How We Raised $119,227 for Charity in 2 Weeks: Fundraiser Recap and Tips - Melyssa Griffin (2024)

Hey friends! You may have seen that a couple weeks ago, we launched our first, big fundraiser to benefit an organization called Pencils of Promise. That fundraiser ended up exceeding my expectations (we raised over $100k!), and I’ve been getting a lot of questions from people about how we made it happen in only two weeks.

Psst: If you want to see the aftermath of this fundraiser, and what this money helped us build, click here!

How We Raised $119,227 for Charity in 2 Weeks: Fundraiser Recap and Tips - Melyssa Griffin (1)

This post will break down everything we did, from how we chose our charity, to the various strategieswe usedto hit our goal.

If you’ve ever been interested in hosting your own fundraiser or finding ways to give back with your business, this post is for you. 🙂

I always knew that I wanted to create a business that was built on philanthropy. In the future, one of my goals is to have a foundation where we can provide money and grants to non-profits and special causes. So, hosting this fundraiser was a no-brainer, and something I’ve wanted to do for awhile.

While trying to decide which non-profit we’d raise money for, I stumbled across Pencils ofPromise. PoP’s main mission is to increase literacy in places that need it most.

They do this by building schools in impoverished and often rural areas around the world. They also train teachers and provide things like sanitation trainings.

There are SO many causes I want to give back to, but as I thought more about it, it dawned on me that education solves (almost) everything. When people are educated, independent, and empowered,they can solve so many other problemsin the world.

I also used to be a junior high/high school teacher and now teach online courses, soeducationis important to me, and I knew it was something my community could rally behind.

Plus, Pencils of Promise has a tangible goal for donors: For every $35,000 you raise, one school will be built in Ghana, Guatemala, or Laos (you pick).

I knew that having something tangible would likely encourage my community to donate because they had a specific goal in mind (build three schools), rather than something intangible (raise $70k for an organization to do whatever they want with it).

We hosted the fundraiser on Generosity (here), which is a lot like Kickstarter or IndieGoGo, but for charities. It allows you to add prizes/tiers depending on how much people donate, which is exactly what we wanted to do.

At each donation tier, I offered different courses, software, and products that people could get when they donated. Each tier was “stacked,” meaning that if you donated at one particular tier, you would get all the prizes in the previous tiers, too. This created some awesome deals, especially at higher tiers.

Lastly, I agreed to match donations, up to $20,000, which provided a little extra incentive for people.

Overall, our goal was to raise $70,000 ($50,000 from my community and $20,000 from me) in two weeks in order to build two schools in Ghana.

Hell yeah! There’s always a bit of uncertainty in launchingsomething newbecause I have no idea how it will turn out.

We’ve done course launches that have earned over $400,000, so I knew it waspossible, but those launches were for specific courses (easier to market one thing) and theyoften have a lot of “bells and whistles” (like more webinars, more emails, fancy sales pages, etc).

I also worked with the Pencils of Promise Campaign Manager, Susie, who provided some stats from past campaigns. She said that most fundraiserstake one month to hit their goal (I had originally planned to do ours for one week), so again, I was nervous!

We ended up extending the fundraiser to last for two weeks — longer than my original plan, but still only half of what Susie suggested.

Looking back, the crazy thing is that we DID hit our goal of $70,000 in one week.

We still kept the fundraiseropen for two weeks in total to see if we could raise enough money to build a third school (which would have been $105,000) and we surpassed that, too.Man, just writing that sentence makes me feel so grateful.

Also, I was honestly a little nervous about donating $20,000 of my own money. As a kid, I didn’t have much money, so I sometimes still see this mindset creep out that “everything will go away.” It’s unrealistic and silly, but this was definitely the biggest donation I’ve made, so it was there.

Though, as I saw people in my community rally behind this cause and donate their own money, all of my fears went away and I was reallygrateful for the opportunity to donate my business’smoneyto such a beautiful cause.

Funny story: I quit drinking caffeine and had been caffeine-free for a few weeks by the time the fundraiser rolled around. On the morning that I made my donation, I decided to live a little and get a decaf latte.


I made the $20k donation and was feeling SO excited and filled with adrenaline. Later I realized that I was actually on a major caffeine high from the latte I drank earlier.

While hitting the “submit” button on my donation, I was supercracked out and basically told myself,“I SHOULD DO THIS ALL THE TIME, I FEEL GREAT! WOOHOO LIFE YEAH!” It was the best. Caffeine, man.

Overall, two of the biggest things that made a difference were treating this campaign like a launch and offering some sweet incentives. But let’s dig deeper into the things that made this fundraiser work so well, and what you can do if you ever want to host a fundraiser of your own.

1. I hosted a free online webinar.

The webinar was called “5 Mindset Shifts I Had to Overcome to Grow My Business and Find Inner Happiness.”This topic was personal development-related, which was a bit different from the more “business strategy” webinars I usually teach.

Prior to the webinar, we were riiiight at about $69,000 — almost our original goal. That was pretty perfect (and unplanned) because I think the webinar watchers felt even more excited about donating, knowing that they were helping us reach our $70k goal right then and there.

I taught the webinar like a normal class, but during the pitch at the end, I told them about the fundraiser we were hosting and shared the various prizes they could get if they donated. I sent everyone to our fundraiser page if they wanted to donate.

By the end of the webinar, we had hit somewhere around $78,000, so it totally made a difference!

And also cool: a lot of people said that this was one of their favorite workshops I’ve ever taught. I got pretty vulnerable about my past experiences with anxiety, depression, pressure from family, and how all of those things affected my business (and how I overcame them). It seemed to resonate with a lot of people, and that made me so happy.

Want a copy of my webinar slides (including all the info I taught and what my pitch looked like)? I’m including them as a free download, which you can get by clicking the button below:

Click Here to Get the Slides!

2. Isent 6 emails throughout the two-week launch.

This ended up being the perfect amount of emails and wasn’t so many that people seemed bothered or anything.

A couple of the emails introduced the fundraiser and told people about the Fast Action Bonus (see #6 below). A couple other emails invited people to join the webinar. And then the final two emails reminded people that the campaign was ending soon.

Also, this post alludes to the fact that we raised $119,000 in two weeks. While that’s true, a big reason why we were able to hit our goal is because I’ve been growing my email list for the past two years.

So, the fundraiseremails were sent out to about 115,000 people, making it much easier to hit our goal(and also a reason why we didn’t have to send toomany emails).

3. Ischeduled social media posts to go out on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram frequently.

I think we scheduled two posts to Twitter each day, one to my Facebook page, and then a few scattered throughout the launch onto my Instagram and inside my Facebook group.

My designer, Jillian, also whipped up some gorgeous images that we were able to use on social media. Here are a couple examples:

How We Raised $119,227 for Charity in 2 Weeks: Fundraiser Recap and Tips - Melyssa Griffin (2)

How We Raised $119,227 for Charity in 2 Weeks: Fundraiser Recap and Tips - Melyssa Griffin (3)

4. I reached out to all of the influencers I knew, asking them to promote.

I made a list of manyof the “influencers” I had some sort of personal relationship withand that had an audience of their own. But I only really reached out to people that I felt close enough to to ask them for a favor without a benefit for them.

Whenever I reach out to people to collaborate, I try to make it mutually beneficial. This campaign wasn’t really going to help my partners very much, which is why I didn’t reach out to everyone I know (because asking for too many favors without a benefit is not a good way to build relationships with people).

Overall, I reached out to 38people and 34agreed to promote the fundraiser (felt so good that almost everyone was into the idea!). Not all of them ended up promoting (we did send reminders, but people get busy), but we definitely had a good chunk of partners who promoted the fundraiser on their social media and in emails. It was amazing!

To make things easy for our partners, I created swipe email copy (that they could send to their list), swipe social media copy, and plenty of images they could use.

5. I reached out to some of my favorite companies to donate prizes.

After deciding on the different tiers of prizes, I was stuck on what I could offer at the $10 donation tier, since I didn’t really have anything that fit the bill.Instead, I ended up reaching out to three of my favorite software companies: Teachable, LeadPages, and ConvertKit, all of whom agreed to donate a free month for anyone who donated at least $10 to the fundraiser (new users only).

They were all totally on board and it was a perfect fit. Teachable even donated their Profitable Teacher course for anyone who donated at least $100. So freakin’ generous.

I collaborate with each of these companies pretty frequently, fromspeaking at their conferences and online summits to hosting webinars and challenges together. I think it’s always a good idea to have a select few companies that you love and promote often, rather than promoting a zillion companies that you never have the chance to build a connection with.

6. I had a “Fast Action” Bonus and “Launch is Ending” Bonus

Susie, the Pencils of Promise Campaign Manager, said that it’s typical for fundraisers to raise 30% of their goal in the first three days of their campaign. For us, that would have meant raising $21,000.

In order to help, I offered a Fast ActionBonus, which expired on the third day of the campaign. We sent out some emails and promotions to remind people that the bonus was expiring, which worked really well.

Toward the end of the fundraiser, we had raised about$85,000 in total. It was far enough past our original goal ($70k) and close enough to the next tier of building a third school ($105k) that we decided to do whatever we could to hit $105,000.

So, on one of the last days of the campaign, I introduced a new bonus course that donors could get if they donated at least $10 to the campaign.

That choice, combined with the final day of the campaign (the last day of a launch is always the biggest) pushed us past our goal and helped us hit $119,000.

Now that you know the things that helped…what about other ideas that fell by the wayside? Here are a couple things we wanted to do, but didn’t have the time or energy to create.

1. Create a “sales page” video.

We didn’t have a ton of time to prepare for this launch, and my team was already working on stuff for a launch we’re doing in March, so they didn’t have much extra time to devote to the fundraiser either. That meant that things like a campaign/sales page video never came to fruition.

Kenny, who’s on my team, even planned out a sweet storyboard with one of our friends who has worked on other fundraisers, but we just weren’t able to create the video fast enough. Next time fo’ sho!

2. Host Facebook Lives.

I actually had it in my schedule to do several Facebook Lives throughout the campaign, but I ended up doing zero. I honestly wish I had done at least one — just something to look back on — but it’s all good. I do think that if you host your own fundraiser, Facebook Lives or some sort of video would totally help.

I definitely think that anyone can host their own fundraiser, but if you’re doing it for your business, it would help togrow a little communityfirst (doesn’t need to be a lot of people). You can also set smaller financial goals to make it even easier to hit your target. For a fundraiser to be meaningful, it certainly doesn’t need to be big!

Offering prizes for my fundraiser worked really well, so if you have digital products (i.e. no cost to ship/create), then this could be a great avenue for you. You can also match donations, too, though that’s not really necessary.

And in case you’re wondering, yes, our own sales decreased slightly during the fundraiser. Compared to the same period in the previous month, we made about 15% less money while the fundraiser was active. But at the same time, we still made 85% of our normal sales!

Just wanted to throw that out there in case you’re worried that hosting a fundraiser will mean that you won’t make money while it’s live. You may make a little less, but it won’t be devastating. 🙂

Some other ways that you can give back with your business?

1. Donate a portion of your income each month. Super simple. It could be 1% or 10% or any number you choose — everything counts.

2. Set up a Volunteer Day (or do itsolo by yourself).If you have a team (even if they don’t live near you), you can organize a Volunteer Day where your team all goes out and volunteers somewhere near them. You could even do this with your community! (Hint: This is definitely something I plan to do with you all in the future!)

3. Donate a portion of income from your launches. This is pretty popular amongst entrepreneurs: they will donate a portion of their launch income to a certain cause, and will often tell you this on the sales page to get you pumped about the fact that some of your payment will go to charity. This is something I want to do, too. I love the idea of having certain products donate to certain charities, too.

Donating always helps me see the world through the mindset of abundance. Even if you don’t feel like you have much to give right now, giving a few dollars to causes that matter to you can make a big difference.

In fact, almost 800 people donated to our fundraiser and there is NO way we would have hit our goals without each of those people. There were people who donated $1 and others who donated $1,000. It doesn’tmatter the amount — I am immenselygrateful for every single dollar and donor that helped to make this possible.

You’ve all reminded me how powerful we are in a community, and how much more I know we’ll collectively give and do over the coming years. <3

Oh! And next year, we’ll actually get to travel to Ghana for the inauguration of one of the schools. I’ll record a lot of videos so that you can actually see what you’ve helped to build. 🙂

If you have any questions, just holler down below. Know of any other good ways to donate time or money with your business? Leave a comment — I’d love to hear ’em!

And as an extra thank you, and as a way to honor the people who donated, I’m listing each donor’s name down below. I appreciate each of you wholeheartedly.

Nataliya E Borener, Jennefer Barua, Damon Malkiewicz, R Kawamoto, June Kinloch, Angela Babb, Martine Anthony, Alisa C Couchman, Cassandra Padgett, Rebecca Ann VanDeMark, Tracy L Jackson, Yin Chang, L K Batchelor, Andrea Holmes, Selena J Soo, Marina Bakreshova, Monica L Braatz, Kaitlyn Crow, Lisa Ingeme, Rayna C Neises, Kellee Tarum, Kasey J Kesner, Amy S. Greylak, Erin Singleton,Anne Russell, Bonnie Waldron, Kimberly D Hart, Sheryl Coe, Lana Studley, Nadine Liverpool, Ashley L Perry, Donna Jenkins, Christine Li, Kristen A Caldwell, Janet Morehouse, Xiyu Hu, James A Herman, Andrew Berg,Livia Cheng, Kimberly Ryan, Leah Gervais, Carmen V Houge, Stacey C Edgar, Andrea Nordling, Gilbert M Leigh III, Alexandra Mittermayr, Scott Boyd, Sarah Scriven,Pavel Knishevitskiy, Pamela Lopez, Miss J Petrovich, Alejandra Hoyer, Kirsti A. Dyer, A Turcot Brochu, Shawn Gage, Sandra Griffin, Diandra Armitage, Haley Dodds, Debra L Baker, Michel Reavis, Natasha Thrower, Summer Price, Cynthia Ortiz, Wendy Goldthorp, Stephanie M Mora, Valerie S Leyva, Elizabeth Dickerson, Paul Potter, Ruth, Kristina Malidovskaya,Tina Quade, Jennifer Wesolowski, Tori, Jonathan Cortez, Erin Ludwig, Elinor C Rezk, Danessa Knaupp, Sena Wheeler, Sydni Craig-Hart, Katrin Rippel, Barbara Boss, Susan Velez, Connie A Williams, Irene Danielle Becker, Tamara Lynn Poff, Ashley K Bassoppo-Moyo, Amy Hayes, Patricia Thies, Ryan Cooley, Esther Morenikeji, Geoff Pritchard, The Primal Force LLC, Ma Stesha F Jorge, Kristen N Fowler, Michelle Lee, Sapna Sehgal, Laura E Mapstead, Jeanne Daniels, Elizabeth Petrone, Julie M Dusold, Maura jensen, Tracy Pang Xue Qi, Nkechinyere Esan,Teresa Vall, Sarah K Rogers, Mak Yin Fun, Aurelie Akre-Deschamps, Jennifer K Barry, Julia Seward, Nina kolari, Miss Rejoyce M Thacker, Cheryl A Bannon, K HStibbs, Lela Texeira, Roxanne Nepomuceno, Donna Recchione, Julienne Hajdu, Clarissa M Fatkin, Mrs S A Ingram, Raj Hayer, Pierce Anthony, Miss S Davidson, Mariah Hick, Jessica Hietala, Kerry L Tripp, Sean Morris, Treva Marshall, Chris Humphrey, Charlene Roberts, Kate Creevey, Gwynne Curry, Jessica Hendriks, Tom Hart, Paola Miget, Karen Free, Jaslin Sulaiman, P Allison-Nichol, Maxime Marboeuf, Melanie Hanson, Michael Chardavoyne, Petila Thomas, Patricia K Gambill, Ruth Dommenz, Rebecca Jacobs, Maribel Jimenez, C.M. Hegge, Amanda Mollindo, Maria Walcott, Keenan Rayford, Laura George, Tarsha McCrae, Felix Agalaba, Amanda Cameron, Celeste Davis, Daniel Elizalde, Laurieanne Nilo, Christi Shuppe, Linda M Thompson, Keri Vandongen, Angela OBrien, Linda M Thompson, Ashlee Johnson, Amira S Ameruddin, Seshu Badrinath, Desta Golden, Kealah D Parkinson, Elizabeth Clarke, Daria Bunting, Robert Muller, Mary Annarella, J ACarter, Stephanie Randall, Elizabeth Fuller, Natalie Moncada, Charelle Spence, Xu Liu, Catherine Horton, Candace Futch, River Benson, APritchard-Gordon, Emma A Raven, Mae Gene, Cindy Pfitzmann, Dickon Kent, Elizabeth Devlin, Parker Stevenson, Ildiko K Costello, Rachel Lubchansky, Silvia, Cristina Ponce Marti, Chrissette Antonio, Sandra L Pawula, Nerissa K Morgan, Gwen E Ames, Laura McKinlay, M Raiford-Holland, Heather Figi, Leslie Stahlhut, Luke Fabish, Hannah McDonald, Elsa, Mora Horberg, Shana Allen, Elizabeth Bowen, Kaelynn Davis,Joyce E Joneschiet, Brianne Kirbyson, Wendy Clark Bowers, Monica Edwards, Zandra Zuraw, Kathryn Pelon, Christine A Griffin, Angela Fry, Marie A. Francois, Adriana Adarve, Alexandre Carriere,Richelle Hanna, Kathleen Robinson, Ellen T Scherr, Kateryna Sindyakova, Jenna L Soard, Mary Beth Rohaly, Kim Fredrickson, Clara Nartey, Ade Okelarin, Sabina, Christine DiDomenico, Donna Thornal, Jessica L Craddock, Jacquelyn M Parker, Krissa Ancell,Kelly L Pemberton, Candace Cox, Tegan S Ficken, Sabrina Wojnaroski, Teresa J Brown, S. Boujemaaoui, Mariah Secrest-Comer, Chris Swemba, Daniel T Deffenbaugh, Joanna Waterfall, Yetunde Taiwo, Alanna L Rush, Tamsen E Taylor, Lisa Stentvedt, Leslie Blake, Indra L Frohring, Wendy A Bryant, Aukele co*ckett-Askew, Amber Roettger, Breann Moss, Iren Engeset, Jill Lee, Janet Ogidi, Sneha Jhanb, Alesha Dunkley, Jennifer Goode, Amanda Domenech,Kerri L H Carlile, Brittany Berger, Kery Maddox, Holly LaRochelle, Sarah De Witt, Jennifer Dages, Dallas D Tavers, Forward Thinking LLC, Cara Bernhauser,Laurel M Eastman, Chelsea Pierotti, Dalila Asha Stitz, I R Robertson, Sandie Ortiz,Sheryl E Coe, Caroline Crawford, Natasha Ward, Londyn Jackson, Stacey B Randall, Elyse N Moretti, Lara M Dill, Rossitza Popova, Aarin Jacobs, Catherine E Chung, Hannah Osborn, Rita Graving, Amber Harder, Krystel Leal, Lori Leugers, Zachery Hansen, marie Mertzweiller,Samantha Bresnahan, Nathaniel E Boyle, Kristy Empol, Amrita Madhusudan, Mark E Rogers, Antonia Tovar, Emily Stowell Clark, Colleen Pastoor, Jennifer Williams, Aimee A Carvalho, Xenia Ferraro, Dylan Frank, Rebekah Edminster, Yvonne Derkx, Vanessa Libby, Samia Al Rahmani, Naomi Stein, Brianna K. Ebanks, Jill McIntyre McCrystal, Iman El Huni, Kathryn D Roberts, Chelsea Damon, Stephanie Delussey, Elisabeth Koren, Amanda Bucci, Stacy, Miroslava Dekic, Dawn Zangerle, Daniel K Hunt, Linden Turner, Mag. Susanne Schwameis, Inna Bergal, Luisa Zhou, Michelle Robblee, Rebecca Williams, Caroline Guntur, Carolee A Flatley, Lisa Coleman, Beth Schwamberger, Louis Valsaint, Shirley Liu, Tamar Maryon, Kristine Dugan, Frances Friel, Jessica Wayman, Shawna Ainslie, Celeste Cano,Alison Whiteley, Londya, S A Taylor, Sarah B Moore, Stephanie Uchima, Theresa M Cantley, Karen L Diaz, Brittney Lopez, Ria, S A Priest, Alison H Craig, Gina Perano, Jessica Castaneda, Tremayne Consulting, Rebekah J Gienapp, Gwendolyn L Evans, Candice Avrich, Galanda A Bryan, Christin Cieslarski, Luke R Pancoe, Amy Bullock, Nikolay Simov, Bridget Gleeson, Tanja A Warwick, Erik Douds, Jessica B. Do, Ashley G. Clark, Heather Christian, Aleida L Lane, Rachel Wang, Kristine Werre, Karen Soto Andujar, Peter Connor, Natalie Leon, Veneta Sakaliyska, Humaira Tasnim, Teagan Alex, Gina R Bender, Kelly Mann,Latasha A Peterson, Briana Morrison, Lance E. Ogren, Ellen T Scherr, Teodora Zlamparet, James Conyers, Stephanie BwaBwa, Rosalynne Fluty, Mindi Ridgeway, Cheryl Woodman, Kayla M Lyon, Zane Angeli Saria, Katherine Hart, Tahir Iqbal Khan, Nicole Foster, Julie M Workman, Tiffany Ashdown, Courtney Johnson, Glenda F Strom, Tristan Kelsey, Gregg Sugerman, Clare Absolon, Letitia Campbell, Allison Clough, Michaela R Powers, Kip Deighan, Kristine Scheufele, Simone Nandaa, Nancy L Hillis, Laura Perez Mayo, Virginia Gause, Beata Mielcarek, Cami Nuttall, Sandrine Akre, Clara Nartey, Kalli R Holzwart, Viveca L. Hanson, Michelle S. Blitchok, Sabadac Mihai, Tiffany Barksdale, Carmen L Ehmry, Susan Kelly, Taylor Cumming, Marina Stanojevic, Mitchell Graves, Loida A. Otero, Brenda Griffin, Lashawn G Henighan, Annie Chin Taylor, Vicky Assarattanakul, Jacque Sorenson, Susan M Frost, Anna McNaught, Lisa Spychala, A Jackson, Christina Korn, Denise Wong, Agnieszka Bomba,Kristi Andrus, Debra Hewitt, Kerry Tracy, Alejandra Hoyer, Tammy DeShaw, Nancy B Booth, Andrea Bannister, Kathryn Therese, Angela Sampayo Llorente, Ngoc Tran,Sandra Mangis, Jasmine Bass, Sirinya Bishop, Summer Price, Marina Snyder, Virada Chatikul, Valerie Staal, Andrea Amezquita, Kia Benion, Sheri C Berke, Jana Smith, Rebecca L Jones, AnnaWithLove Photography, Carla Radke, Destry D Pethtel, Janiece Colon, Claudia Enid Gonzalez, Ana Agrrat, Christi Cooper, Mary A Werden, Jessica Sword, Hope Williams, Bruna Miranda, Wendy Bryant, Amber Kinney, Abby L Martin, Alice Chen, Carla-Christine Biesinger, Tracie, Lauren Harden, Sarah Peden, Amber Magus, Stacey Harrison, Bethany Howarth, Lori Culwell, Jillian Dretzka, Rebecca Klein, Bradley J Slater, Rebecca M Ickes, Marilou Tetreault, Jason Van Orden, Christi Shuppe, Suzanne Harford, Ylayn Ousley, Karen A. Ferguson, Angela Rosseau, Erica Stein, Neil Paulvin, Helen Halligan, Jamie Y Cavanaugh, Chelsea Jenkins, Cynthia Ortiz, James Wedmore, Kimberly Costa, Jessica Huang, R Kawamoto, Kathleen A Leavitt, Abeer Al Balushi, Ximena F Serna, Christa Potter, Heather Perine, Tracy A Miller, Alexandria Rosario, Tied 2 Teaching, Sarah-Daye Hand, Whitney N Neer, Eva E Casey, Megan Richards, Heather Neff, Gail M Collins, Shelley Kitching, Pial Khadilla, Ursula Bauerle, Helen Hung, Juliet Nacua, Susan Stanewick, Sandra Scaiano, Denyse Seah
Helena Alkhas, Stephanie Indio, Rachel Rouhana, Dr S Ajaib, Paul Kim, AR Phillips, Madison Fichtl, Julia Samwer, Sam Shaw, Carrie Ellen Hanna, C Brown, Kathryn E Rudey, Kirsten Kizziar, L Ledsham, Anthony J Ongaro, Hannah OReilly, Cynthia M Cole, Audrey Yeats,Nicole M Jackson, Staci Belcher, Aurelie Akre-Deschamps, Ian R Meyers, Alyssa Smith, Kimberly Arnold, Tunbridge Insurance, Michelle Lockey, Fiftarina, Amanda Mouttaki, Oneisha Lee, Shirley Lim, Heather Lammers, Judy Lieu, Stirling Freeman, Hilary B. Primack, Garin Etcheberry,Rika Kanaoka-Villasenor, Lisa Simpson, Patricia K Gambill, Jessica J Phillippi, Chelsea D Blake, Emily Stowell Clark, Kristie S LeBeau, Jaime Thompson, Samantha Kaplan, Amanda Daley,Phat Chiem, Vanessa Vance, Victoria L Gonzalez, Ashley Hampton, Alice Kuipers, Andrew Warby, Joshua M Proctor, Danielle Reeves, Sean Morris, Michelle Ann Westbrook, Kaylene M Pritchard, Jennifer Olson, Ramky A Gracia Toro, Deana Welch Dale, Jeffrey Terrell, Irina Nikolayev, Julienne DesJardins, Melissa Manuel, Erin Patterson, C D Siqueira, Britney Elise Darmanin, Jennifer Pilkington,Michelle R Halpern, Bruce R Brown, Michele M Cook, Sarah M Leonardi, Jennifer OConnor, Jacqueline Sinfield, Marianna C Lazzarino, Phiona Nguyen Pham, Benjamin Stein, Awungjia Foretia, Rachel Klobucher, Candice Ruppert, Esther Kim, Laura Sedgwick, Dawn Wang, Tonya Jean Miller, Jordann Thoman, Ryan L Norton, Julie Jacques Wiggins, Deborah Thompson, Lana Studley, Amy Pryce, Barbara L Apkarian, Jennifer Bailey, Lydia Borja, Debra Cilento, Adrianne Flinn, Carol Morgan, R E Purdey,Alicia Berberich, Paula G Clark, Olivia Heyward, Paigon Davis, Tim O’Halloran, Andrea M Yagui, H Bibby,Samuel J Hong, Laura Kraemer, Nicole Culver, Anita Demla, Naya Scarbrough, Patricia McKenna, Svend Oldenburg, Jennifer Browne MacIsaac, Scott Enslin, Stacy Whittemore, Tracie Kendziora, Melyssa Griffin, Vicki L Huffman, Jennifer Colvin, Kimberly S Romano, Kathleen Carpenter, Sarra Bittmann, M P Kelly, Sahony Ramos, Catherine Chung, Veronica Brunet, Maria Kuzmiak, Gale Lennard, Keshia M White, Johanna A Owenby, Guenevere E Morr, Madeleine Pelletier, Jomana Siddiqui, Kenny Azama, Teela Bigum, Togzhan Jumagulova, Brittney Lynn, Jacquelyn M Parker, Michelle Langley, D M Hogg,Stacie L Cassada, Seema K Bharwani, Michele DeKinder-Smith, Lea M Wood, Catherine Brown, Andrew Hubbard, Laavanya Satyaketu, Kharisma Ryantori Sommers, Karen Smallcalder, Marius Flugsrud, Samia Al Rahmani, Veronica Zapp, Jennifer A Nascimento, Megan Thomas, D Waring,Maria Murillo, Heather Owen, Franciele Pasqualon,Lindsey Aleson, Victoria E Wallis, Jenna Drew, Avani Miriyala, Dr. Janelle L Briggs, Brian Lee, Jamie Hess, Awilda N. Rivera, Meryl, Sokole Dorey, Louise Shanahan, Adam C Hagerman, Jenny Sheridan, Rebecca C Ziegler, Candace, M Coclough, Kimberly Clark, Kelly Shea,R S Brogan, Monique Koch, Angie S Gensler, Denise L Reed, Vanessa Petit, John Quick, Clara Chung, Gina R Gould, Heidi Guldbaek, KSM Cutler, Vimala M, Melitta Campbell, Darragh Paddy, Falk,Amy Stevens Adams, Laurie Zottmann, Tonya Melendez, Jenna Jozefowski, Veronica Caro, Brooke M Banta, Barbara L Holbert, Zachary Luburgh, Leslie Stahlhut, Stefanie Faceira, Sheila Sheffield, Rebecca Ginther, Linda A Hahn, Diane Ziff, Margaret Makewell, Alexandria Rosario, Kwame Bryan, Xenia Ferraro, Lisa M McKay, Kirsten Larsen, Adrienne Luedeking, Tahlia Meredith, Mary Gabel, Tom Spudic, Taylor Rowan, Madeline Osman, Matilda J Begley, Aretha L. Grant, Mary-Anne Jones, Antoinette DiPronio, Melanie Paul, Lani S McGuire, Rhonda Malcolm, Jennifer Evans, Allison Braun, Marina Snyder, Allison L Mathis, Cori Strong, Rachel S Keco, Kim Miller, Jenafer C Lindh, Anu C Khanna, Emily J. Clark-Nimz, VAology, Jennifer Gomes, Fabiana Paolini, Meredith Pannett, Amanda Cross, Diana Jensen, Michelle Martin, Allyssa Barnes, Franciska Šore

How We Raised $119,227 for Charity in 2 Weeks: Fundraiser Recap and Tips - Melyssa Griffin (2024)


How much does GoFundMe take on a $100 donation? ›

How much does GoFundMe charge for a $100 donation? GoFundMe, a for-profit company, applies a 2.9% payment-processing fee for each donation and an additional 30 cents per donation. To illustrate, if a campaign raises $1,000 through ten donations of $100 each, GoFundMe would collect approximately $32.

How can I raise large amounts of money for charity? ›

How to Raise Money for Charity: 6 Proven Ways (Tips Included)
  1. Start a Crowdfunding Campaign. ...
  2. Encourage Matching Donations. ...
  3. Sell Event Tickets Online. ...
  4. Use Raffle Games and Sell Products to Raise More Money. ...
  5. Fundraise During Giving Days. ...
  6. Invite Supporters to Raise Money for You.

Do you have to pay taxes on money donated through GoFundMe? ›

Donations made to personal GoFundMe fundraisers are generally considered to be "personal gifts" which, for the most part, are not taxed as income in the United States. Additionally, these donations are not tax deductible for donors.

How much of a cut does GoFundMe take from donations? ›

There's no fee to start or manage your fundraiser. However, to help us operate safely and securely, one small transaction fee (2.9% + $0.30, which includes debit and credit charges) is deducted per donation. For more information about fees in your country, check out our pricing page.

Can I fundraise for myself? ›

Yes – you can absolutely fundraise for yourself. You can use individual fundraisers to gather donations for just about any cause, as long as the money goes where you say it will. You can also fundraise for another individual or on behalf of a nonprofit or another cause.

What is the fastest way to raise money for a non profit? ›

If you're looking for a more modern way to raise money, crowdfunding may be the right option for you. With crowdfunding, individuals can donate money to their nonprofit online through platforms like Kickstarter or GoFundMe. This is a great option if you're looking to reach a large audience of potential donors.

How to fundraise $100,000? ›

Long-standing common wisdom shows that you'll need at least one gift equaling 10% of the total. The next two should equal 5% of the total, etc. So, to reach your goal of $100,000, you'll need at least one donor to give a minimum of $10,000.

How to get people to give you money? ›

  1. Give transparency into details about your story. As the saying goes, honesty is the best policy. ...
  2. Be specific in your ask. ...
  3. Create a sense of urgency. ...
  4. Be thoughtful in your outreach. ...
  5. Use text messages and email to your advantage. ...
  6. Make it easy to donate. ...
  7. Try other creative ways to ask for donations. ...
  8. Show gratitude to your donors.
Feb 15, 2024

What is the 3 to 1 rule for fundraising? ›

When planning the year's activities, PTAs should use the 3-to-1 Rule: There should be at least three non-fundraising programs aimed at helping parents or children or advocating for school improvements, for every one fundraiser. Fundraising should involve as many members as possible and be fun.

What events raise the most money? ›

Photo shoots, concerts, markets, performances, street fairs, and movie viewings can all be great fundraising events. Be creative and think outside the box! Make sure your ideas are relevant to the community and the people you want to attract. The main point is that they're fun for attendees.

Which billionaire gives the most to charity? ›

Here are the billionaires who give away the most money, according to Forbes
  • Warren Buffett. Warren Buffett has a lifetime giving of $56.7 billion. ...
  • Bill Gates and Melinda French Gates. ...
  • George Soros. ...
  • Michael Bloomberg. ...
  • MacKenzie Scott. ...
  • Jim and Marilyn Simons. ...
  • Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan. ...
  • Steve and Connie Ballmer.
Mar 5, 2024

Why does GoFundMe charge 15%? ›

In place at GoFundMe since 2017, The Tip amount is meant to support the platform itself, covering operational costs and enabling the platform to continue to deliver its services. The platform adds 15% at checkout. Yes, you read that correctly, 15%. It's the default amount they ask of donors to cover site fees.

Is there a better option than GoFundMe? ›

Other important factors to consider when researching alternatives to GoFundMe include ease of use and reliability. We have compiled a list of solutions that reviewers voted as the best overall alternatives and competitors to GoFundMe, including Givebutter, Donorbox, Classy, and Fundly.

What are the IRS rules for GoFundMe? ›

According to IRS guidelines, you should report the money you receive from GoFundMe on your tax return as "other income." This means that it should be reported on the "Other Income" line of your Form 1040.

What raises the most money on GoFundMe? ›

The Official George Floyd Memorial GoFundMe receives more donations than any other fundraiser in GoFundMe history.

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Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.