Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

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THE STATE REPUBLICAN VOLUME 50 LANSING MICH THU BSD AY' JANUARY 27 1S9S NUMBER 22 BOLD HIGHWAYMEN Pair of Novices Worked This City Last Night SUCCEEDED IN HOLDING UPTHREE LONE TRAVELERS the southwestern part of the city with out finding them Keith had $80 in his pockets when the hold ups assault ed him The robbers are booked at the city jail as Cotie aged 19 Toe Reidy aged Their gun was taken from them At 8 this morning Cotie was playing cards orr top of the in the city jail with Mahoney Morrisey and Curry three tramps convicted yes rday of stealing and sentenced to the house of correction He was bold and busy day for the decorators caterers and managers of the affair It is an ticipated that a large number of per sons from this and adjoining cities in eluding Grand Rapids Port Huron Jackson Owosso Detroit and Mason will participate and a large number of I the military students and the faculty of A will be in attendance The i armory will be decorated by Bissinger and every effort is being put forth for the success and beauty of the ball At 8:30 the reception will be given and at 9:30 o'clock the grand march to be led by Prof and Mrs Sedina followed by the governor and his staff 'will announce the dancing hour Sov I era! of the wives of the members of the staff will be in attendance including Mrs Terrell and Miss Terrell and Mrs Ruhl of Jackson Reserved seats for the balcony are on sale at Alsdorf But They Were Captured and Are Mow in Jail THEY GAVE THEIR NAMES AS JOE REIDY AND RED COTIE unconcerned Reidy was in the depart ment and clung to the seclusion of his couch He was formerly employed in this city at the Royal Grand barber shop a year ago when Graham was proprietor He roomed with Gra ham for a time and the latter lost $53 from his trousers one night Reidy was suspected and irnpiiry was made at Battle Creek about his reputation drug store GIVE THEM THEIR CHOICE 1 tlias ilizcn will lm Nothing in the Way of the leclrle Hallway At the council meeting last Tuesday evening says the Gratiot County Jour nal Geo Stone submitted a proposi tion asking the council to grant a fran Helly a Harber and Worked Here a liar Ago al the lt)al Grand Sliup lliu vl' 'Ihl'lr ticliin Gait Sn ul a Reidy and red Cotie two young nn with a wild west ambition but with little discretion are in jail They became Marshal Sanford's guests at an early hour this morning after giving three well known Lansing citi zens a pretty fair imitation of holding throe mon up for their valuables Reidy is a very tall cadaverous look ing individual and Cotie is of small stature the long and short of it Reidy is a barber from Battle Creek and was formerly employed Imre while Cotie is said to hail from Saginaw Vern Bundy Charles Keith and Jo sef Rix are the three citizens the foot pads selected for victims but in Lundy the limn caught a tartar who in turn caught them assisted by Keith and the two are very much heroes inday Young Iiindy who is 19 years old and the son of Special OfTieor Dundy was crossing the Shiawasse st bridge1 11 o'cha last night when he met a short man and tall num who held him up ami relieved him of $2 or $3 in change all the money he had story of the robbery and the events leading up to the capture of the highwaymen is interesting He said: "1 was going to my home at 2 1 Dnrch st north and when near the east end of the bridge in the center of the last arch 1 met the men They said some thing about hands which I did not un derstand and one of them swung his arm through mine and threw the other around my back 1 thought it was one of the boys 1 knew Rollin Mack a friend on the east side who was fool ing with mo and shouted for him to get off my back ho tall man said to the short one 'Bull the gun on "Wlinu they had gone through me the tall one said 'Go through him for his gnu so lie get back at they released me 1 walked to Cedar st to from gro cery to police station but the store was closed and 1 went to the 3 depot and while talking with the police head quarters noticed Patrolman Rowell and walked up Michigan ave to pnlim headquarters We took one man on suspicion on Michigan ave but he was released ami a man whom we saw en ter the Hotel Wentworth was suspect ed but was accounted for by Clerk Moyer to Officers Scott and Rowell went with these two officers to all of the hotels and lunch counters ami at last started for the Grand Trunk depot alone When I was a block am! a half away saw the two men walking along tinder the electric light by the Lansing House They were coming down town and I steered clear of them and tried to get into the hotel to tele phone to the police camo down town ahead of them by a circuitous route watching all the people who came under the electriclights When I struck the Hotel Dow ney I located them in the block be tween Kalamazoo and Washtenaw sts "I put a hack man on the watch there and soon met Officers Brown Scott ami Backus Wo crossed over to the cast side of Washington ave and the fel lows run right into our arms near Nor ton's hard ware store They gave us a talk about finding furnished rooms but that didn't go 1 was bothered at first because tile little fellow's mustache was gone It was a false one you see: but I knew him by his derbv and over coat Wo took the tall fellow's shoe 'and went where they tried to hold up Keith It fitted the tracks exactly" Young Rix who had been practicing with the orchestra met the two men at at the comer of Chestnut and' Kalamazoo sts The little fellow held the gnu and the tall man went through him When they stopped him they said: "Ilcri1 young fellow what have you Rix said "I've got nothing" The tall man said: "Hands up" and the young man complied until his hands became fearfully cold He had mere ly some rings which they put back in bis pockets and released him Twenty minutis laur Chas Keith was going to his home at 207 Walnut st and was met by the robbers in front of the Congregational church on Allegan st I 'roni their suspicious ac tions Keith says he knew that they were going to tackle him The little fellow kept looking around to see if the coast was clear while the tall oneuric straight at him When they met the tall one said: "Yon fellow but Keith gave him time to say no more He gave him the Bob itzsim mons famous solar plexus blow It doubled the fellow up and feith did rot stand on but ran to his house where he piocnred a rifle and went after them He met Officers erris and Moore and they hunted over Word came back that he was all right: hut some time afterwards when lie had Iff the city it was learned that he was detected stealing $10 from a boy and has since been arrested at Battle Creel: for petty thieving Mr Graham and others called at the city jail and found Reidy making his toilet At sight of them ho began to cry and got behind the curtains "I thought you would get behind the said Graham to him thioughthe wicket no reason for saying that said Reidy next all said Graham Keith Dundy and Rix were in Chief Sanford's office this forenoon when the two men were brought in and in terrogated and fully identified them Cotie said without hesitation that his name was red Cotie and that he came from Saginaw Monday and met Reidy at his home in Battle Creek Reidy said he met his friend in Chi cago eight weeks ago and had been with him most of the time since City Engineer Davis took snap shots of the prisoners in the city jail this morning Joe Reidy red Cotie John Mahoney James Monahan and Robert Curry were brought out separately by Tiirnkev Druinni and made to toe a mark by Chief Sanford Officer Star inont made a complete description oi the prisoners one for said Cotie to All Davis when he toed the mark 't he Battle Creek Journal of yester day contains an account of a hoid up Battle Creek Tuesday night that bears all the ear marks of having Men done by Reidy and Cotie who arrived here last evening from that city The Journal says that two men one tall ami one short held up lalbcrt Ash ley felling him to the ground and snatching his watch He rallied from the stunning effect Of the blow ami struggled to his feet whereupon the fellows ran without searching his pockets feet insulted RECEIVERS OVER ACTION YES'! MEETING sav wii I IGHT IAIN POSSESSION Receiver oster says that the banks will not accept the proposition made by the Central Michigan Agricultural society to settle $19 CK worth of debts for but that the banks will light to a finish first think I made the society a fair proposition yesterday but ns thev seem inclined to tight our claim I guess it means a tight They will be compelled to do the lighting though We have the deeds and are iir possession of the propeity If they don't think we have any legal rights there they better try to get us A May of the Ingham County bank who came in at that moment said: "We are willing to do almost anything that is fair to avoid a law suit but if those people are after it we'll give them one that will make their hair stand on end" The Republican talked with a num ber of business men this morning and all deprecate tire fact that a settlement cannot be reached It was hoped that all differences would be adjusted ana the association placed in position to give a fair this fall think the business men of Lansing could well af ford to raise I he $2000 and put the Cen tral Michigan society in possession of the grounds: lull 1 know what that means It just means that a few of ns will have to stand the whole sum and then the whole town will get a benefit when the fair is Messrs oster and May were very warm this morning over action and it is very doubtful if they will ever make the society as good an offer again as was made yesterday or even go into another conference we had accepted their proposition to take life membership tickets in pay ment of our continued Mr os ter "the society might have found it selt in a very embarrassing position Those tickets could be placed advan tageously and the new blood thus in fused into the society could outvote the old members at any stage of the game and could do about as they pleased with the property" CLEAT SOCIAL EVENT Will be the tlilitsirj' Kall and He eeplioii tt liicl: I Armory Tomorrow Nitrlil The greatest social event in the his tory of the Governor's Guard will occur tomorrow evening at which time the company will dedicate its new armory in the Sanford block and give a swell reception and ball in honor of Gov ernor and his staff All the arrangements for the affair have now been completed and tomorrow will be a chise allowing the new electric railway the right to pass through Ithaca The proposition was referred to a commit tee of three consisting of A Brown II Orbison and Theo Ryckman It is thought best to give the company the privilege of choosing from several different streets so they can select those they may deem advisable when they come to survey their line We think there is no further doubt of the road's being built as the movements now on foot give every assurance that is a DECIDED TO PAY THEBAJiKS $1000 CENTRAL MICHIGAN SOCIETY WILL SETTLE ON THAT BASIS Itathcr 'ilan Have a la rail That was llse Ih clMon Steal hvl at Il's All the Old Ollie ei Were lie elected Ai the meeting of the Centra Michi gan Agricultural society yesterday the special committee Woodco*ck Abraham Aber and Harley Ingersoll reported a proposition to issue 92 life membership tickets in the usual torm to the bank receivers in return for a quit claim of the grounds to the so ciety Receiver oster representing the bank receivers was not inclined to ac cept the proposition and it did not come to a vote A iong recess followed and while the committee was again in consultation Mr oster was called away When the committee came in Secre tary Warner offerr a substitute to the report It was virtually a resolution authorizing the officers of the soiiety io settle with the receivers for a sum not to exceed $1500 and empowering them to mortgage or sell a portion the grounds It was also resolved that this action should not be construed as an acknow ledgement of indebtedness to the banks It was stated that Mr oster had before he left the meeting said that the ri reivers would take $2000 and call it square Geo Davis said it seemed singular tli at any member should acknowledge that the society owed the banks a dol lar The banks accepted from the State society and simple took their chances of getting more oiu of the Cen tral Michigan oi tc He did not think the banks had anv legal claims The sentiment expressed by many oi the meinbfis coincided with this view It was claimed tiiat the ground had been deeded to the State society with the provision that if the state fair was not held there the grounds were to re vert to the Central society They de clared that the state fair ran in debt to the three failed banks ami now this fair association as asked to pay it President Whitnev said how ever that there was proport there that the Central society had not bought and in equity' and justice the banks had a claim Abraham Aber moved an amend ment that the amount paid the receiv ers be $1 boo Geo Davis offered an amendment to that making the sum $5ii0 Mr amendment was lost and Mr amendment prevailed The resolution as amended was then adopti 1 Throughout the entire meeting the question of the priceof life 'member ship tickets and single admissions bob bed up serenely The talk was pro longed and frequent A $10 member ship rate and 25 cent tickets were ad vocated High prices were said to be detrimental to the fair people went to cheaper ones Pome caution about losses from low prices however the meeting was upon the point of adjourning Benj Miller moved that life membership tickets be sold at $10 Woodco*ck moved an amendment making it $15 which was adopted "What about 25 cent admission tick shouted a member Ben 13 Baker moved a resolution which was adopted leaving it to the board of directors to decide as to sin gle admissions Officers for the ensuing year are as follows Whitney Secretary Warner Treasurer Woodco*ck Board of Managers Wm Bates Portland Ionia county Dills DeWitt Clinton county: Geo Colby Shaftsbnrg Shiawassee county rank Green Olivet Eaton county Mm I Ball Hamburg Divingston county La favette Harris Eckford Calhoun coun ty Amos "Wood Mason Ingham con nty i President 'Whitney will call another meeting of the society as soon as it be comes necessary CO NEW HOME It Will Be ormally Dedicated Tomorrow Night WITH A GRAND GALL AND RE CEPTION TO 60V PINGREE Guard is exclusively a produc tion of Dansing manufacturing insti tutions contractors and merchants and should not only be considered with pride by the members of the company but every citizen as well The grand dedicatory' reception and ball to be given tomorrow evening in honor of Governor Pingree and staff will be one of the most brilliant so cial events of many years in the capitol city RESULT THE STORM Handsome Apartments are in Readiness for the Occasion Trains Collided at enwick Because They Could Not See Other A Greenhoe of Sheridan a wit NOTHING HAS BEEN LET UNDONE TO MAKE IT A SUCCESS Every tiling lias Keen Carefully Plau ness in the case against Claude Hum phrey arrived in this city yesterday afternoon with a severely sprained arm and hand the result of a railroad col lision at enwick Mr Greenhoe left his home soon after the terrific storm began Tuesday afternoon and when his train airived at the latter place they became snow bound and telegraphed their trials more serious as they could not see the train and collided with it Ilescri ptioa Horne oi Crack JSilitarj tin liiimteM Biiet' ahead for help Two engines were uni I sent to their assistance but only made Coiupanj This evening will mark the comple tion of the new armory' of the Govern Guard and tomorrow evening will occur the dedication which will open one of the handsomest and most per wrecking the engine and one car of the passenger train Mr Greenhoe was standing up in the car and was injured by a fall when the collision occurred Several other passengers were similar ly hurt CAUSE fectly appointed armories afforded by any military' company in the state The new quarters include the entire second and third floors of the Sanford block and are of such ample dimensions that they seem qualified for the many af fairs of magnitude constantly occur ring in the social world After climbing a very easy' flight of stairs with one landing one finds him self in a spacious hall 11 feet wide at the west end of which divided with an attractive grille work and a balus trade is the cloak room The hall is carpeted with a handsome brown moquette carpet and furnished with luxurious leather chairs and sofas At the left is the ticket office and at the right the ladies toilet rooms which are decorated in ecru The walls through out the first floor are papered in in grain with beautiful borders the hall being iir a mauve shade On the south side of the hall the library drawing room card and billiard rooms are sit uated and extend across the entire front of the building The libraiy js 1 1 vlS feet in size the walls are done in light brown and the carpets are l)rown( background with large flowered pat tern Across the north end is a long book case and the furniture is in leathei Adjoining that is the drawing room 15x24 in which green predominates in the furnishings The walls are terra cotta and the woodwork a lighter shade of the same color Around a pillar in the center of the room from which sev eral lights project is a seat beautifully' upholstered in green tapestry in one corner is an exquisite green velvet di van and several chairs in green are also well arranged about the loom Several attractive pictures adorn the walls and in both the rooms the win dows have lace draperies In tlm 14x24 card room the floor is covered with linoleum and card tables are placed Opening from this is a bil liard room 21x2 1 feet for which new billiard and pool tables have been or dered to arrive the fust of next month Tbe four rooms open into each other with large sliding doors and make a very handsome suite Directly' oppo site these rooms on the north side is a banquet hall done in blue which is 22xC0 fem in size and extends io the rear or the building This room is to be fitted up for a gvmnasium in the near future and is also to be used for the business meetings of the company At the northwest corner of the room a swing door opens into a nicely equip ped kitchen where the large cupboards tnldes open plumbing and even the outside stairway leading to the ground would satisfy themost fnstidioushousc wjfe Year the west end of the recep tion hall a narrow hall leads to the kitchen and upon the west side of this hall are the rooms of the commission ed and non commissioned officers and the bath room which is wainscotted with Georgia pine and fitted out with the many requirements of the room in cluding a shower bath On the east side of the building is a seven foot hall upon the west side of which is the room containing 48 pri vate oak' lockers and the quartermas supply room which is 13x18 feet in size A wide staircase leads to the third floor whor* the immense hall room 01x98 feet consumes the entire floor The room is wainscoted five feel high with southern pine and the gal lery which extends around three sides of the room and has a seating capacity of 250 is constructed of the same wood The floor is edge grain southern pine THE COMING AND WHAT IT I LIES ClIVNCi: TO LAGH AWAY THE IN A WORTHY CALNE is a cake walk any is a question often asked in these days round about 'Lansing Well it is an entertainment as full of fun as a mos quito is of on a June morning! It is rumored that some of high officials with many of her promi nent society' people have consented to compete for one of the four cakes to he offered for "awk or Besides some especially taking numbers will be fur nished by a corps of boys from the In dustrial school Miss rances Patterson of Kalama zoo who lias conducted similar enter prises in various Michigan cities with signal success has been engaged to manage the affair and everybody espe cially people depressed bv the grippe or any' other old disease should be pres ent to enjoy the fun and away the Evmi with a less tempting program the cause a benefit for the Industrial Add societv in its work of helping the poor should serve to till the opera house to its utmost capacity While deeply grateful to the kind friends whose generous gifts have enabled the society to continue its work the time has come when necessity' compels the society to ask the citizens of Lansing one and all to unite in a benefit which shall prevent the' need of further ap peals for this sowon It is earnestly hoped that the generous people oi our citv will respond to requests to buy tickets with something of the same hearty generosity which made the re iT'tit entertainment given by the boys of the Industrial school so grand a sue Ct ORESTERS TO BANQU ET roiirt Exi Ciili i CommUtce lit Hftrr Tohi) The executive committee of the Michigan High Court Independent Order of oresters is in session ibis afternoon at the Hudson House The committee consists of AI Callaghan high chief ranger Reed City Starkweather high vice chief ranger Romeo: Lee Joslyn past high chief ranger City: John Chambers high secret a rv Port Hirnon: Tavgart high treasurer Caro Dr Moon high physician Howell: Macdon ald high councilor Muskegon These officers will meet with Lansing Court No 217 tonight at 7:30 and conduct the installation of a largo class of candidates after which a ban quet will be served at the Hudson All oresters in the city visiting brethren and applicants for membership are in vited and delegations will be present from the following places: Mason Jackson Battle Creek Owosso Grand Portland Lake Odessa Wood bury Grand Rapids lint and Howell Mrs Myron Carpenter of Detroit will lecture at Spiritualist Temple Thurs day night riday night will bo devot ed to descriptions Admission 10 cents Mrs Carpenter is one of the best speak ers and test mediums in the state The finest lot of White Clover Honey in the city at 1 1 S350each 500each 750each We have a few Cloth Capes and the prices are less than one half of their value I lot Jackets form er prices $6 and "5O Choice of all our SS 50 and SlO Jackets Think of it! 25 Jack ets worth SI 5 to S1S They mean that CLOAKS MUST BE SOLD They mean that in the great effort of closing out our They mean MAKE Winter Cloaks CLEAN SWEEP i i of and Jackets Nervy Offers That Demolish Profits The greatest salesman in the world is price and in this final reduction sale tbe prices will sell if prices ever did Of course the cost of making and material is lost sight of altogether JEWETT KNAPP CORNER WASHINGTON AVE AND OTTAWA ST This offerings are sensational They mark the low tide level of prices and that quickly winter stock the question of cost is forgotten entirely golden opportunities for at any to us stock is offered at the bargain table of which we can only give a sample here lot 48c each lot Jackets $148 each 98 each Cough Syrup is sold on a positive guarantee to cure the worst cold or money refunded 25 25 Cents best in the world and cheaper in price than any oihei It costs nothing to try it if it tails to do tlie business Ik Regular Hams per pound 6XC No just hums guoss this price will do tbo business Extract of Beel 2 oz 22c Extract of Beef 4 oz 40c his price is cheaper than beef at a cent a pound Beats paying 50c and klOO don it? 'resh Dairy Butter per pound 14c wo buttpr people or nut? rlliis id what wo wuiit to HdiI out pounds Best Prunes lor 25c When we say 3st prunes we mean it Cheap sauce you think Monarch 1 pound Jams in tins each 5c see why those goods go Gn al value this and will clean up fast at this price ull Weight Bread per loaf 2jZc An ounce or two on a loaf of bread conn's fust that you get full weight as i it 1 ST 8 SHANK CO LEADING GROCERS BAKERS AND CONECTIONERS e2entPofrf Special rices 25 per cent off Opera House ONE NIGHT ONLY THURSDAY Jan27 CHARLES ROHMAN the BrillianLTvomance 1 1 Adapted by Edward Rose rom the Novel by Stanley ryman as per formed for over 3j0 nights at the Empire Theater New York CAST INCUDES Wi liam Morris Giles shine Milton lapman George Taylor Henry lame lal'vm Ihan houser Wil'iam Barnum Lawrence ITank McGlynn Ogden Wight James il laee Erink Walsh Charles Hartley Andrew Leigh Herbert Iwnton Mary Hampton Marie Anderson Marte Moore Lorie Eddinger Olive Crompton 25c 50c 75c and $100 beats now on sale at Hie Opera House Pharmacy Tuesday eb 1 Secret Service day eb 4 Hovt's A lack Sheep Monday ell or air Thursday eb Io Sunshine of I'iradise Alley Wednesday eb Id Shore Acres riday eb Murray A Mack Monday eb al Hoyt's A Stranger in rtdavi eb 25 Yale's Devil's Auction or This Week Only All and Overcoats Ulsters and Reefers At 25 Her Cent Discount fur Cash Only I lie IX MOST RELIABLE CLOTHIER LJ I 5 C5 tZ VX iv 112 Washington Aie north ELECTRIC IXTURES 1 Owing to our getting Hpecial prictH on some largo orders wo aro prepared to equip vour residence with chandeliers and glassware at very low prices or the next sixty days we will make special prices on wiring ami everything in our line See our line of Portable Lampe for electric lights Old Chandeliers refinished and made as good as new All work and material guaranteed satisfactory or no pay asked Capital Electric Engineering Co has considerable spring and is excel lently constructed for dancing The walls are tinted in ecru the steam pipes around the room are gilded and five arc lights hang from the ceiling and will light the room very brilliant ly At the northeast corner is the en trance to the balcony and at the north west corner a small toilet room The platform for the orchestra for the night of the ball is stationed at the head of the stairway and the sounds of the music will pervade both floors The work of remodeling the building for armory purposes was begun the first of October and all the work has been done under the supervision of John Sullivan The steam fitting was done by Samuel Jarvis the plumb ing by Bennett the electric light fixtures were put in by the Capitol Electrical Engineering Co and the dec orating was by Joseph Larose The fur niture was purchased of Buck while Burnham Co laid the carpets Thus the armory of the Gov CD WOODBURY 1OJ WASHINGTON AVENGE SOUTH 2' They conform to the shape of foot instead of pressing foot into shape of shoe Julia Marlowe The Distinguished Actress writes: 46 The shoes arrived and are perfect in fit and com fort I anticipate much comfort and pleasure in wearing them Very sincerely yours JULIA MARLOWE TABER 99 WE WILL BUY BACK at full prices any goods I bought from us that do not turn out as we represent them This is our way of doing business It iea new way and a novel way but it protects you It keeps us from recommending anything to you that we are not sure of It means pure drugs good goods and safety for you It meat to us your good will your confidence and with it i a continually increa ing trade 1 hat is what we are after and that is what we expect to get from i you by thus protecting you from any risk in buying We will be 1 UUUDU 1 BAUER'S DRUG STORE $2 1 i 5 I 7 1 SMk.

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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

Phone: +5819954278378

Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.