Lansing State Journal from Lansing, Michigan (2024)

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6 THE STATE REPUBLICAN MONDAY EVENING AUGUST 18 1902 ROM TWO PENINSOS Rr king GOVERNOR PAID A VISIT SUNDAY TO TROOPS AT CAMP HAWLEY SPANISH VETERANS THIRD REGIMENT RECEIVED MEDALS REVIEW TROOPS TAKES PLACE TODAY Camp Hawley Manistee Mich Aug 18 or a week the camp has had its dragnet out for a second governor and made good unexpectedly Sunday after toon by the arrival of Governor Win field Durbin of Indiana accom panied by his son and Captain Ham mond of the Eighth cavalry A The governor is staying at Charlevoix and ran down for the afternoon Governor Bliss and staff escorted Governor Durbin and party to brigade and regimental headquarters where informal receptions were held There were thousands of visitors at camp during the day a half dozen ex cursions adding big crowds to the throng from Manistee The Spanish war veterans of the Third regiment were presented with their medals by the governor in the af ternoon Major Irvine of the Ninth A well known to Michigan troops and Governor Durbin also re ceived medals The troops did a heap of grumbling over being ordered to go on dress pa rade last evening The army regula tions provide that duty on Sunday be reduced to the measure of strict and the men declared that a reasonable interpretation of this regulation would cut out the dress pa rade In the regular army dress parade te not held on Sunday and the Spanish war veterans forgotten the ealldown received for a parade on Sun day in Knoxville There was much visiting between Camp Hawley and the Yantic all day ather Kelley preached to the Cath olic troops In the morning on and Chaplain Hanks of the Third regiment talked on meas ure of Chaplain White conducted service at the headquar ters of theirst regiment last evening The governor and staff attended the services Sacred concerts were held during the evening in the reading tent and at headquarters There was a general Inspection of the troops In the morning by Inspec tor General Green and Captain Alvord Inspecting officer of the regular army The brigade was declared to be in the finest trim it has ever been The review takes place this afternoon Made Them Confess Cordell Okla Aug 18 A mob of several hundred men took Levi Reed and Bud Wingo outlaws captured re cently in a raid on the Casey Cravens gang from the county jail here late Saturday night and strung them up to trees to force them to reveal the whereabouts of their leaders and to give information regarding their crimes The outlaws finally gave the desired Information and the mob re turned them to jail disappearing ap parently to get the rest of the gang Reed was so badly strangled that he was revived with dlfliculty Mrs McKinley in Good Health Oyster Bay Aug 18 President Roosevelt and family attended Episcopal church Sunday Dr Rixey surgeon general of the United States navy and Mrs Rixey spent the dy at Sagamore Hill They will re turn to Washington today Dr Rixey stated that he had heard from Mrs McKinley within the last three days and that her health was very satisfac tory President Receives Gift Oyster Bay Aug 18 Bishop of Sioux alls Satur day presented to President Roosevelt an autograph letter from Pope Leo to gether with a beautiful masoic picture of the Vatican gardens The letter is In rench and expresses the good wishes "especially at the mo ment when the negotiations of Gover nor Taft having ended in a satisfac tory manner" Train Struck Their Carriage South Bend Ind Aug 18 While Mrs Barney Tenenbaum and three children were driving in this city yes terday their carriage was struck by a Grand Trunk passenger train in stantly killing one of the children and fatally injuring tke other three occu pants The horse became unmanage able and backed in front of the ap proaching train Miss Deacon Denies It London Aug 18 A letter from Miss Gladys Deacon daughter of Mis Edward Parker Deacon appears in the London papers this morning in which the writer asks the papers emphatical ly to contradict the rumors of an al leged betrothal between herself and Crown Prince rederick William of Germany lint Mich Aug 18 Anna wife of red Moyses of 319 Stone street Sunday morning drank several drams of carbo acid as a result of a dis agreement with her husband Her condition is critical The woman is about twenty five years aje Carload of New Potatoes Traverse City Mich Aug George Lardle has shipped the first earload of new potatoes from Bates to Chicago The car contains 600 bushels and 26 cents a bushel was the price paid COUNTY GRANGE RALLIES List of Meetings in All Parts of the State ruit Ridge Mich Aug The following list of county grange rallies to be held at various parts of the state is furnished by Hon George Horton master of the state grange: Mt Pleasant Isabella county Aug 20 Jones Cass county Aug 19 Iron ton Charlevoix county Aug 20 ive Lakes Otsego county Aug 19 Al den Antrim county Aug 21 Lee Lake Calhoun county Aug 20 Stan ton Montcalm county Aug 19 lat Rock Wayne county Aug 23 Alma Gratiot county Aug 27 Lake Orion Oakland county Aug 20 Ypsilanti Washtenaw county Aug 20 Harris ville Alcona county Aug 26 Cedar Grove Muskegon county Aug 21 Clearwater Kalkaska county Aug 26 Newaygo Newaygo county Aug 22 Greenville Montcalm county Aug 26 Cadillac Wexford county Aug 29 Baw Beese Hillsdale county Aug Camp Lake Kent county Aug 20 Lake Nip pissing Lapeer county Aug 26 Sand Lake Lenawee county Aug 23 ree land Saginaw county Aug 29 Olivet Eaton county Aug 21 Thompson ville Manistee county Aug 22 Good rich Genesee county Aug 30 Mas Grove St Clair county Aug 27 Hastings Barry county Aug 22 Reed City Osceola county Aug 23 Carson ville Sanilac county Aug 28 Grand Ledge Eaton county Aug 27 Gilead Branch county Aug 19 Portland Ionia county Aug 21 Caro Tuscola county Aug 28 Lawrence Van Bu ren county Aug 30 Elsie Clinton county Aug 20 Webberville Ingham county Aug 28 Hart Oceana county Aug 22 Edwafda Ogemaw county Aug 20 Tawas City Iosco county Aug 22 Sparta Kent county Aug 20 Grand Rapids Won a Prize San rancisco Aug 18 Awards of prizes In the competitive drills of the Knights of Pythias were made Satur day evening In class A competition Victor company No 8 of Colorado won the first prize of 81500 The sec ond prize of 3800 went to Terre Haute company No 3 of Indiana Vigo com pany No 83 of Terre Haute captured third prize and Kokomo company No 9 of Indiana was awarded fourth prize In class urniture City company of Grand Rapids Mich Capt Moore won the prize also the long distance prize In the class A con tests the judges declared Capt A Duddleston of Terre Haute No 3 to be the best company commander Chautauqua a Success Menominee Mich Aug 18 The di rectors of the Northern Chautauqua company will hold a meeting in a few days as soon as the business of the recent session is straightened up to review the financial part of tve as sembly The assembly was a finan cial success this year and the sudplus will be used to pay off the present in debtedness and for further improve ment of the grounds It Is Intended that the Chautauqua profits every year will be devoted to further improve ments until the grounds are the finest in the west Michigan Pensioners Washington Aug 18 Michigan pensions were granted Saturday as fol lows: Original Thomas East Detroit $6 Increase Reissue Etc Jacob Kryger Grand Rapids $10 William Taylor Muskegon $10 Albert Morton Elm Hall $8 Edmond Burt Pittsford $10 Ira Johnson Casnovia $17 Philip Afton Bailey $10 George A Russell Cedar Springs $10 Charles Dalkey Whit more Lake $8 Richard Hollis (dead) Williamston $2 Widows Mary Laubocli Grand Rapids $12 Noted Swindler Arrested Jackson Mich Aug 18 Detective Tobin has returned from Saginaw with a swindler who has operated in this city Port Huron and Detroit and the story of one operation here Is that of the others He came here last July under the name of "Professor His graft was to pose as a clairvoyant and in this way ingratiate himself into the confidence of vic tims and then get money from them But Little Cholera In Manila Manila Aug 18 Cholera reports show few cases of the disease here but a large number In some provinces The total spmber of cases reported to date is 23636 with 17596 deaths Estimating the cases which have not been reported to the authorities the total number Is believed to have reached 30000 MICHIGAN BRIES Injury Proved atal Henry Mai cho of Stockbridge who was severely Injured three weeks ago by a cow he was leading is dead His neck was hurt to an extent that produced paraly ils Drowned In Bear Lake John Howard aged nineteen son of James Howard claim agent of the Grand Rapids Indiana railway of Grand Rapids was drowned in Bear lake Sat urday afternoon while swimming Transferred to the Goulde The an nual meeting of the Ann Arbor Rail road company was held at Durand Sat urday ana at tne meeting tne property was formally turned over to the uroulds who recently purchased it To Make It a State Park A move ment is on foot at Mackinaw City to convert old ort park pow local Into i state park similar to the one at Mackinac Island and to secure the erection of a monument to commemo rate and mark the spot where occurredne of the bloodiest massacres of In lian savagery June 7 1762 Escaped rom Martin Egan Jlenn and Andrew Updegraff who ere arrested for stoning an Ann Ar bor passenger train near Lucas sev eral days ago and held for trial In rircuit court next October escaped from the Lake City jail at an early tour Batura ay morning ny oreaaing tway several bricks from under one of he windows BOTHA DEWET AND DELAREY MET EDWARD ON HIS YACHT IHEY REUSED TO WITNESS RE VIEW LEET DEWET A BUSY MAN ON HIS TRIP ROM ARICA London Aug 18 The Boer gen erals Botha Dewet and Delarey who reached here Saturday morning from South Africa left London at half past 9 Sunday morning for Cowes Isle of Wight to see King Edward on board the royal yacht Victoria and Al bert The hour of the departure from London was kept secret conse fluently the streets were deserted when the three generals accompanied by their secretaries but by none of the ladies of their party started for Cowes They were stylishly attired In frock coats and silk hats Upon arriving at Southampton the Boer generals were welcomed on board the commander in yacht Wildfire by Earl Roberts and General Lord Kitchener They immediately visited King Edward on board the Vic toria and Albert and were then taken for a trip around the fleet in the Wild fire They returned to London in the evening accompanied by Earl Roberts' and General Kitchener who took leave of the Boers at Waterloo sta tion In an Interview with a representa tive of the Associated Press General secretary described the visit to his majesty He said that when the Boer generals boarded the royal yacht King Edward came forward and after they had been Introduced shook hands with each of them The Boers were highly pleased with their recep i a a fl ft 1 A a 1 VAvUa Altvl Uiivl X11L miUllUal of a nonpolitical character with King Edward they were introduced to Queen Alexandra and Princess Vic toria Brussels Aug 18 The Boer gen erals Dewet Delarey and Botha are expected to reach here tomorrow for the funeral of General Lucas Meyer Enormous crowds viewed the em balmed body of Lucas Meyer Sunday The remains will be taken to South Africa During the voyage from South Af rica General Dewet did not mix much with his fellow passengers He was engaged most of the time in writing his book on the South African war In common with his colleagues snapshot photographs were constantly being taken of him and he worried with re quests lor ins autugriipu uum ue uau to "protest against the nuisance Gen eral Botha on the contrary was ex tremely genial and indulged in all the sports on shipboard He was constant ly in the smokingroom where he played cards General Delarey be sides playing draughts took keen plea sure in discussions with British army officers on board the steamer It is said that General Botha is greatly an noyed that his home at Vryheid has been annexed to Natal The premier of Natal is reported to have offered General Botha a place in the national ministry which the general has de clined The refusal of Boer generals to witness the review of the fleet at Spitshead and visiting King Edward caused great exultation in the press and undoubtedly upset the plans of Colonial Secretary Chamberlain Mr Chamberlain had appeared extremely anxious that the generals should see no newspaper representatives before their visit to King Edward and he ac cordingly caused instructions to be is sued that no reporters be allowed on board the Wildfire or Nigeria while very unusual restrictions were placed on all reporters The general impres sion is that General Botha and his companions declined the invitation to witness the review and see King Ed ward because it came direct from Mr Chamberlain but on receiving the invitation for Sunday they readily accepted Dread of Poverty Caused Suicide Columbus Aug 18 Mrs Isaac Koseruaum committed suicide Sunday by drinking carbolic acid Before the death of her husbanC two years ago Mrs Rosenbaum lived in luxury but her small legacy was soon exhausted and of late she has earned a comfort able living keeping roomers Her dread of poverty led her to remark re cently that she would not face It She was forty years old and hu relatives in Cincinnati Iowa Visited by a Storm Keokuk la Aug 18 Another series of severe lightning and wind storms passed through southeastern Iowa Sunday afternoon doing much damage In the last few weeks more than 100 barns have been struck by lightning near here and more than that nuffiper in southeastern Iowa Many northeast Missouri counties have suffered the same way Thompson Held or Murder Chicago Aug 18 Oscar Thompson has been held to the grand jury by Judge Patton on the charge of having murdered Mrs Anna Bartho lin At the same time John Claffy the old stableman who is better known as was held as an accessory af ter the fact to the murder of Miss Min nie Mitchell Thompson also was held on this charge Indians Acted the Custer Battle Guthrie Okla Aug 18 The retreat of the Cheyenne and Arapahoe Indians from General Custer and his troops was re enacted Sunday by 400 mem bers of those tribes on their council grounds In western Oklahoma The occasion was the annual feaste at which many indulge in their war dances and crow dances socalled MICHIGAN MAN HURT Wreck on Chicago Erie Killed Pas senger and Injured Others Chicago Aug 18 George ar ris twenty one years old of Cave Coty Ky was killed and his brother Daniel arris twenty eight years old of Millet Mich was fatally injured by a nailroad accident at Hammond Ind Sunday They were on a Chicago Erie railroad freight train which wasLanding on the tracks at Hammond when it was crashed into by an excur sion train running on a special sched ule bn the Chicago Indianapolis Louisville road The excursion train had 600 passengers froh southern Ohio and was running forty miles an hour The wris brothers were in the ca boose of the freight train Several' of the excursionists who were painfully cut and bruised had their wounds dressed at theHammond hospital but the hospital attendants did not take their names The locomo tive and baggage car of the excursion train were badly wrecked but the pas senger coaches were hot much dam aged As soon as the tracks could be cleared the excursion train proceeded toward Cincinnatwith its passengers THE SHAH WAS TIMID Had the Ship Go Slow on His Sea Trip to England London Aug 18 Muzaffar Ed Din Shah of Persia arrived at Dover at noon Sunday on board the steamer Empress from Calais At the request the Empress made the trip over at slow speed The steamer was escorted by the British cruisers Gala tea and Immortalite and was greeted by salutes from the batteries at Dover and an Imposing military display The shah is said tos have exhibited great nervousness upon embarking on the Empress at Calais for his first sea trip But he bore the journey well and when Prince Arthur of Connaught boarded the Empress and greeted him the shah smiled and conversed with animation through an interpreter The shah and Prince Arthur walked together through the cheering crowds at Dover to the Warden hotel where Muzaffar Ed Din spent the night coming to London today Big Reception or Taft Manila Aug 18 Governor William Taft is expected to reach here next Thursday He left Singapore straits settlements last riday on board the United States gunboat General Alaya The plans for the reception to be giv en Governor Taft are most elaborate The shipping in the harbor will be dec orated' when he arrives and a proces sion of small craft is to accompany the General Alava up the bay A series of arches are at present being erected along the line of Governor Taft's march from the office of the captain of the port where he will disembark from a launch to Malacanan palace where a reception will be given him There will be a banquet the evening of the arrival The trial of rederick Kerr proprietor and Ed ward editor of reedom who are charged with libelling Benito Le garda a ilipino member of the civil commission was concluded Saturday Judge Ambler will announce his de cision in the case today Street Railway Employes Strike Lafayette Ind Aug 18 The Amal gamated Order of Street Railway Em iployes Sunday ordered a strike on the Lafayette street railway and the Cen tral Labor union declared a boycott against the company Union men on the line quit work The company re fused to reinstate several men who were' discharged and to have any fur ther conference with committees of the union No violence has been re sorted to by the strikers Sent Him Gunpowder Philadelphia Pa Aug 18 An at tempt to kill Robert Pattison form er governor of the state and present candidate for the same office upon the Democratic ticket has been made by persons whose identity Is yet con cealed A package containing several pounds of gunpowder in a concen trated and highly powerful form was sent to Mr Pattison but by chance the powder was not Ignited Terrible Tragedy Muscatine la Aug 18 The decom posed body of Mrs Jessie Tuman was found last night a hundred yards from her home near here and her husband unconscious and with mortal wounds was found on the floor in the house which showed signs of a desperate struggle he couple are known to have had considerable money which cannot be found National Bible Conference Warsaw Ind Aug The eighth annual session of the National Bible conference was opened' at Winona Sun day withl 500 ministers of various denominations in attendance The opening sermon was preached by Rev Wilbur Chapman the director of the conference MINOR TELEGRAMS Prominent Southerner Dead Col onel William A Hemphill former may or of Atlanta Ga and founder of the Atlanta Constitution died suddenly Bunday night Hot in Nebraska Sunday was the hottest day of the year in Nebraska the temperature ranging from 96 to 102 At airbury for six hours it was above 100 and hot winds were blow ing Army Lieutenant Lieu tenant Ralph McDowell of the Twelfth United States cavalry was drowned Sunday in Pinto creek near ort Clark Texas He and Lieuten ant Lusk were bathing when McDowell was seized with crampsand went to the bottom before help could reach him Acquired Opium In a ilspatch from Hongkong the corre spondent of the London Daily Mall says Ngplkao formerly chief consul atSingapore Straits settlements has ac quired the opium monopoly of Canton by undertaking to contribute $1000000 annually towards the indemnity China Is paying the powers NEGOTIATES WITH CHINA 8 SECURES A TARI TREATY WITH THE CELESTIALS BRINGS ACCESS TO VAST MAR KETS THE EMPIRE PRESUMED IT INCLUDES ABOL ISHMENT LIKIN TAX Washington Aug 18 The state de partment has received a dispatch from Sharretts the treasury expert who was commissioned by the state department to negotiate a tariff treaty between the United States and China stating that the treaty was signed on the 15th Inst and that he would sail for the United States on the first steamer The announcement contained in Mr brief dispatch to the state department brings to a successful con clusion negotiations which have been In progress for many months for a tar iff treaty between China and this coun try It was stipulated as one of the features of the peace agreement be tween China and the foreign powers at the close of the boxer outbreak that an entirely new fabric to trade treat ies should be made This carried out the purpose Secre tary Hay had maintained throughout the preceding negotiations for an "open the desire being to open up foreign communications with the interior of China and thus gain access to the vast markets of the empire ollowing the conclusion of the peace arrangements Mr Sharretts was selected to carry on the tariff negotiations In behalf of the United States He went to China about a year ago and has since been engaged In working out the details of a tariff agreement It was ah'nounced about a month ago that the British commis sioners had concluded a tariff treaty with China and it was understood at that time that the British treaty would serve as a basis for similar treaties with the United States and other foreign countries The state de partment was advised at the time that the rates on imports entering China were 12 per cent and the export duties 7 per cent One of the most Important provisions of the British China treaty was that abolishing the llkin tax It is presumed that similar rates are made in the American treaty and that the likin tax Is abolished as far as it relates to American goods In transit The Hkln tax has been one of the most burdensome exaction of the antiquated Chinese system as It was levied by the officials at various points through the interior without uniformity and often with less regard for commercial ends than for the en richment of the unscrupulous local of ficials The abolition of the likin tax will go far toward encouraging trade and traffic in the interior of China Mr dispatch is dated at Shanghai and does not go into details regarding the treaty he has signed China Means to Hustle Shanghai Aug Liu Kun Yl Chang Shih Tung and Yuan Shai Kai viceroys respectively of Nankin Han kow and governor of Pechiel in sep arate conferences with Sharretts commissioner for the United States have concurred in making two signifi cant and unequivocal declarations The first is that the critical time has ar rived when China must make a su preme effort for the promotion of com merce and friendly intercourse with America and Europe the second dec laration is that as an evidence of her good faith in this intention and' her appreciation of the generous policy of the United States toward her China will make an exhibit at the St Louis exposition 1000 Chinese Rebels Killed Pekin Aug 18 The viceroy ofSze Chaun reports that imperial troops at tacked the rebel headquarters at In chafan Aug 12 One thousands rebels were killed and their leader Tong Yu Hung was captured and executed 9 Pabstbeer is always pure Brewed in a plant as dean as the cleanest home kitchen always open to your 58971 visitors last year TRY A BITE OUR GROCERIES Always resh Prompt Delivery If you are a lover of Good Coffee try Uiinf THE pound of our mixed Mocha and Java nUHIj GROCER At 221 Washington Ave North APPLICATION STATEMENT of the German ire Insurance Company of Indianapolis Indiana Made to the Commissioner of Insurance of the State of Michigan allowing its condition on the thirtieth day of June A 1902 Re organized Mrch 11 tn 1896 Commenced business as a stock company March 11th 1896 Theodore Stein President Lorenz Schmidt Secretary Attorney for Michigan Eugene Chandler Detroit CAPITAL Amount of capital paid up in cash 10000000 ASSETS Book value of real estate unincumbered (73361 36 Mortgage loans on real estate (first liens) 117919 75 Bonds (book value) 6 00000 Cash In office 144113 In banks 3389441 3533554 Union Trust Co certificates of deposit 1165 0 00 Agents' debit balances 2097206 Interest and rents due and accrued 422882 Market value of real estate over book value 838865 Market value of bonds over book value 60060 Total $38230617 Deduct agents' credit balances 1172(6 Total admitted assets 38113362 LIABILITIES Net amount of unpaid losses (1072041 Total unearned premiums Re insurance premiums 83849 Total liabilities (14291109 Capital stock 100000 00 Divisible surplus 138222 53 Total 38113362 STATE INDIANA County of Marlon Theodore Stein President and Lorenz Schmidt Secretary of the German ire Insurance Company being duly sworn depose and say and each for himself says that they are the above described Officers of the said Company and that on the third day of July all of the above described Assets were the absolute property of the said Company free and clear from any liens or claims thereon except as above stated and that the foregoing State ment with the schedules and explanations hereunto annexed and by them subscribed is a full and correct Exhibit of all the Liabilities and of the general condition and affairs of the said Company on the said third day of July according to the beat of their Information knowledge ana belief respectively Subscribed and sworn to before me this 3rd day of July A 1902 THEODORE STEIN LORENZ SCHMIDT GEO ELLIOTT Clerk Marion Co Circuit Court CERTIICATE AUTHORITY (Renewable In the Month of January Yearly) State of Michigan Insurance Department Lansing August 12 1902 To all to Whom these Presents shall Come: Whereas Pursuant to the provisions of an act of the Legislature of the State of Michigan entitled act relative to the organisation and powers of ire and Marine Insurance Companies transacting business within this approved April I 1869 and the amendments thereto there was on the 12th day of August A 1J02 filed In the office of the Commissioner of Insurance at Tan sing a statement of the German ire Insurance Company of Indianapolis Indiana which is an incorporated Com pany under tne laws of Indiana and located at Indianapolis And Whereas Said Company possesses the amount of actual Capital rsqutaod of similar Companies formed under the provisions of said Act and has Eugene Chandler Esq of Detroit In tne County of Wayne as its Attorney in this State on whom process of law can be served and has otherwise complied with all the requisitions of said act applicable to such companies and also with Act No 71 Laws of 1879 entitled Act relative to the admission of Insurance Companies of oreign Governments into this State" approved May 13 1879 Now Know Ye That the said Insurance Company la duly authorised to transact the business of ire and Inland Navigation Insurance In this State until January IL 1903 as provided by the laws thereof publishing this Certificate of Authority four successive times imsome paper of general circulation in this State andflling due proof of such publi cation in this Department In Witness Whereof I nave hereunto set my hand and caused my official seal tn be affixed at Lansing Michigan tbe day and year flrst above written JAMES BARRY Commissioner of Insurance STATE MICHIGAN James Barry Commissioner of Insurance of the State Insurance Department of Michigan do hereby eertify that I have compared the annexed copy with the original and that it Is a true and correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of such original In Testimony Whereof I have hereunto set my hand and affixed my Official Beat at Lansing this 12th day of August in the year of our Lord one thousand ntne hundred and two.

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Name: Lilliana Bartoletti

Birthday: 1999-11-18

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Introduction: My name is Lilliana Bartoletti, I am a adventurous, pleasant, shiny, beautiful, handsome, zealous, tasty person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.