REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (2024)

REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (1)

When you have an addiction to iced coffee and relaxing evening tea, maintaining a white smile can be difficult, and not to mention costly. After a year since my last at-home whitening treatment, my teeth were practically screaming for some attention. Whereas, in the past, I would have hopped on over to CVS to pick up some Crest Whitestrips, a few weeks ago I got a chance to try something a bit more unique: a custom-fitted teeth whitening kit from Smile Brilliant. Let’s first check out how they work, and then I’ll move onto my results!

Smile Brilliant’s Customized Whitening Treatments

With Smile Brilliant, you’re essentially getting a professional, custom whitening treatment in the comfort of your own home. For those of us busy bee’s and/or budget-conscience gals, this treatment is especially convenient – it saves both time and money by eliminating visits to the dentist and paying their prices, read this and get expert advice on the best ways to use Brilliant Whitening Treatments . (Prior to Smile Brilliant, custom fitted trays were only available at the dentist office for $500+!). And the treatment process is easy enough for anyone to do!

How Do Smile Brilliant’s Treatments Work?

After placing your order with Smile Brilliant, you’ll receive a kit that includes: Base and Catalyst Paste to make your impressions, along with detailed instructions. You’ll also receive your tooth whitening gels and desensitizing gels in the same kit.

REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (2)

The only slightly tricky part involved in Smile Brilliant’s whitening treatments is making your own impressions, but they give you an extra paste/catalyst mix in case you mess up (and will send you more if you need it). You start by mixing the pastes together and then pressing them into the plastic trays. Just like you would at the dentist, you pop them into the mouth, bite down and hold them there for 2+ minutes until the pastes are firm. Plop them into the included, pre-paid mailer, and within 1-2 weeks, Smile Brillant will ship out your custom-fitted trays. Once they arrive to you in the mail, you can start the whitening process right away.

REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (3)

Smile Brilliant custom-fitting whitening trays

REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (4)

Once you’ve received your custom impressions in the mail, the whitening process is a breeze. You simply squeeze a small amount of the whitening gel along the front section of your trays, and then pop them in for anywhere from 15 minutes to up to three hours. Once done, rinse and apply the desensitizing gel for around 5-15 minutes to help your teeth re-hydrate and reduce sensitizing.

Smile Brilliant Review & Results

The custom dental trays I received from Smile Brilliant fit me perfectly. They slip on easily and stay in place without feeling too tight or too loose. Probably the best part is that you don’t have to continuously hold them in or keep your jaw clenched to keep them in place. This is a huge plus over other whitening systems I’ve tried. The trays are soft and malleable, and fairly thin – making them very comfortable to wear, even for several hours. I may sound a little funny when I talk with them in, but otherwise, they’re very easy to get used to and wear around the house. I’ll typically pop them in for 1-2 hours in the evenings as I wind down for the day.

REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (5)

For each treatment, I left my trays in for 60 minutes and noticed the stains slowly disappearing with each session. By the fourth treatment, those nasty yellow stains from drinking tea and coffee were completely gone, and my teeth were back to their normal color! Here are my before and after photos:

REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (6)

Although I’ve had sensitivity issues with other peroxide-based whitening products in the past, I surprisingly didn’t experience any with Smile Brilliant’s whitening gel formula. I ended up not needing to use the desensitizing gel at all.

After removing all those stains you see above, I’ve been continuing to apply the treatments once a week, just to keep my teeth looking white. And fortunately, Smile Brilliant provides plenty of gel in their kits. According to their website, the whitening gel syringes are good for 3-4 sessions, but I ended up getting far more treatments (about 8 total).

Smile Brilliant Custom Trays vs. Crest Whitestrips

After using Smile Brilliant’s whitening kits, I noticed some definite advantages with their system versus my old favorites – Crest’s Whitestrips. Compared to Crest’s system, for me, the Smile Brilliant whitening system:

  • Causes less sensitivity issues
  • Comes with custom trays that enable the whitening solution/gel to get into all the little grooves around the teeth, PLUS it covers all my teeth, not just the front ones
  • Whitening gel stays contained in the trays for the full duration of the treatment (so I wasn’t tasting the gel like I do with the strips)
  • Gives you a natural looking smile (it gets rid of all the stains and returns your teeth to their natural color – nothing too bright or unnatural looking)

Available on

Coupon Code: Use code ‘jessoshii5off‘ at checkout to get 5% off site-wide! (To use the code, click on “Enter Gift Code” – found directly under the ‘Order Overview’ section on the checkout page – and enter it there.)

*Sample was provided for review consideration. All thoughts, opinions, experiences, and results are 100% my own!

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REVIEW: Smile Brilliant Teeth Whitening | My Results, Before & After - Jessoshii (2024)
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Name: Maia Crooks Jr

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Introduction: My name is Maia Crooks Jr, I am a homely, joyous, shiny, successful, hilarious, thoughtful, joyous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.