Funding Rates: What is funding rate & why does it matter for your startups in India? - CoffeeMug (2024)

Funding Rates: What is funding rate & why does it matter for your startups in India? - CoffeeMug (1)

As a novice to the cryptocurrency world with little or no exposure to crypto investments and funding, you might ask, “What is the funding rate?” Periodic payments to traders that are long or short are based on the difference between perpetual contract markets and spot prices. Since these perpetual contracts never really settle, exchanges need a mechanism to ensure that future prices and index prices converge on a regular basis and this mechanism is called funding rate. Depending on open positions, traders will either pay or receive funding.

Crypto funding rates ensure that there is no long-term divergence in the price of both markets by making sure it is recalculated numerous times a day. Many future traders don’t understand what is funding rate is and why the fee is so high. Hopefully, this article will shed some light on the ABC’s of the funding rate and trading. Having said that, it is always advisable to get help from an expert, before venturing into unfamiliar territory and running into financial trouble. An AI-driven platform such as offers the perfect business landscape backdrop to connect with investors and corporate leaders adept at assisting with trading and funding rate.

Before proceeding with setting up a startup, it is important to understand what determines the funding rate?

Components of funding rate

The funding rate consists of two components namely the interest rate and the premium. Usually, the interest rate is fixed at let’s say 0.03% daily and 0.01% per funding interval with the exception of some contracts where the interest rate is 0%.

During periods of high volatility, the price between the perpetual contract and the marked price may vary. In such scenarios, the premium may increase or decrease accordingly. These are funding rate indicators. A large spread ensures a high premium and a low premium is indicative of a narrow spread between the two prices.

At times when the funding rate is positive, the price of the perpetual contract is higher than the marked price. As a result, traders who are long pay for short positions. In contrast, a negative funding rate indicates that perpetual prices are below the marked price which means that short positions pay for longs.

What effect does the funding rate have on traders?

Now that we have explained funding rate meaning, let’s move on to how it impacts traders. Funding calculations consider the amount of leverage used and funding rates may end up having a huge impact on one’s profits and losses. A trader that pays for funding may incur losses with high leverage, and get liquidated even in low volatility markets. It must be kept in mind that funding rates are essentially designed to encourage traders to take positions and ensure perpetual contract prices are in line with spot markets.

What is the subsidy rate?

This is a form of trading that allows you to purchase an asset with leverage at a known, pre-determined price, usually futures-futures trading which has a maturity of anywhere between one month, six months, or a year after which you will be compelled to liquidate your position irrespective of whether you run into profit or loss.

Funding rate plays a major role in the futures market

Funding rate can have an effect on merchants as well. Because of the existence of financing fees, the price on the futures market will be close to the spot price and this prevents traders’ predictions from being skewered by market differences. The financing fee is not popular with many people but its existence is necessary for the futures market.

Bear in mind the fact that, when the market is too ‘excited’ or ‘scared’ the pressure to pay funding fees is high and you need to take this into account when creating your position. The existence of funding fees also serves to create some funding fee trading strategies that will help to generate significant profits.

Apart from the above, it is imperative to understand what the funding rate says. The financing rate correlates strongly with the mood of the traders; when the market is bullish, the funding rate is usually positive, and the higher the rate, the more excited the market is. On the downside, if the funding rate is negative, most traders think that the market is going to fall. However, this is just a guide and the crowd is not always right in this regard.

Almost all crypto derivatives use a funding rate mechanism to ensure that the contract price is in line with the index price at all times. The financing rate fluctuates as the price rises or falls and this is dependent on various factors. In addition to this, financing rates vary from exchange to exchange and in some exchanges, this figure is consistently high, while in others it can be considerably lower.

This is largely due to the difference in transaction volumes between these exchanges allowing investors to easily arbitrage on exchanges that permit easy switching between spot and future markets. As a result, the difference can be quickly eliminated.


Remember, is an AI-powered networking platform equipped with a highly qualified team of analysts, incubators, accelerators, and mentors with diverse backgrounds. With the help of a vast global network and resources, has successfully managed to support a number of startups through multiple rounds of funding, adding significant value at each stage.


Q. What does high funding mean?

A. The financing rate can be used to gauge trader sentiment toward the market. Positive financing rates indicate that traders are willing to pay a premium to keep their long bets open.

Q. What is a perpetual funding rate?

A. The funding rate is made up of regular payments made between traders. These payments are paid to keep the price of the perpetual futures contract close to the spot market asset price. Depending on the exchange, the financing rate is determined in a variety of ways.

Q. What does it mean when the funding rate is negative?

A. If the funding rate is negative, traders who hold short positions must pay the funding rate to those who hold long positions.

Q. How do you interpret the funding rate?

A. Positive funding rates indicate that long-term traders have the upper hand and are willing to pay funding to the short-term traders. Many traders are optimistic because funding rates are positive. Negative funding rates suggest that short-term traders have the upper hand and are willing to compensate long-term traders.

Funding Rates: What is funding rate & why does it matter for your startups in India? - CoffeeMug (2024)


Why is funding rate important? ›

Thus the funding rate in crypto futures becomes the primary force that is used to converge the prices of the perpetual contract and the underlying crypto asset. This is important because, when comparing traditional futures contracts vs perpetual futures contracts do not have any expiration date.

What is the funding rate? ›

The funding rate represents the difference between the mark price of the perpetual futures market and the index price, which is equivalent to the spot market of the underlying asset. The funding rate ensures that the funding mechanism aligns the futures market price with the index price.

What happens when funding rate is high? ›

When the funding rate is positive, the price of the perpetual contract is higher than the mark price, thus, traders who are long pay for short positions. Conversely, a negative funding rate indicates that perpetual prices are below the mark price, which means that short positions pay for longs.

What is futures funding rate and why it matters? ›

Funding Rate: The rate that determines the direction and the amount of the Funding Fee. The Funding Rate is based on the price difference between a perpetual futures contract price and the spot price of the underlying cryptocurrency.

What is the difference between interest rate and funding rate? ›

funding costs are the interest rates paid to savers. lending rates are the interest rates paid by borrowers.

What happens when funding rate is negative? ›

A negative funding rate tells us that the crypto perp's price is lower than the spot price, and you'll earn funding fees by going long.

How are funding rates determined? ›

Funding is calculated like an interest rate, and is determined by a funding rate that is adjusted algorithmically based on the price of the underlying & market prices for the Perpetual. The main driver of the rate is how far the Perpetual's market price is from the index price.

How do you interpret funding rate? ›

Positive funding rates indicate that long position traders are dominant and are willing to pay funding to short traders. Positive funding rates imply that many traders are bullish. Negative funding rates indicate that short position traders are dominant and are willing to pay long traders.

How do you calculate funding rate? ›

How are Funding Rates calculated?
  1. Funding Rate (F) = Premium Index (P) + clamp (Interest Rate (I) – Premium Index (P), 0.05%, -0.05%)
  2. Interest Base Index = The Interest Rate for borrowing the Base currency.
  3. Interest Quote Index = The Interest Rate for borrowing the Quote currency.

Is negative funding bullish or bearish? ›

Exchanges offering perpetual futures charge funding rates – or costs – of holding long (bullish) and short (bearish) positions to keep prices tethered with the spot market. A negative funding rate indicates that shorts are dominant and are willing to pay longs to keep their bearish bets open.

Why does funding go negative? ›

When funding rates are positive, it means that long positions are paying short positions to hold their positions open, and vice versa. Negative funding rates mean that short positions are paying long positions, indicating that there is more demand for short positions in the market.

What is a capped funding rate? ›

A capped rate is an interest rate that is allowed to fluctuate, but which cannot surpass a stated interest cap. A capped rate loan issues a starting interest rate that is usually a specified spread above a benchmark rate, such as the federal funds rate.

Is futures better than equity? ›

While futures can pose unique risks for investors, there are several benefits to futures over trading straight stocks. These advantages include greater leverage, lower trading costs, and longer trading hours.

Why are futures more risky? ›

Futures tend to be riskier as they are directly aligned to the asset prices and their volatility. On the other hand, Options react differently to the underlying asset price movements and allow you relatively more time to manoeuvre and curtail losses.

Why are futures high risk? ›

One of the chief risks associated with futures trading comes from the inherent feature of leverage. Lack of respect for leverage and the risks associated with it is often the most common cause for losses in futures trading.

Do investors prefer higher or lower interest rates? ›

Lower interest rates make big-ticket items cheaper for both businesses and consumers. Businesses take advantage of lower rates to invest in expansion. Consumers borrow more and buy more, justifying more business expansion.

Do investors like higher or lower interest rates? ›

Investors and economists alike view lower interest rates as catalysts for growth—a benefit to personal and corporate borrowing. This, in turn, leads to greater profits and a robust economy.

Why do investors pay higher interest rates? ›

Investment home loan rates and fees are typically higher than owner-occupier mortgage rates. This, in part, is due to the increased risk that accompanies property investors in the eyes of lenders.

What is positive funding? ›

Positive funding rates indicate that long-term traders have the upper hand and are willing to pay funding to the short-term traders. Many traders are optimistic because funding rates are positive. Negative funding rates suggest that short-term traders have the upper hand and are willing to compensate long-term traders.

What is the perpetual funding rate? ›

The purpose of the funding rate is to keep the price of each perpetual market trading close to its Index Price. When the price is too high, longs pay shorts, incentivizing more traders to sell / go short, and driving the price down.

How do perpetual futures work? ›

One of the main differences between perpetual futures contracts and traditional futures contracts is that they do not have an expiry date, which means that traders can hold their positions for as long as they want without worrying about settling the contract on a specific date.

What is a good funded ratio? ›

If your funded ratio is above 100% — congratulations! — you should have enough assets to fulfill your spending goals, assuming no extreme or unexpected events occur. If your funded ratio is less than 100%, you may need to re-evaluate your plans.

What is an example of a funding fee? ›

To give an example of a typical scenario, for a $400,000 home purchase with a 5% down payment, the homebuyer would pay a ​​$9,200 funding fee. The funding fee applies only to the loan amount, not the purchase price of the home.

What investors are bearish? ›

An investor who foresees a market-wide dip in stocks, bonds, commodities, currencies or alternative investments like collectibles, is said to be bearish because he or she anticipates a sustained and significant downturn.

How do you tell if a stock is bullish or bearish? ›

The main difference between bullish and bearish is an attitude or belief in relation to the stock market. A bullish person acts with a belief that prices will rise, whereas bearish investors act with the belief prices will fall. Patterns and trends in major stock market indexes are often described in bullish vs.

Which is good bullish or bearish? ›

Although some investors can be "bearish," the majority of investors are typically "bullish." The stock market, as a whole, has tended to post positive returns over long time horizons. A bear market can be more dangerous to invest in, as many equities lose value and prices become volatile.

Has the Fed funds rate ever been negative? ›

The underlying purpose of raising or lowering the rate is to maintain stable economic growth. Currently, the Fed has not set a negative interest rate, although the target rate sits at 0-0.25%, as low as it possibly can go without turning negative.

Is positive funding bearish? ›

Positive funding rates are often associated with bullish market conditions. Negative funding rates are often associated with bearish market conditions.

What does lack of funding mean? ›

Lack of Funds means that there is a current or projected deficiency in the funds to maintain current or projected levels of staffing and operations.

What does longs pay shorts mean? ›

When the price of the perpetual is above the index, longs pay shorts because there is more demand for longs. When the price of the perpetual is below the index, shorts pay longs because there is more demand for shorts.

What is the funding rate for Bitcoin? ›

Conversely, during a bearish market, the funding rate is usually negative, with short traders paying fees to long traders. In general, the maximum upper limit for Bitcoin funding rate is 0.375%, and the minimum lower limit is -0.375%. There may be some variations between different exchanges.

What is a perpetual contract? ›

What Are Perpetual Contracts? A perpetual contract is a crypto futures contract without an expiry date. Like a futures contract, a perpetual contract is a derivative that derives its value from the underlying crypto asset. Contract is a derivative that derives its value from the underlying crypto asset.

Which is better futures or options India? ›

Which Is Riskier, Futures or Options? A lot can depend on your risk tolerance, but generally, futures are riskier than options.

Which is riskier futures or forward? ›

There is more counterparty risk associated with forwards as opposed to futures, which are less risky as there is almost no chance for default.

Which is safer margin or futures? ›

Margin trading increases your potential for both gains and losses, making it riskier than trading without leverage. In contrast, futures contracts are legally binding contracts where you commit to buy or sell an underlying asset at a future price. You can go long or short on futures based on your directional bet.

Why do people lose money in futures? ›

Trading against the trend, especially without reasonable stops, and insufficient capital to trade with and/or improper money management are major causes of large losses in the futures markets; however, a large capital base alone does not guarantee success.

What is the weakness of futures? ›

The major disadvantages include no control over future events, price fluctuations, and the potential reduction in asset prices as the expiration date approaches.

Can you lose a lot of money with futures? ›

Because of the leverage used in futures trading, it is possible to sustain losses greater than one's original investment.

Can you owe money in futures? ›

Unlike more traditional financial products, a futures contract can lead you into debt. Traditional financial investments, such as stocks and bonds, have front end risks.

What is the difference between commodities and futures? ›

Futures are a type of financial derivative in which you agree to buy or sell a certain asset at a certain price at a particular time in the future. Commodities are a type of asset representing fungible goods, such as oil, iron ore, or wheat. Commodities are usually traded using futures.

Can you exit a futures contract? ›

You can choose to exit your index futures contract before the date of expiry if you believe that the market will rise before the expiry of your contract period and that you'll get a better price for it on an earlier date.

Why is funding important in entrepreneurship? ›

Give businesses credibility in the market

Funding, whole and sole, leads to an upped credibility factor which results in businesses getting more customers, better loan rates, and hiring support.

How is funding rate charged? ›

The funding rate is calculated by considering the interest rates for both trading pair currencies and the Premium Index. The calculation either yields a positive (longs pay shorts) or a negative (shorts pay longs) funding rate.

Why is funding so important for startups? ›

Startup funding is the money a business uses to start or support a new business. There are many different types of funding. Startups use these funds to cover marketing, growth, and operating expenses to launch the business.

How to find investors for startups in India? ›

Reach out to angel networks such as Indian Angel Network, Mumbai Angels, Lead Angels, Chennai Angels, etc., or relevant industrialists for this. You can connect with investors by the Network Page.

What is the government funding for startups in India? ›

Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana is a government scheme in India aimed at providing financial assistance to small and micro enterprises enterprises. The scheme offers loans up to Rs 10 lakh to eligible startups and entrepreneurs. One can apply for these government schemes online through their respective portals.

How is overnight funding calculated? ›

How is overnight funding calculated for each market? For each day that a cash CFD position is open on a stock index, adjustments are calculated to reflect the effect of interest and dividends (if applicable). Cost currency is determined by the currency of the underlying asset for CFDs.

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Name: Arline Emard IV

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