Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (2024)

Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (1)

Blanched Almond Butter Recipe Photos

Ok,…I am SOOOO excited about this recipe! But first, I have to share with you all that wowzers…shooting these photos were quite the challenge.

I have always had the theory that everything (especially food), looks better on white. Well, I needed and wanted to step out of my comfort zone for this photography shoot.

This subject might I add was a bit bland, no color what so ever, so I had to create some depth for these images. Well, what better way to do that then to add some contrast right?

I dive into a lot of this and much more in my photography series. So if photography is your thing, head on over and check out this series of post. I post new posts from time to time, so be sure to check back frequently.

So let’s move on to the recipe…

A Lot of Almond Butter Recipes

I love almond butter! I have recently started to really cook with almond butter because it really creates a realistic recipe when it comes to substituting ingredients.

Here are several recipes where almond butter is the star ingredient.

  • Chocolate Zucchini Bread {Gluten and Grain Free, Paleo}

So when I started to use more almond butter, I was quickly breaking the bank with the steep prices. I knew that I had to find an alternative to store-bought almond butter.

Buy Slivered Almonds

So I went on a mission to make a more affordable almond butter that was more nutritious than store bought and more cost efficient. Are you with me here?

I accomplished this by purchasing slivered almonds. There are several reasons why you should purchase slivered almonds.

  • First, you will save a lot of money when youbuy almond slivers. Whole almonds can cost upwards to $15.00 a pound. I bought a pound of slivered blanched almonds locally for under $4.00!
  • Second, almond slivers are usually blanched and blanched almonds are typically easier to digest.I will get into that in one moment.

Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (2)

Save Over 70% By Making Your Own

So as I mentioned above, almond slivers are totally reduced in price. I got a 10 oz bag for a little over $2.00. In fact, let’s be exact here for a moment.

  • 4 oz blanched slivered almonds cost me $.97.
  • I need 16 ounces or 1 pound for this recipe.
  • So this almond butter will cost me $3.88 (4 oz bag x 4 = 16 oz) to make (plus a little more for the coconut oil).

I did some research and a 12 oz container of “blanched” almond butter cost $20.99…OUCH right? So a little math here, that is $1.74 an ounce. Remember we are only paying $.24 cents an ounce to make it homemade with blanched almond slivers,that is over a 70% SAVINGS!!

The best deal that I found for quality blanched almonds online was $.65 a pound. You can find online slivered almonds here.

I mean really…would you ever pay over $20.00 for blanched almond butter? A lot of folks evidently do, they are on back order and it is really hard to find it in stock at the moment.

So Why Blanched Almonds?

Ok, so I know…this post is getting a bit long, but I have so much to say, ya know? 🙂 Bear with me for just a few more minutes. I just want to quickly explain to you why blanched almonds are better for you.

I recently did a post onIs soaking nuts necessary and how to properly soak raw nuts.Nutshave phytic acid. Phytic acid is also found in grains and legumes as well. In almonds, the phytic acid is in the outer layer of the nut or the skins.

Phytic acid binds to minerals in the gastrointestinal tract and can not be absorbed in the intestine and to many bound minerals can lead to mineral deficiencies. By soaking and removing the skins, you are breaking down the phytic acid so it can be absorbed correctly for proper digestion.

Blanched nuts have been soaked and the outer skin of the almonds have already been removed. This is why it is important to seek out the blanched almond butter.

Now For The Simple Blanched Almond Butter Recipe

Ok, so we are finally here…the recipe! You all are going to be amazed how easy it is to make your own nut butter. Ready??

Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (3)

You will need a food processor for this. It doesn’t have to be fancy or anything, just a quality good food processor will do the trick.

Place all the ingredients, except the salt, in the food processor and blend on high for 2 minutes. Scrape the sides of the bowl with a spatula and turn the food processor back on for another 3 minutes or until smooth, like this.

Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (4)

Now add the salt and pulse several times to incorporate the salt throughout the almond butter. Place into a pint jar and store in the refrigerator.

That’s it! I know, totally simple, right? So head on out and get yourself some slivered almonds in the baking isle of your grocery store.

You will never buy store bought almond butter again, this is just too darn easy to make and taste so much better!

Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (5)


Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (6)

How To Make Organic Blanched Almond Butter

★★★★★ 4.2 from 5 reviews

  • Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (7)Prep Time: 5 mins
  • Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (8)Total Time: 5 minutes
  • Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (9)Yield: 2 cups 1x

Print Recipe


Nutritional Information: Calories: 192 Fat: 17.4g Carbs: 6.1g Protein: 6.0g



  1. Place all ingredients, but salt, into a food processor and blend on high for about 2 minutes.
  2. Remove lid and scrape down the sides and put the lid back on and blend for another 3 minutes or until the mixture becomes runny.
  3. Add salt and pulse several times to evenly distribute the salt.
  4. Place in a pint size glass jar and store in the refrigerator.


See “Equipment Slideshow” below to see the equipment that I recommend for this recipe.


  • Serving Size: 2 tbsp (32g)

Ingredient & Equipment Recommendations

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We know it might be difficult to find some of our ingredients and equipment for specific recipes. That is why we are including this slideshow so that you can find the ingredients easily and conveniently.

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We know it might be difficult to find some of our ingredients and equipment for specific recipes. That is why we are including this slideshow so that you can find the ingredients easily and conveniently.

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Please note that these are affiliate links and I may receive a small referral fee. You pay no more to purchase the products through my website.

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Organic Blanched Almond Butter Recipe ~ Takes Only 5 Minutes, Save ($$) Over 70%! (2024)
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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.