Soybeans and soy foods (2024)

About soybeans

Soybeans are members of the pea (legume) family of vegetables and have been a staple of Asian cuisines for thousands of years.

Soy and soy foods are popular especially for people following vegetarian and vegan diets. This is due to their high-quality ('complete') protein content, and their ability to be processed into milk and meat substitutes.

Soybeans contain hormone-like substances called phytoestrogens that mimic the action of the hormone oestrogen and have been associated with beneficial health effects. Eating soybean-based foods may reduce the risk of various health problems, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, coronary heart disease (CHD), some cancers and improve bone health.

Evidence also suggests the consumption of soy and soy foods is beneficial for peri-menopausal and postmenopausal women and is linked to fewer and reduced severity of hot flushes.

More research is needed, but the evidence so far suggests that it is wise to include whole soy (or soy) foods in your daily diet. See your doctor or dietitian for further guidance.

Nutrition profile of soybeans

Soy is a high-quality protein. It is one of the few known plant foods (the other is amaranth seed and to a lesser degree, quinoa) to contain all the essential amino acids, like those found in meat.

The soybean is:

  • high in fibre
  • high in protein
  • low in saturated fat
  • cholesterol free
  • lactose free
  • a good source of omega-3 fatty acids
  • a source of antioxidants
  • high in phytoestrogens.

Soy products

Soybeans can be consumed in many ways.

Foods made from soybeans can be divided into unfermented and fermented foods. Unfermented foods include – tofu, soymilk, edamame, soy nuts and sprouts, while fermented soy products include – miso, tempeh, natto and soy sauce.

Some soy products are sources of calcium and iron – such as tofu or tempeh (made with a calcium coagulant) and calcium-fortified soy drinks.

‘Second generation’ soy products

Another class of soy-based food exists called ‘second generation' soy food. This includes tofu sausages and burgers, soy breads, soy pasta and soymilk yoghurts and cheeses. It also includes products that contain soy or soy-based ingredients such as – lecithin (additive 322) which can be found in some chocolate and baked goods.

Soybeans and phytoestrogens

Soybeans contain hormone-like substances called phytoestrogens (‘phyto’ means plant), which are naturally occurring chemicals found in plants. Given the right conditions, these compounds copy the action of the female hormone oestrogen but are much less powerful – about 1,000 times less.

There are many types of phytoestrogens, one example being isoflavones. Isoflavones are very strong antioxidants and can mimic the effects of oestrogen, but their full physiological effects are still being investigated.

Soybeans are the most common source of isoflavones in food. However, the amount of isoflavones varies with the type of soy food, preparation method and brand.

Some of the richest sources of isoflavones are soy flour and soy nuts.

Health benefits of soy foods

Research suggests that soybeans and soy foods have a range of health benefits.

Coronary heart disease and soy

Having a diet rich in soy foods is linked with a lower risk of cardiovascular disease, including stroke and coronary heart disease.

Oestrogen may protect women against heart disease during their reproductive years, but rates of heart disease increase after menopause.

Soybeans have been shown to lower total cholesterol and LDL cholesterol levels, both known risk factors of heart disease.

An analysis of clinical trials suggests 14g to 50g of soy protein can significantly reduce total blood cholesterol levels, LDL (bad) cholesterol levels and triglycerides, while moderately increasing HDL (good) cholesterol levels.

The United States Food and Drug Administration also found adults who include at least 25g soy protein (about 4 servings of soy) daily in a diet low in saturated fat and cholesterol can reduce LDL cholesterol by about 3 to 4%.

Whole soy products (such as soymilk, soybeans and soy nuts) have a greater effect on improving cholesterol levels than processed soy products.

It is not known how this happens – it could be phytoestrogens or soy proteins working alone or together. Other factors, such as soy’s high-fibre or low saturated-fat content may play a part.

Another reason could be, the amount of animal protein in the diet (including saturated fat and cholesterol within the animal protein) may be reduced and indirectly improve our blood cholesterol levels.

However, studies also show that eating soy protein without isoflavones results in only small cholesterol reductions, and isoflavone supplements alone have minimal cholesterol lowering effects.

Soybeans and menopause

Due to their phytoestrogen content, it is thought soy can reduce menopausal symptoms (such as hot flushes). This is based on observations of women in some parts of Asia, who tend to have soy-rich diets and typically fewer hot flushes during menopause than women on meat-rich diets.

The phytoestrogens in soy appear to act like a mild form of menopausal hormone therapy (MHT). However, compared with traditional MHT, it would take almost a year of regular soy consumption to have similar health benefits.

More research is needed, but soybeans may help some women to manage menopausal hot flushes, even if only modestly.

Do not take highly processed soy supplements if you have a high risk of breast cancer, or are a breast cancer survivor. Eating moderate amounts of whole soy foods appears to be healthy.

Other health benefits of soy

Other possible health benefits of soy foods include:

  • lowered blood pressure
  • improvements to blood vessels, (such as greater elasticity of artery walls)
  • improved bone health
  • protection against some cancers (including breast cancer)
  • improved cognitive function and visual memory.

However, further research is needed before soy’s health benefits are conclusively known.

Amount of soy for health benefits

Generally, around 30 to 50mg of isoflavones is enough to offer health benefits.

Examples of the average isoflavone content of some foods include:

  • half a cup of soybeans – 40 to 75mg isoflavones
  • quarter cup of soy flour – 45 to 69mg isoflavones
  • one 250ml glass of soy drink – 15 to 60mg isoflavones
  • one 115g block of tofu – 13 to 43mg isoflavones
  • one 110g block of tempeh – 41mg isoflavones
  • one container of soy yoghurt – 26mg isoflavones
  • 2 slices of soy bread – 7 to 15mg isoflavones
  • teaspoon of soy sauce – 0.4 to 2.2mg isoflavones.

Some studies have shown traditional soy foods tend to have more beneficial health effects compared with ‘second generation’ soy foods.

Don’t forget to check food labels, many fermented soy products like soy sauce are high in salt and are not beneficial to our health.

Tips for increasing soy intake

If you want to increase your intake of soy:

  • Choose whole soy foods like soymilk, tempeh, soy bread and tofu.
  • Check ingredient lists to make sure the soy foods you buy are made from whole soybeans and not soy isolates.
  • Make sure products (such as cereals) contain soy protein and not just added isoflavone.

Other foods containing phytoestrogens

Foods other than soy that contain phytoestrogens include:

  • wholegrain cereals – like oats, wheat, corn, barley, rye and buckwheat
  • nuts and seeds – such as almonds, linseed, flaxseed, sunflower, pumpkin and sesame
  • sprouts – alfalfa
  • oils – extra virgin olive oil
  • other legumes – chickpeas, lentils and kidney beans.

Health risks of soy and babies

Eating soy foods as part of your normal diet is generally more beneficial than harmful.

Although there has been concern that high consumption of soy for some men and people with thyroid conditions may be risky, research suggests this is not the case.

Studies have also shown the use of soy infant formula in healthy, full-term babies does not appear to be harmful. However, infant soy formula may be harmful to premature babies and is best avoided. Check with your maternal and child health nurse or doctor.

Genetically modified soy products

Some people do not wish to eat genetically modified (GM) foods. Soy products imported from the United States are the main source of GM ingredients in food sold in Australia.

Some soybean crops have been genetically modified to be resistant to herbicide, but they are otherwise identical to non-GM soybeans.

Genetically modified soy is found in primary soy products (such as tofu or soy flour), but it can also be found in a wide range of other foods (such as chocolates, potato chips, margarine, mayonnaise, biscuits and bread).

It is mandatory in Australia for approved GM foods and ingredients that contain novel DNA or novel protein to be labelled with the words ‘genetically modified’.

Soy allergy

Soy allergy can occur in some people due to a reaction to soy protein causing the immune system to react abnormally. Soy allergies are common in babies and children. Symptoms include:

  • itching
  • tingling sensation of the mouth and lips
  • flushed skin
  • nausea
  • diarrhoea
  • wheezing and shortness of breath
  • hives
  • dizziness and confusion.

Soybeans are widely used in many food products. Lecithin (food additive 322) is made from soybeans and is often used in processed foods such as chocolate, baked goods, margarine, sauces, cheese and dairy products.

Not all soy products will cause a reaction. In fact, many people with an allergy to soy can safely eat soy lecithin, soya bean oil and some fermented soy foods as they are less allergenic than those containing raw soybeans.

Foods to avoid

If you have a soy allergy, seek advice from your doctor. Always read food labels and avoid:

  • soymilk
  • soybean
  • soya
  • soy nuts and soy sprouts
  • soy sauce
  • tofu
  • miso
  • tempeh
  • tamari.

Where to get help

Soybeans and soy foods (2024)


What foods contain soybeans? ›

Soybeans can be consumed in many ways. Foods made from soybeans can be divided into unfermented and fermented foods. Unfermented foods include – tofu, soymilk, edamame, soy nuts and sprouts, while fermented soy products include – miso, tempeh, natto and soy sauce.

Are soy and soybean the same thing? ›

Soya beans and soy beans are the same thing – the names are used interchangeably, and the same is true of soya sauce and soy sauce. Young, green soya beans are marketed widely as edamame. daizu is the Japanese word for soya.

What foods should I avoid with a soy allergy? ›

Avoid foods that contain any of these ingredients:
  • Hydrolyzed soy protein.
  • Miso.
  • Edamame.
  • Natto.
  • Soy albumin.
  • Soy cheese.
  • Soy fiber.
  • Soy yogurt.

What is soy and why is it in so many foods? ›

Soy is often used as an emulsifier—meaning it makes oil and water mix together, which they have trouble doing on their own—making it a common ingredient in many processed foods (think your favorite chocolate chunk granola bar 😬).

Does peanut butter have soy? ›

Most people with soy allergies can handle highly refined soy oil. The same goes for soy lecithin, which is often used in chocolate candy, peanut butter, and margarine.

Do eggs have soybean? ›

Many people experience allergic reactions to eggs, however it may not be the egg in itself that is responsible. It's the soy within the yolk that comes from a hen's soy-based diet. Soy has become a popular ingredient in animal feed because it is a cheap protein that promotes quick growth and efficient egg production.

Does cheese have soy? ›

While regular cheeses are made from dairy milk, soy cheeses are made from soy milk and/or tofu (and tofu is simply curdled and coagulated soymilk). Some soy cheeses have soy protein isolate added as well as some type of oil like canola or soybean oil.

Are black-eyed beans the same as soybeans? ›

According to a previous report, soybeans are known to contain 3.08% db moisture, 4.55% db ash, 35.63% db protein, 16.92% db fat, and 26.11% db carbohydrates [15]. On the other hand, black-eyed beans contain 4.57% db ash, 23.03% db protein, 2.01% db fat, and 52.81% db carbohydrates [16].

Is tofu a soybean? ›

Tofu. Tofu, also known as soybean curd, is a soft, smooth soy product made by curdling fresh, hot soymilk with coagulant. Tofu has a mild flavor and easily absorbs the flavors of marinades, spices and other ingredients.

How to tell if a food has soy? ›

For any FDA-regulated food, the word "soy" must appear somewhere on the label. This can be in the ingredient list. Or there may be a special allergen label such as "contains soy." Stay away from foods with any of these ingredients: Hydrolyzed soy protein.

How do I eat out and avoid soy? ›

Ask for Restaurant Recommendations

Some restaurants even have allergy-free menus or allergy-free variations of their most popular foods. Compiling a list of soy-safe restaurants, which can include input from friends, family, or an allergist, is another excellent way to ensure safer dining outside the home.

What are the symptoms of soy sensitivity? ›

Soy Allergy Symptoms and Diagnosis
  • Skin reactions including hives and eczema.
  • Skin redness.
  • Tingling in mouth.
  • Swollen lips, face, tongue, throat, or other body part.
  • Runny nose and wheezing.
  • Abdominal pain.
  • Nausea, diarrhea, or vomiting.
  • Fever.

What foods are high in soy? ›

Soy may also be found in breads, cookies, crackers, canned broths and soups, canned tuna meat, breakfast cereals, high-protein energy bars and snacks, low-fat peanut butters and processed meats. As noted above, refined soy oil and soy lecithin are generally considered safe.

What happens to your body when you eat soy everyday? ›

In fact, an American Heart Association review of 22 randomized trials found that eating 50 grams of soy a day only lowers LDL (aka: bad) cholesterol by three percent.

Does pasta have soy in it? ›

Soy is sometimes found in the following:

Grains prepared with soy (e.g. cereals, breads, chips, crackers, pasta, rice, tortillas and rice) Vegetable gum. Vegetable starch.

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