The Lansing Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

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THE LANSING JOURNAL MONDAY OCTOBER 24' 1910 was Crullers up All Cakes unday Uneeda Biscuit uniform rank of for the tlii ft word for the aspect at and City he lineup Journal liners bring results HOSE SNAPS YARDMAN from floor DROP Cl rand 10c IS fum in EATON RAPIDS VAN THE GLADMER THEATER SECOND TEAM BEATEN OR Williams Mgr went with CHARLOTTE will be 18 PEOPLE 18 PATCHES Colonial fam Seth funeral our bein''' lamsoii employe from the on open in stril goal Hr week's txt es who Mr PORTLAND WAS TOO AST LANSING RESERVES visitin man i RESCUE BY OWOSSO WHO SAW COALS DOINGS IN MICHIGAN rade was accidentally The bullet plowed through John A Himmelien's Associate Players Including "Winsome Besse Dainty where be plans Holden his dav of Needmore Randal Gildersleeve Eichlershieve person to steep rewning th usual frmctfcm and one Jhat turns on the light In a baitaoom ere recent ideas in thne Vtocee Papal ar Me which lodge Mr Rarick was a mem ber The deceased is survived by a wife and two daughters Mrs Will Mann and Mrs Wright both of party bene All members of Inconsiderate Lawyer (to client) It Is an un heard of thing for yon to murder an old lady for the sake of forty eente! You didn't get enough even to pay your lawyer Sotefl to respond to re orbes of Cim tn this with her parents in thi Mrs William Mrs James county Ohio is in Bryan called by the Opening Bill PRINCESS sustaining a ami other se ed bcme Saturday morning He re turned earlier than he expected be cause of tlm fire which practically destroyed liis home riday afternoon Mr and Mrs Willard Richardson have moved to Lansing where he has hard game at right tackle and made consistent gains through the Owosso line George Conn gave a good ex hibition of bucking and while the individual work in general was good tlie team work was not what it should coal threatened at times neither seemed to have much or One Week Starting Monday Oct 24 A coroner has the case in hand and has communicated with a Rhynerd a farmer of Elm Hall Gratiot county who saj has a nephew living in North Dakota answering to the name and discription of the dead man Berlin Not So Slow In Berlin where much wood fs burned they are not so slow A mo tor truck drives up to a bouse and de livers a load of logs A motor sawing machine rolls up under Its own power cuts with saws run by gasoline the wood into flreplace lengths as desired cleans up the litter and moves on Very little noise agrel 1 7 fatally Ladies ree Mon Night Prices 10 20 30 Matinees Howl Cloak AfltocflsrlMt Ptey ooft mwioot Judge Bowen thinks should know the rules np point where weak They credentials Private Lessons Boxing bag punching club swing ing dumb bell exero es Police Station Gym Bell 1255 Bring IL liendershott Bijou Theatre WEEK OCT 24 Special feature NIGHT WITH THE POETS" with Richard Claye supported by the famous "Night with hte Poets" quartette GEO CROTTY Eccentric Come dian and Dancer RUSSEL CHURCH Character Singing and Dancing NIP TUCK Comedy Acrobats BIJOUSCOPE new subjects Added KELLEY WENTWORTH "The Village Matinees Tues Wed Thurs ri and Sat Thomas Spicer furnished vices a vor Kalamazoo May Not Get the Pennant lint Saturday her future home a good position i a puiicy uui plant of tiro new Bort grabbed the tire goal line Tutte of Denver to visit Charlotte friends Millenbacher is enter mother 1 an Ashtabula to Los Angeles Cal to Rente of Buffalo ightcr Mrs Dr tomght at Castle entertainment and rc Mill OUND DYING 111 BURNING CAR Charlotte Oct John Calister the venerable blacksmith enjoyed a huge shortcake Saturday which was made from three quarts of strawberries that his daughter Mrs May Williams brought here from her garden in Sturgis Altogether she has picked 25 quarts of the precious berries this month which readily sold for 25 cents a quart The firm of Powers Co has been dissolved Mr Powers resuming the real estate business which he merged with the automobile business He will also continue to handle Are insurance Mr Cole will con tinue to run the garage on South Main st The funeral of Charles Rarick the Charlotte carpenter who dropped dead In Eaton Rapids last Thursday morn ing of heart disease was held at the Baptist church Sunday afternoon be ing Id charge of the Odd ellows of We have just picked up at 50c on the dol lar 10 bales of bankrupt hose If vou want to anticipate your wants a few months you can save about half HIGH SCHOOL TEAM DEEATED OWOSSO The Difference "A woman likes to describe to her husband the pretty things she sees in clothes" WellT "But be eee many a harming things tn fall suits that ho never says a wrt about to bls wffo" largely upon the ftmdai pies of the order Spec by tlie cnoir ansing line pall rlnlp nrl acros LOO coal line 1OI second touchdown Toles negotiated rom then on though acn at times neither side Shifting Guilt said clever Jlaung "dMn't you By you would puntah any body that took your preserves 72 ntVKr Haa "Netna wrathfully from The hich school second team to Portland Saturday and was defeat ed by the high school team there by a score 2 to 0 Portland made most of their scores in the first period after which the game was close Urqu hart landers and ulton were the tars for the locals The line up was: Jenkins Beltz Bab bit: Sullivan Van Haleren Gunnison Hedgeion Boyd: I ulton: landers capt Golden Stev ens: Urquhart Saginaw Oct While the South Michigan pennant for 1910 has to all intents and Kalamazoo least there rag will be dent elect Bowen umpires in the a ichs during the Kalamazoo played the Celery team would not have played a si "Tee I said mamma them vevu declared Jimmy She's been taking away me Baltimore American Stinson the three rear old daughter of Mr and Mrs Cf in arm 1 home suffering I while the little toiling coffee on of flesh were the Michigan Central railroad to Lawton act as relief operator A Wvgrant who lias been visit lier husband having in the Buick plant I Spaulding has bookkeeper in Ives' In a game conspicuous by the scar city of now A Otball tlie Lansing high school team defeated th Owosso loam at that Cy Saturday by a score of 11 to 0 "Bull" Green's peso only open ed up one of those new play been handing a triple pass fully four times Spaulding went to At the meetin Jackson a resol asking that £ui of umpires Bowen say any of the li'iu be left after squall has blown over Lansing Lodge No 522 I will give a pedro and dancing riday evening Oct 28 for the a r'trvL rvmmnor in a civn juviMMvt Lodge No 522 are requested to assist in selling tickets said tickets can be obtained from the committee All Odd ellows and friends are invited forged note for $1 Qfotn hank He forged the signature ot red Knapp a well known farmer Traverse City patient in tlie asvhirn for four escape from He made a ANNOUNCEMENT To stop once and for all time rumors to the effect that the ORPHEUM THEATER runs vaudeville This house was opened as a straight motion picture theater and in spite of press notices and individual rumorswill con tinue to show only the highest class motion pict ures of the fireproof variety and approved by the Na tional Board of Censorship New York City making them free trom the critic ism of reformers and others The body of Edward Lacey son of lAcey of Chicago was brought to Charlotte riday for interment in Maple Hill cemetery The lad died early in the summer Icey was formerly one of the most prominent bankers in Eaton county and now is president of a prominent Chicago bank The members of the Ixtrial party returned to Chicago Sunday Mrs Samuel Curtis of Walton township died riday morning aged SO years or 52 years she had been a resident of Walton rhe was held Sunday afternoon children mourn her loss The annual of "hunt" held about the middle of November Dolson and De Coo will captain the two sides and a banquet will be served the bill being footed by the losing side The of "hunt" is quite an important society event in this city Mrs Roxana Coo came today relatives and Mrs Chris tainlng her Standish and Root both of Mrs Elizabeth Drake Ohio where she was sudden illness of a brother Mr and Mrs Ellis are entertaining his brother and wife of Iowa George Barney spent the first part of the week in Traverse City with his son red Mrs Lon Darling of Petoskey is visiting her sister Mrs James Moore Mrs George Mell who hrs been spending several weeks with her par George Spaulding ac'ompan Doolittle i airchilds and daughter returned Sunday trom a visit in Decatur with rela ing cmnpanv of Big Rapids had ship ped a combination corn bean and lot a nlanter mdato digger and flexible roller to this city Saturday business men's association to The different articles will bo ihnrnnelilv and if they gi faction a stock company will be or ganized here for the mamifacture of the implements ami the plant moved from Big Rapids to this city with a bonril bv i broke down the d'VOT his father is Dr Spicer of Tole do liis is Joo Moore returned Saturday from Brazil Ind where he has been work ing efr the Knight Brinkerhoff Piano Co Ito will remain in Charlotte Myron Stone Saturdreto vi Mr and Mrs Henry Post returned Saturday from their farm near Mason where they have been during the sum inis The onchdowns Grand Henry Thomp son a plumber has received worn that ho has fall 'n heir to or an estate of $500000 in Hull Eng land Three other heirs live tn Ham ilton Otd ami one in Chicago He will not give any reason for act Spicer was well dressed am! a man ot an isreni iciukiuvul ire which broke ont on Park ave burned six buildings in WEEK OCTOBER 24 The Oscar Cook Stock Co PRESENTS Klu Klux Klan A Story of the South During the Re construction Days Matinees Tuesday Thursday and Sat urday No Advance in Prices ployee of the Menominee Light Traction company and mounted a pole at the sub station on Parmenter st adjust some difficulty He touched a live wire and was killed in ms simeeeded in rooming house Sunday his breast over razor His groans the proprietor a Detroit drug house nearly taking his life in a morning by his heart wore of the house He says his plumbing shop Saginaw George Piper who tained a fractured skull last in an automobile accident when was thrown from a Marquette ing car into a pile of stones is unconscious having remained since the accident Little hopes held out for his recovery Constable Coleman arrested oh Chrktinn Wester 1 rhareo of to cash a at tne first alleged to have Valuable Aaelat ance Children always love to have a tn the and to wltlv whatever Is going on WImb mother or miraa does everytbtog tiiem they arc deprived of a groat Jaal ot pleasure and will not bo so well Cttod to stroggie for thernfielvqa vbeti th a time tby woulA If they had been aoemstomed to do things for themselves 51 change They should be to be useful and to asstet with any prtparotion that tnty be going on have been The game cowisted of the regula tion 15 minute periods The local lineup was: Polhamns Vandevoort Gordon Bailey Vandervoort Chaddock Mosher: BJIoag: II Cooper Conn Conn the lad's back coming out just below the rib? I II 1 li Menominee Sam Tandre an elec trician and member of a promimmt Menominee family was instantly smashed through th down Trial at go Ro Vai BAKING POWDER I Pom ailing nnlls RoV nati was found dead in bed when the door of bis nxim in the Hotel 'Wood ward was broken open tie having com mitted suicide with carbolic acid He was a member of the Culbano Comed ian company which showed In a loon! theater the last week Ho received a letter stating that his wife wfw dan gerously sick in Cincinnati Later a telegram came to him stating that his brother had died there It is thought that the double shook affect'''! his mind and brought on temporary insanity Miss Edna Lowry visited relatives ar Ann Arbor Saturday and Snow left for Charlotte thi morning to resume his duty as juror from this city during the present term of the circuit court Peter Beasore had the misfortune break one of the bones in the fore finger on his left hand while measur ing up some wood The sewer on Water st was complet ed Saturday and that highway was opened up for traffic that ady Ernest Snow la Buffering from a frog felon in the palm of his left hand The Ladies' Aid society of the Con gregational church meets with Mes darnes George Strank and Brit ten Wednesday afternoon The Ladies' History club meets with Mrs Harry Jenne at her residence on Water st this afternoon The Aid society of the North Eaton church will meet withMr and Mrs rank reer Wednesday afternoon Mesdanes Griffin and Thomas Smith returned Saturday from Bat tie Creek where they were delegates to the State ederation of Women's chibs The Baptist Young union will hold a chicken pi 1 dinner in the Vaughn store building ednesday Regular meeting of the Pythian Sis ters will held at Castle Wilbur Sherman sexton of Trinity Episcopal church was ser iously injured while preparing the church for Sunday services when Le climbed on a ladder to close the trap doors leading into tbe spire which is being repaired While at the top of the ladder it slipped and lie was hurled to the floor broken ankle and arm vere injuries Newaygo i nt vvnrlr nt the I land Cement company bore Lester Cornish a young unmarried man nar rowly escaped being ground to death William Corrigan another employee saw peril and stopped tlm machinery just in time Comish's left arm was badly crushed find his lof leg broken He will probably re eluding a bowling alley empty story restaurant and other places entail ing a total loss of nearly $20000 Ar mon ami Louis Boyajiaji were sleep ing above the store when the fire broke out a Ik udway leap from lives ive ownml by Pokes Garret ochtinan 3 4 inch hi grade Moul Jed lore This is corrugated anti kink 20c regular value 1 2 and 3 8 inch 5 ply 10c 12 2c grades 7 2c 3 8 inch red Gas Hose 4c 3 4 Hard Suction Wc 1 roll heavy corrugated Rubber Matting 9c foot Less than good linoleum the umpires and that is he says they were should have asked for st like any' other sport JIIU llik puva that they were forced to window to surer tneir of buildings were Grover was the owner of he has out to them Tliis was and was used suecctt critically ill at their from burns received girl a pot of herself Particles pulled from the limbs the Masonic home at Grand Rapids Case of Jefferson accompanied Mr Cowden to this city Miss Helen Sheldon a student of the A visited her parents ex Mayor Sheldon and wife Satur day and Sunday loyd Rogers has resigned his posi tion aa electrician at the Bijou theater and left yesterday for Grand Rapids to accept" work in a gasoline engine plant in that city Clyde Raymer of Lansing spent Sun day "with his parents Air and Mrs George Raymer in this city Miss Hazel Ramsey returned to the A this morning after a few days' visi purposes been 'won on iho playing field i a possibility that the awarded otlret 'vise savs that had the ping their bulkier oppr scorinc consisted of two in the first part of the goal The first score came nnd of the first 'period 1 ly but mrely forced the ball to wuh distanco ot the long then called Conn's ing event is obliged to produce be fore they went on the imld ot tne mariiiuts inion was presen' ed of the present staff retained but Judge that he don know that aff of indicatorswill imr Kalamazoo and been for About 4 'J Knights of Lythias attended the ser vices at the Congregational church Sunday morning Rev Claflin gave them an elegant sermon dwelling Eaton Rapids Oct String Ire of Ann Arbor spent Sunday in the city Miss Mary Derby of Lansing spent Saturday and Sunday with her mother Mis II Derby Mr and Mrs Sheldon returned riday from a month's visit with the daughter Mrs Anderson at Minneapolis Minn George Gary left Saturday for HrookRn to visit his son Ralph Mrs Knapp returned Saturday from a month's visit with her sister Mrs Eva Deering at Milwaukee Mrs Stevens returned Satur day from an extended visit with rela tives at Elma Iowa Dr Charles Merkel of Ann Ar bor spent Sunday with his brother John Merkel and family west of the city Miss Hora Osborn of Lansing visited her parents Air ami Mrs A Osborn Sunday Mrs red Newman returned to her home in Grand Rapids Saturday even ing having been called here by the death of her sister in law Mrs Bright Teeter Miss Ina Gobriel visited friends in Dimondale Saturday and Sunday Miss Mary Harris has resigned her position at Mendell's dry goods store loyd Peaco*ck left Saturday for New Dalton where he will spend the winter Earl Christmas of Lansing visited his parents in this city Sunday George Huckle spent Sunday his family in Albion Mr and Mrs Harry Tubbs and ily of Alma visited his brother A Tubbs and family Sunday Jesse Adams of Brookfield visited friends in the city Sunday Mrs John Terry of Onondaga is con valescing from scarlet fever Mrs Van Norsdale left Satur day for Washington where she will spend the winter Mrs Louise Hutton of Lansing is visiting Mrs Effice Sprague in this city for a few days Mr and Mrs Harris left Sun dady morning for New Dalton where they will make their home Mr Harris has extensive holdings in timber lands In the upper peninsula and has gone there to look after them George Raymer is recovering from his recent Illness to such ar extent that he is able to be about the house George Harris of Toledo Ohio is i visting relatives in the city this week James Cowden returned Satur i day from Jefferson where be spent the summer He left this morning foi rs A BMrs Jo! umpires be kept on there have not The iiOU ing provide for mod umpires and contracts wen be handed oJt until tb field is thoroughly sifred I Lamson a northern Michiganears endeavored to third story window rone out of the sheets from his bed and succeeded in reach ing the window sills or uu story when the rope parted fell to tlie ground GO feet Death was instantaneous enfs Mr and Mrs Clem Bliss will re turn this week to her home in Lo Angeles Cal A Roehm has spent the past few dws in Chicago attending the The TOOL MAN OLD NAT SUPPLY STORE Owosso Oct 24 Soon after being taken from an Ann Arbor railroad refrigerator car that hajj stood in tao locafyards for a week Saturday inid richt a man about 2' years old evi dently the victim of suffocation died He was unconscious when found and tire nolico have a theory there wan gotten Mimoiw'is requests have come into iskitig that ceria ii staff I nit been any promises foul play rank Barrow a yrd noticed coals of fire dropUriaio nf the car floor and ing the door saw that a fire had been built inside and had burned a holo in the floor The victim lay near the fire The fact that both doors of the car 'had been locked from the outside caused the suspicions of the police and six hoboes have been gathered in since but all deny any knowledge of the dead man All that was found on tho body was a copper cent and a card from Butterworth hospital Grand Rapids bearing a number correspond ing with that of Raul Rhynerd who was treated at the hospital several weeks ago The hospital authorities do know where Rhynerd's home The accident occurred on ton road near tins ity Louis Stevenson a Ventura farmer paid a fine and cos aggregating $575" tor shooting a val uable spotted hound owned by Albevt Kidding a Holland grocer The dog had been in a fight with Stevenson's dog and while Stevenson was trying to scare dog with a shot the bul let found its way into Bidding's dog Coach Greerfs Warriors Were Victors in ast Contest Saturday Afternoor was from Gratiot county ac so a re Lane shot and norhaps wounded when a 32 caliber riflle in tho hands of George Chapin a coin a Package Qievct od ia NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY resh jn every climate: Hot or ijold wet or dry Adapted to every condition men or poor sick or wcu Suited to every color: White black red yellow Used by every age Childhood youth manhood old age Good at all times: Breakfast lunch dinner supper At work ct And in all places play by day or night Biscuits Hot Breads More Tasty Economical Absolutely Healthful MJ (Hi I I IMl 'tin Vr George i Nelson alitre i years old on HI 1 VjhL 4 gL'MMlL Ml kl Ifl Coi ONJAL VW THEATRE A.

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The Lansing Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)
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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.