Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge | Paleo Meal Recipes (2024)

Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge | Paleo Meal Recipes (1)

Sometimes, I find the hardest thing about having restrictions on my diet is the uncontrollable cravings for a dish that is simply off-limits. Try as you might to quiet them, but I can promise you your Pinterest feed and Instagram feed will be filled with that very food, for days on end, mocking you until you either give in or find an alternative! (Not that I know from personal experience, or anything) Regardless of retraining your brain to look at food differently to caterthose thoughts to your current needs, oftentimes we just can’t help those random hankerings. We are, after all, human.

I find this breakfast porridge to be the perfect stand-in for traditional oatmeal, while still being free of grains, dairy,nuts and seeds. It’s warm, comforting and creamy and the texture is spot on. I tend to alway have a spaghetti squash on hand, so if I cook one up for dinner the night before, I will save half to make this breakfast the next morning.

Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge | Paleo Meal Recipes (2)

These instructions may seem long, but it’s only because I include the instructions on how to cook the spaghetti squash. You likely already know how and may already have the leftover squash ready and waiting.

I find the TigerNut flour (which is AIP-friendly beingneither a nut nor a seed but actually a tuber), adds an additional thickness and creates that creamy and sticky, glue-like texture of a traditional oatmeal. It also brings a slight nutty texture. You can simply omit or see my notes below on other substitutions.

Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge | Paleo Meal Recipes (3)

[print_this]Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge
{grain-free, nut-free, seed-free, dairy-free}
serves 1-2

  • 1/2 medium spaghetti squash
  • 1 cup organic full-fat coconut milk (I like this brandbecause it’s additive-free)
  • 1 tablespoon organic maple syrup or raw honey, optional
  • 1/4 cup TigerNut flour*
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon ground ginger
  • Pinch of pink Himilayan sea salt
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract, optional


  • shredded coconut
  • fruit – berries, mango, pears, apple, etc
  • nuts or seeds

NOTE: I realize that TigerNut flour is likely something most of us don’t have sitting around, though I would highly recommend it. If you don’t have it on hand and don’t want to buy it, try a tablespoon or two of tapioca or arrowroot starch or coconut flour OR you can also simply leave it out completely, which I have done, it will be just a tad less thick of a cereal, but still very, very good.

DO AHEAD: Too make this a simple and quick breakfast, I recommend cookingthe spaghetti squash the night before. Possibly using the first half for dinner.

Roast the Squash:
Preheat the oven to 400ºF.

Use a sharp chef’s knife, cut the spaghetti squash the long way from stem to tail. Spaghetti squash can be a beast, so be extra careful and go slow.

Use a spoon to scrape out the seeds and stringy bits of flesh from center of the squash. Place the squash halves cut-side down in a roasting pan or glass baking pan. Pour enough water in the pan to cover the bottom, a 1/2-inch or so.

Place into the oven and roast for 35-40 minutes. (smaller squash will take less time) It will be done with the flesh is tender and the strands just have the slightest bite to them. Remove the squash from the oven and let cool. Place in the fridge overnight.

Next Day

Make the Porridge:
Remove the squash from the fridge. Using a fork, gently pull and scrape the squash flesh from the peel and to separate the flesh into strands. Add the strands to a bowl. Using the flesh from about half of the squash, take it into a few paper towels, a clean kitchen towel or a strainer and press out as much liquid as you can. Really squeeze it good. You should be left with about 1 to 1 1/2 tightly packed cups of squash from that half.

Place the squash on a cutting board and just roughly chop, until it’s in a bunch of small little bits.

Add the coconut milk, spaghetti squash bits and sweetener of your choice (if using), to a small saucepan over a medium heat. Give it a good stir to combine. Sprinkle the TigerNut flour, cinnamon, ginger and sea salt evenly over the top, then whisk it all together to combine and remove any clumps. Bring to a light simmer and allow to cook until it thickens and the squash is cooked to your desired tenderness. If it’s too thick, simply add a bit more coconut milk or even water. Taste the porridge and adjust your seasonings or sweetness if necessary. Stir in the vanilla extract, just before serving (if using).

Serve warm topped with fresh fruit, a pinch of cinnamon, shredded coconut, nuts or seeds, whatever you’d like. I love mine with a little fresh mango. [/print_this]

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Spiced Coconut Squash Breakfast Porridge | Paleo Meal Recipes (2024)
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Author: Kerri Lueilwitz

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Author information

Name: Kerri Lueilwitz

Birthday: 1992-10-31

Address: Suite 878 3699 Chantelle Roads, Colebury, NC 68599

Phone: +6111989609516

Job: Chief Farming Manager

Hobby: Mycology, Stone skipping, Dowsing, Whittling, Taxidermy, Sand art, Roller skating

Introduction: My name is Kerri Lueilwitz, I am a courageous, gentle, quaint, thankful, outstanding, brave, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.