’s business. When you visit another business as a patron, you are visiting someone else’s wealth-creating system. The way you treat that system will determine your own reward.

When you are faithful in your work, you will enjoy the Bible definition of blessed, which, according to Psalm 1, says that a blessed man is like a tree planted by streams of water, whose leaf does not wither. Everything he does prospers. That’s God’s system—for His people to be planted by a continual flow of everything they need.

Buddy Pilgrim says, “Other than the Lord, I credit my wife for praying Psalm 1 over me every day with the great prosperity I’ve enjoyed.”

Watch Pastor George Pearsons teach more about the laws that govern wealth and prosperity.

5. Wealth Transfers Are Always Work-Related

“A sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” –Proverbs 13:22 (NIV)

Some Christians are waiting around for a miracle event—for money to simply fall into their laps out of nowhere. But God-ordained wealth transfers are always work-related. Remember the widow in 2 Kings 4:1-7? She was backed in a financial corner with no way out. Her husband had died, leaving her alone with her two sons. She didn’t have money and creditors were banging at her door, threatening to seize her two children and take them as slaves. Her husband had “revered the Lord,” yet this debt was NOT miraculously canceled. Instead, the prophet Elisha provided her something she could put her hands to that would open the door for a supernatural wealth transfer—gathering and filling bottles with oil.

When you have a financial need in your life—don’t expect money to show up on your doorstep. The ability for God to bless you is connected to what you do—your work, whether it be employment or any other work. Expect to put your hands to something. Speak out loud, “Thank You, God, that You will provide me opportunities to put my hands to work so that You may prosper me.”

Learn 5 Ways to Overcome Financial Pressure here.

6. Christians Must Reclaim Their Territory

“The Lord will make you the head and not the tail.” –Deuteronomy 28:13 (NKJV)

Christians seem to have become complacent in the area of taking possession, but the Bible is clear—we are to take territory and have dominion on the earth! That’s why it’s high time we, as believers, start expecting to claim more and more territory. It’s time to repossess the land!

You might be thinking, Well, I’m a schoolteacher. I can’t take any ground beyond my classroom. Whatever your profession, don’t limit yourself! God never stays in the realm of the possible. Begin to pray that God will help you take possession of your land, then watch and see how He moves in miraculous ways in your life. No matter what your profession, there is territory to claim, but it begins with a spirit of expectation and a desire to obey God’s command to subdue the earth.

Watch Gloria Copeland and Billye Brim teach you why you’re called to rule and reign on the earth.

7. Wealth Transfers Are Everyday Events

“Their leaves never wither.” –Psalm 1:3

Maybe you’ve always thought of wealth transfers as one-time, miraculous events, but in God’s system, wealth transfers are everyday events. Every time money changes hands, there is a transfer of wealth. So, the more Christians position themselves to own and manage businesses, the more money we will see transferred into the Kingdom. Even when you buy stock, you’re getting involved in a business, and you should expect a wealth transfer to come to you! When you invest, declare it! Say, “I claim supernatural wealth transfers for every investment I’m a part of, and I ask You, Lord, to honor and prosper the work of my hands.”

If you’re sitting around waiting for a miracle event—you’re missing it! As Jerry Savelle says, “I would rather walk continuously in supernatural health than ever need miraculous healing.” The same is true of finances. If we walk continuously ina supernatural financial blessing, we will never need a financial miracle. That’s THE BLESSING!

8. Possession of the Land Is Not Optional

“Fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion….” –Genesis 1:28 (NKJV)

This is the first command in the Bible. Take dominion. Possession of the land is not optional, it is not selfish, and it is not a luxury—it’s a command. It’s time that we, as Christians, take our job assignment seriously and become a positive influence on the world, rather than being under the control of those who seek to do evil.

When you put these eight principles to work in your life and begin to see yourself operating in God’s system of wealth, you will move into levels of prosperity you never dreamed possible. It’s time to take possession of the land. Now get after it!

Article Source: Pilgrim, Buddy. Kenneth Copeland and You on the MountainWinter 2019. March 2019.

Related Articles:

A Prayer for Work That Prospers

Do I Need to Work If I’m Living in Faith?

© 1997 – 2024 Eagle Mountain International Church Inc. Aka Kenneth Copeland Ministries. All Rights Reserved.


8 Keys to God's System of Wealth - KCM Blog (2024)


What are the keys to God's system of wealth? ›

There are four key principles to Biblical financial blessing: believing, giving, stewardship, and work. To have lasting wealth, all of these need to be observed. The first principle is that of what we believe. The scriptures clearly state God's desire for His people in the physical and financial blessing realm.

What does it mean that money is the answer for everything in Ecclesiastes 10: 19? ›

The Preacher's statement that "money answers everything" (Eccl. 10:19) is a simple practical observation that wealth is a tool that can meet the need for food, clothing, shelter, and so on. We should not take his words as endorsing the idea that absolutely every issue one can think of can be solved with money.

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God has entrusted us with a stewardship as managers of His property. The financial system of 'Tithes and Offerings' was initiated and given by God to His people in the Old Testament and it was continued into the New Testament.

How to enter Covenant of wealth with God? ›

As a child of the wealth covenant, you must pattern your life in the reality that wealth is your inheritance by God. You must speak as one under the covenant of wealth and never allow confessions of lack past your lips. You must act as one whose wealth is guaranteed by God because He sealed this promise with an oath!

What are the 7 areas of wealth? ›

  • THE 7 FORMS OF WEALTH. When I say “wealth”, what immediately comes to mind? ...
  • Financial Capital. Our society focuses a lot of attention on financial capital as it is our primary tool for exchanging goods and services with others. ...
  • Material Capital. ...
  • Wisdom Capital. ...
  • Nature Capital. ...
  • Spiritual Capital. ...
  • Social Capital.

What is the key to wealth? ›

While get-rich-quick schemes sometimes may be enticing, the tried-and-true way to build wealth is through regular saving and investing—and patiently allowing that money to grow over time. It's fine to start small. The important thing is to start and to start early. Earn money and then save and invest it smartly.

What does God tell us to do with money? ›

God calls us to pay back what we owe and help those who have helped us. It's wise for us to plan, think through how we'll make money, and spend money. Saving money can help set us up for future financial success.

What is Ecclesiastes 10 talking about? ›

The main message of Chapter 10 is to avoid the pull of foolishness and stand firm in the solid foundation of wisdom. There are traps and dangers throughout society. Fools react to the mysterious, uncontrollable nature of the world by trying to tame and grasp everything around them. Life is a mystery.

What does the book of Ecclesiastes teach about money? ›

Ecclesiastes 5:10 In-Context

10 Whoever loves money never has enough; whoever loves wealth is never satisfied with their income. This too is meaningless. 11 As goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what benefit are they to the owners except to feast their eyes on them?

How to become wealthy according to the Bible? ›

God's blessing of wealth is usually obtained by great wisdom and responsibility and through discipline, hard work, saving, investing, and seeking God's will. Occasional, Biblical wealth is obtained suddenly by a great blessing such as an inheritance, oil and gas discovery or great invention.

What is true wealth from God? ›

In Proverbs 3:13-14 we are told that wisdom and understanding is of more profit than silver and gold, and that nothing we desire can compare with it. And throughout scripture God clearly speaks of the incredible value of the various relationships we are blessed with.

How does God give you power to get wealth in Bible verse? ›

Deuteronomy 8:17-18 New International Version (NIV)

You may say to yourself, “My power and the strength of my hands have produced this wealth for me.” But remember the LORD your God, for it is he who gives you the ability to produce wealth, and so confirms his covenant, which he swore to your ancestors, as it is today.

What does God want me to do with my wealth? ›

God's intentions for wealth and prosperity

God desires that His children use their wealth and prosperity to bring about positive change in the world. He calls us to be good stewards of the resources He has entrusted to us, using them to bless others and advance His kingdom on Earth.

How do I pray to God for wealth? ›

Prayer for abundance:

"Dear God, I pray for abundance and financial prosperity in my life. Please bless me with the resources and opportunities to achieve my financial goals and provide for myself and my loved ones."

How to get financial breakthrough from God? ›

By the grace of God, by His provision, and by good stewardship, we can deal with any debt within our lives. The enemy never wants us to give and sow into the kingdom of God because that also breaks the curse of debt and brings prosperity. This is why we must always invest in things that has eternal value.

What are the 4 pillars of wealth creation? ›

The journey to prosperity encompasses four essential pillars: Acquire, Protect, Growth, and Pass it Along. Acquiring wealth is the first crucial step. It involves setting financial goals, diligently saving, and making informed investment decisions.

What are the five direction God of wealth? ›

“The five directions” refer to east, west, south, north, and the center, which implies that you can gain fortune wherever you go. Wu Lu Shen, also known as Wu Lu Cai Shen (God of Wealth of the Five Directions), is commonly referred to in the south as Lu Tou Shen (God of the Smooth Path).

What are biblical keys to prosperity? ›

TAKEAWAYS: 6 Keys to Ensure Biblical Wealth and Prosperity

Seek God in Everything- Always seek to please God and delight in His ways. Seeking His guidance and will in your life allows Him to guide you and bless you. Seek Righteousness- Always seek to live an upright life and you'll be blessed because of it.

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Key Takeaways

Strategies for building generational wealth include investing in education, financial markets, and real estate, and creating and preserving assets.

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Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.