The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

look, is is coupon. real Send THE CHARLOTTE NEWS- Robert Lee Bass, 55, a Dunn service station operator, was indicted yesterday by a Harnett County grand jury on a charge of manslaughter in the fatal shooting of a Delaware college student who was allegdly in a group that drove away without paying for $4 worth of gas. Bass, against whom murder charges in the April 9 shooting death had earlier been dropped, was released on $25,000 bond. (AP) Ten-Hut! Indicted N.C. To Get Its Money RALEIGH Military personnel will no longer be able to dodge North Carolina's state income tax simply by not bothering to file a declaration of income with the state.

Beginning July 1, the federal government will take the task, and the money, out of their hands by withholding the taxes from their weekly paychecks. The North Carolina Department of Revenue expects to get an additional $3 million annually under the new system. Doug Whitfield, an administrative officer with the income tax withholding section of the department, said the new system will not change the taxable status of military personnel stationed in North Carolina. Nor will the amount people are taxed change. But the number paying their taxes will.

said 48,500 will Whatfield, approximately. held when the federal government starts deducting the money under the 1976 federal tax law. "In the past, we had a hard time tracking these people down," Whaitfield said. The state expects to collect $7.5 million annually from military personnel once the federal government makes sure it gets its money, compared to $4.5 million now. The law does not affect military salaries of those stationed in the state purely as a result of military orders.

It does affect salaries for offbase jobs performed by military personnel on their own time. Fight Brews In Cleanup From Page 1B sulting from a heavy rain and flood on the creek that drains into the Catawba River near the intake point for Belmont's water supply. For the second time the town's water plant was shut down because of fears of pollution. July 22, citizens meet with Riley and county health officials to air complaints. Riley says both companies are responsible for the site cleanup, although JADCO officials said they termiated their lease after the flood.

In September Superior Court Judge J. Fred Hasty signs a court order requiring the cleanup of the site after a state attorney called it a "highly perilous operation" because of the danger of fire and pollution. Each of the two companies argue responsiblity for the cleanup belonged to the other. but Hasty split the responsibility for removal of the drums and the state estimates cleanup will take six to nine months. May 1976 and the two firms are cited for contempt and jointly fined $10,000 for failure to follow the court-ordered cleanup.

September brings another spill at the site and Environetics contracted by JADCO for removal of its share of the barrels was thwarted in a plan to burn chemicals at a 50-acre site in Lincoln. County after residents there objected to the thick black smoke that resulted. Hughes says barrels it's responsible for were disposed in South Carolina and at the Destructo Chemway plant in Kernersville. Ashes from the burned chemicals were later mixed with concrete and buried. A Caldwell County waste incinerator in October refuses to accept the chemicals because they can't be identified.

June 1977 and residents near the Belmont site again complain of the chemical odors and spillage into the creek. State pollution control officials say a broken pipe cause the spill of diluted chemicals. William Haislip, environmental engineer for the county, said it has agreed to bury up to 3,000 empty, crushed barrels in its landfill. He said the clean-up itself stirs fumes, but the chances of another spill have decreased considerably. "I've got a little better than two years before retirement," he said.

"I hope see that place empty before then." June 29, 1977 Person -10- Person WANT ADS DO IT ALL! Give you all coverage in The Observer day, and The News Reach over 334,000 Potential Customers Daily Reach over 396,000 Potential Customers Sunday 2 LINES FOR 4 DAYS Cost you only. Private parties only Commercial rates available upon request. Ads for merchandise priced $500 or below only, excluding rentals. CALL 377-7474 By 2 P.M. for next day's paper.

Call by 6:30 P.M. Friday for Sunday and Monday. Out of town call collect. Other Private Party Rates (for items priced over $500.) 2 LINES 10 DAYS 4,80 each additional line 745 2 LINES 7 DAYS 1 748 each additional line 825 2 DAYS 2 LINES $500 each additional line $1.25 CALL 374-7496 To Change or Correct Your Ad Corrections for Tuesday thru Sat. must be received by 2 P.M.

the previous day. For Sunday, call by 6:30 P.M. on Friday. For Monday, call by 11:30 A.M. Saturday.

Advertisers are responsible for checking the content of their ads for accuracy. Knight Publishing Company will Il allow credit only for the first incorrect insertion. Any error should be reimmediately to 374-7496! CALL 374-7499 To Cancel Your Ad Cancellations for Tuesday thru Sat. must be received by 2 P.M. the previous day.

For Sunday, call 6:30 P.M. Friday. For Monday, call by 11:30 A.M. Saturday. Regular Classified Hours: Are 8:00 A.M.

to 5:30 P.M. Monday Thursday. 8:00 A.M. to 6:30 P.M. Friday.

Closed Saturday and Sunday. PAYOFF PAYOFF PAYOFF the classified PAYOFF works two ways PAYOFF No. 1: Use the classifieds to sell Items you no longer need. PAYOFF No. 2: Use the classifieds to buy Items you want at bargain prices.

phone 377-7474 Person-To-Person Rates: 2 lines, 4 days, $5. Private parties only. Ads for merchandise priced $500 or below, excluding rentals. PAYOFF PAYOFF PAYOFF Legal Notices NOTICE OF ADMINISTRATION Having qualified as Co-Executors of the Estate of John Crosland, Deceased, late of Mecklenburg County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons, firms and corporations having claima against said Estate to present them, duly verified, to the undersigned at 712 Cameron Brown Building, Charlotte, N. C.

28204, on or before the 28th day of December, 1977, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate settlement with the undersigned. This 27th day of June, 1977. John Crosland, Jr. Co-Executor Robert E.

Parry, Jr. Co- Executor L23915, 52-N-6-29 Jumbo-Crochet! 7398 by Alice Brocks Have jacket, will travel! This bulky beauty a pal to count on. It's doubly smart. doubly cozy its of because crocheted double strand of worsted weight synthetic yarn. You'll love, the smart the dashing collar.

Pat. 7398: Sizes 8-18 incl. $1.25 for each pattern. Add 35g each pattern for first-class airmail and handling. Send to: Alice Brooks Needlecraft Dept.

The Charlotte News 41 Box 163, Old Chelsea New York, NY 10011. Print Name, Address, Zip, Pattern Number. Value! 225 designs to choose from In NEW 1 1977 NEEDLE: CRAFT CATALOG! 3 free patterns inside. Send now! Stitch 'n' Patch Quilts. $1.25 Crochet with Squares $1.00 Crochet a $1.00 Nifty Fifty Quilts $1.00 Ripple Crochet $1.00 Sew Knit Book.

$1.25 Needlepoint Book $1.00 Flower Crochet Book $1.00 Hairpin Crochet Book $1.00 Instant Crochet $1.00 Instant Macrame Book $1.00 Instant Money Book. $1.00 Complete Gift Book $1.00 Complete Afghans $1.00 12 Prize Afghans Book of 16 Quilts Museum Quilt Book 15 Quilts for Today Book of 16 Jiffy Rugs. Call THE CHARLOTTE NEWS With Club News Janice Smith 374-7453 A Real Plus! Printed Pattern 9458 by Marion Martin coat's a plus when The you're going places, doing lots of from thru things day dinner! The dress smooth, slimming, smart. Choose linen, knits. Printed Pattern 9458: Half Sizes 1212.

Size 1412 (bust 37) takes 2 yards 45 inch fabric. Send $1.25 for each pattern. Add for each pattern for first class airmail. handling. Send MARIAN MARTIN The Charlotte News 436 232 West 18th New York, NY 10011.

Print NAME, ADDRESS, ZIP, SIZE and STYLE NUMBER. Do what the smartest women are doing send now for our Spring Summer Pattern Catalog! Lots of drama for few dollars- wardrobes, pants. jumps. Free pattern 750 Instant Sewing Book $1.00 Sew Knit Book $1.25 Instant Money Crafts $1.00 Instant Fashion $1.00 Death Notices MR. ARTHUR ROWELL NEWCOMBE, JR.

Mr. Arthur Rowell Newcombe, Jr. of Windwood Lane passed away at his home Tuesday morning, June 28, 1977. Mr. Newcombe was born November 23, 1905 in Brooklyn, N.Y., son of the late Arthur Rowell and Jeannette Cooper Elliott Newcombe.

Mr. Newcombe graduated from Polytechnic Preparatory Country Day School in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1922 during which time he broke the National Scholastic Record for the discus at the age of 16. He attended the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill where he was named a member of the All- Southern Basketball Team. During the 1930's he wrote a golf column for The Charlotte Observer, entitled "Pars and a Pickups." Mr.

Newcombe was instrumental in bringing to Charlotte the stock brokerage firm of Hornblower Weeks, now Hornblower, Weeks, Noyes Trask, Inc. He served as its first manager and remained at this position until shortly before his death. Mr. Newcombe was appointed by the City Council to the first Auditorium-Coliseum Authority, serving 21 years; the last 14 years from 1958 as the chairman. He was a charter member of the Charlotte City Club, serwing as its third president.

He was a charter member of the Quail Hollow Country Club and has been member of the Charlotte Country Club for 50 years. He is survived by his wife, Mrs. Frances Hoke Webb Newcombe; a daughter, Mrs. Jean Newcombe Carrington of Charlotte; a son, Arthur Newcombe, III of Charlotte; seven grandchildren. Services will be held at 3 p.m.

Wednesday at Christ Episcopal with private graveside services to be held at Elmwood Cemetery. Flowers are to be omitted. The active pallbearers will be James R. Griffith, J. Alex McMillan, III, John J.

Hanes. John G. Thomas, Edward H. Hardison, and Dr. John R.

Pender. Arrangements by Harry Bryant. MR. DWIGHT M. COOK, III Mr.

Dwight M. Cook, IlI, age 24, of Chapel Hill died about 9:30 a.m. Monday, June 27, 1977 in an auto accident near Burlington, N.C. He was born December 20, 1952 in Moses Lake, Washington, the son of Mrs. Jane Fairley Cook and the late Capt.

Dwight M. Cook, Jr. He attended Chapel Hill High School, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and was employed by the American Mall Promotion Corp. He was a member of Chapel of the Cross Episcopal Church in Chapel Hill. He was a member of the Sons of the American Revolution and the Sons of the Confederacy; also a member of the UNC-Chapel Hill Alumni Association and the Educational Foundation.

Funeral service will be held Wednesday morning at 11:30 a.m. in the St. Paul Episcopal Church in Monroe, conducted by the Rev. Preston Huntley. Burial will be in Monroe City Cemetery.

The body will remain at Gordon Sell Funeral Service until the funeral hour. The pallbearers will be Mike Falconer. Frank Lyon, Bill Blake, Bob Cherry, Mike Womble and Bill Baldwin, all of Chapel The family will be at the home of Mrs. Janie P. Fairley in Monroe.

Surviving Mr. Cook are his mother of Chapel Hill: the maternal grandmother, Mrs. Janie Phifer Fairley of Monroe; the paternal grandmother, Mrs. Caroline Cason Cook of Monroe; uncles, Mr. Francis Hilliard Fairley of Charlotte, Mr.

Jack Phifer Fairley of Southport, N.C. and Mr. William Cason Cook of Columbia, S.C.: an aunt, Mrs. Martha Cason Cook Matthews of Columbia. S.C.

and a number of first cousins. The Charlotte News Takes News of Bazaars Janice Smith 374-7453 Call THE CHARLOTTE NEWS With Church News Jane Lisenby 374-7432 Death Notices JOHN BASS SHELTON GAMBLE John Bass Shelton Gamble of 314 Randall Greenville, S.C. died Sunday, June 26, 1977 in a Greenville hospital. Funeral service 11 a.m. Wednesday, June 29, 1977, from the graveside, conducted by Rev.

Charles L. Kirby, minister of the Caldwell Memorial Presbyterian Church, with interment in the Waxhaw Cemetery, Waxhaw, N.C. Mr. Gamble is survived by his wife, Mrs. Margaret Carroll Gamble of Greenville, S.C.: one son, John S.

Gamble, Jr. of Ft. Valley, a brother, Charles T. Gamble of Charlotte; three sisters, Mrs. G.

H. Fuqua and Miss Hellan Gamble, both of Charlotte, and Mrs. H. L. Wall of Wadesboro, N.C.; four grandchildren.

Mrs. Gamble will be at the home of her sister, Mrs. W. T. Ham.

1232 Worchester Pl. Arrangements by Harry Bryant. 126. Funeral Directors HILL'S Funeral Consultants and services. 568-1270.

129. Cemetery Lots PRESTIGE Mausoleum space four crypts in old section of ForLawn Mausoleum: $1000 each 372-4363 Mr. Price. 4 LOTS, Forest Lawn. Call after 5 596-0572.

$1000. 135. Lost and Found FOUND: 2 Beagle pups, South- park. 366-1552. LOST: in vicinity of uckaseegee Rd.

Glenwood, min. white male poodle, answers 10 Black collar flea collar 394-7213 or 394-1007. LOST: Male Siamese- off Kilbourne Dr. Answers to "Frank" Call 536-5237 after 6 pm. LOST: navy blue patent pursea Young Ford corner.

334-1708. 138. Child Care CHILD Care in my home, $12.50 wk. Call 537-4322. SOUTHSIDE -Will keep children in my home, any age 523-5571 THUMBELINA KINDERGARTEN 2216 E.

8th St. (Just 2 biks. from Mercy Hosp) We are proud to announce that the Thumbelina Private Day Care Center has just opened a brand new kindergarten. With only 6 spaces available. A full academic program given by a certified teacher, Hot meal, dav care in in the afternoon.

Other interesting programs will also be offered. as, dancing, ice skating, swimming and music. 375-1026. keep children in my home. 596-5709 WILL keep new borns, infants up.

523-9514 141. Personals ELITE DATING SERVICE 704-523-7767 "PERSON to PERSON" Want ad rate 2 lines, 4 days, $5.00. BLACK female singer wants 10 sing with top 40 band. Call 704-652-8621 after 5. COLLEGE grad, male, seeks smart woman with trailer and travel itch; take two sisters or buddies if you are timid.

Share everything on road. Reply -12, The Charlotte Observer. The Charlotte News. 568-4805 FREE CODY of Select Date. send name add.

to 16371, Charlotte, NC 28216. MISSY'S ESCORTS 545-9800 MONROE ESCORT SERVICE 410 Roosevelt Blvd. Monroe, NC 704-289-2070 NEED A LAWYER HRS. 9 A.M. To 2 P.M.

Lawyers Referral Service 375-8624 PRIVATE DETECTIVE SERVICES Professionalism Guaranteed Reasonable Rates (704)537-3453 PRIVATE FISHING CLUB Large well -stocked lake. For more info, call 376-7541 9-1. PROFESSIONAL man would like 10 meet females 25-40 for traveling companionship. Replies respectReply to Box W-7 The Charlotte Observer, The Charlotte News. RENDEZVOUS DATING SERVICE 523-6445 THE MYSTERIOUS LADY Escort 1 Dating Service 537-0327 VERSATILE ambitious man, sitting, odd jobs, cleaning, driving or hauling.

7 day service. 394-9774. WHY WORRY when it costs 100 to know. CAROLINA DETECTIVE AGENCY. (704) 332-7943 WILL pay good price for Fleetwood Mack Concert tickets.

Call 704-782-6701 after 5 p.m. 142. Travel Opport. TRAVELING? Drive almost free to most U.S. cities.

919-272-2154 Greensboro 144. Health Services ABORTION FREE PREGNANCY TEST HALLMARK CLINIC 1316 E. Morehead St. CHARLOTTE. N.C.

376-1615 TOLL FREE NUMBERS: North Carolina 800-432-6066 All Other States 800-438-4094 ABORTION North South Carolina Free Pregnancy Test Counseling, Quality Medical Service Call for appointment. 919-483-3068 ABORTION Pregnancy Diagnosis, Counseling, Free Post Abortion Check. Contraception, Accept NC SC Medicaid Title XX. PLANNED PARENTHOOD 377-0841 Services: Birth Control, Vasectomy, Pregnancy Test. FREE PRO- LIFE Pregnancy Counseling.

Call Birthchoice for help. 377-9885, 9-9 pm 144. Health Services ABORTIONS Appointments Made 7 Days Terminations 1-24 wks. 1-800-321-1682 147. Massage Parlors $8 SPECIAL AUTEN HEALTH CLUB The Best for Less 104 Auten Ave 597-8735 AIRWAY MASSAGE SERV.

6125 Wilkinson Blvd. 399-9273 CANDY, APPLE Wilkinson Blvd. MASSAGE 392-8093 CAPRICORN HEALTH CLUB CALL FOR DAILY SPECIAL Kings Mtn Hwy 704-867-9157 GRAND OPENING New York Health Club 6915 Albemarle Rd. 537-6640 GRAND OPENING PANDORA'S 4714 Wilkinson Blvd. 399-9256 Master Charge accepted- In County GRAND OPENING PHASE III 4706 Wilkinson 399-9650 Master Charge accepted- In County Kay's Massage Salon STATESVILLE RD.

MASSAGE SERVICE ONLY 596-9941 597-1735 LADY ANN Continued Price 1-85 Poplar Tent CONCORD 782-9150 LAS VEGAS SHOWGIRLS 596-9725, 4409 1-85 N. LEMON'S HEALTH CLUB Specials Each Week 310 Hwy. 29 North 4 miles past Speedway 704-782-9948 Meet New Girls CHRISTMAS TREE 10321 Albemarle Rd. 545-9230 MICHELLE'S MASSAGE 333-7889 1025 Eastwood Rd. SEXY LADY 4409 1-85 597-9601 STAR DUST HEALTH CLUB Kannaplois, N.C.

davs, 10 A.M. Until 2 A.M. 2009 S. Cannon Blvd. 932-1462 WAN'S MASSAGE 6800 Old Statesville Rd.


More Flavor With Extra Protein. Save Costly Driving Time. HUNTER JERSEY FARMS 523-2905 24 HRS. FASHION 220 COSMETICS 332-9062 TESTAMENT. Send name, address BIBLE, COURSE NEW age to the Evangelical Baptist Mission, Box 625, Louisburg, N.C.

27549 PLACE your "Person 10 Person' want ads: Mon. -Fri. before Sat. before 11:30. Call 377-7474 to place your order.

PROFESSIONAL Typing Service-fast accurate, over 10 yrs. experience. 535-6748 after 6pm. SOUTH COURSE IS OPEN Now that RAINTREE has 2 championship golf courses, we are accepting membership applications. Please call Susan Hemingway, Membership Director.

364-8800. financial no. 200-249 210. Bus. Opportunities CUE LOUNGE For Sale, Westside.

Call 377-0467, 10-5 p.m. ELEGANT restaurant for sale, reasonable price. Must sell. Promising location. Seats 200 on acres, Wilmington, N.C.

Call collect 919-791-9488 FAMILY home convenience store, reasonably priced. Call 597-0038, broker FOR LEASE LOUNGE LIMITED MENU RESTAURANT OPERATION Prime location, fully equipped. A real opportunity. Limited investment for someone qualified to earn a substantial income and be your own boss. Reply to Box S-25, The Charlotte Observer, The Charlotte News.

GOOD FAMILY BUSINESS Office supply and telephone answering service. Showing good return. A natural for future growth. LEITH REALTY 375-7784 MLS LOUNGE for sale. Ocean Dr.

sec. of N. Myrtle Beach. In operation yrs. Serious inquiries only.

(803) 327-6563, night 366-2784. OPPORTUNITY 10 own small printing co. Low overhead-high profits. Owner has bad health must sell. 334-0289, 364-3829.

OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS, earn $30,000 yearly raising chinchillas. Call now, toll free, 1-800-824-5120, Operator 147-B. SMALL Fleet Fueling business. Exc. yearly income.

392-7127. TEXACO SERVICE STATION FOR LEASE Texaco has an excellent opportunity for the right man. Call and get the facts today. Ask for Charles Jurgensen or Larry McGee Charlotte, NC TIRED OF WORKING FOR SOMEONE? Manage your own rental referral business, will train you--long hours, low pay to start. Gross up 10 $100,000 per year, must relocated.

Sales experience helpful. Red Giant, 333-1234 To buy or sell a business Call: 527-5665 SHERWOOD COMM. BROKERS TOPLESS CUE excellent LOUNGE, location, established business, $20,000. 536-5619. UNIQUE golf tennis retail shop in Myrtle Beach.

after 6. 7 YR. old junior boutique, prime shopping mall location, Monroe, NC. Owner moving Contact (704) 289-3304, 10-5 daily. 216.

Investments ASSUME LOAN Three duplexes less than year old. Fully rented. For details call J.C. Purnell. SPANGLER REALTY 372-4500 210.

Bus. Opportunities 210. Bus. Opportunities A NATIONAL FRANCHISE is coming to Charlotte We seek one highly qualified person capable of investing in and providing 8-12 hours per week supervision of multi-unit serviceoriented business not unusual for individual locations in this business to gross up to $300,000 annually with pre-tax net 25- it's an all cash business no receivables no perishables virtually no inventory. We provide the complete turnkey operation.

You must have a great track record of successful business operations to meet the high standards we require as the fastest growing organization in our billion dollar industry. Investment required $35,000 to $55,000. To determine your qualifications and interest call me today toll free 800-243-3496, John Gellatly, V.P, SMS 32 Strategic Stamford, Thread Needle Marketing Connecticut Lane Services, 06902 49-0-06-29 Inc. 219. Money to Lend 219.

Money to Lend PAWN BROKER WE BUY AND SELL HIGHEST MONEY LOANED On anything of Value Guns and Tools Musical Instruments Sporting Equipment Cameras- Televisions Diamond- Jewelry Business Machines, etc. FRANK'S LOAN OFFICE 227 E. Trade 332-3006 0-6-4 219. Money to Lend CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS 2ND MORTGAGE LOANS SHARON MORTGAGE CORP. 303 Executive Bldg.

623 E. Days, 333-3184 Nites 366-8852 RELIABLE LOAN CO. Charlotte's Oldest Pawn Shop OUR 51st YEAR 201 E. Trade 375-6374 SECOND MORTGAGE LOANS Up to $5000 CAPITAL FINANCIAL 372-9053 WE Loan Money On Anything BERLINS PAWN SHOP 231 EAST TRADE ST. 250.

Instructions CELEBRATING our 20th Anniversary Carolina School of Broadcasting, 516 Fenton Charlotte 376-1619. TUTORING by certified teacher, reading math, grades 1-4, Call 847-9949, near Providence. 290. Employment Prep RESUME (VITA) Tech. Gen, written typed.

568-7616. employment no. 300.399 300. Employ. Agents APPROVED PERSONNEL 1025 Wachovia Bldg.

275-8636 Greensboro, N.C. 27401 CONTINENTAL CONSULTANTS Professional Recruiters for Industry Box 5675, Columbia, S.C. 29250 EASTERN PERSONNEL, INC. 919-762-2624 PO Box. 1052 Wilmington, NC FOX -MORRIS INC.

8 branch offices and 76 affiliate agencies nationally (704) 527 4980. 4000 Park Charlotte 28209. GODSHALL GODSHALL Personnel Consultants Greenville, S.C (803) 242-3491 Management Search Personnel 4801 E. Indep. Blvd.

535-6611 NATIONWIDE PERSONNEL SERVICE P.O. Box 5925 484-6174 Fayetteville, N.C. 28303 PERSONNEL PLACEMENT Specialist in Textiles DP 537D Huffman Mill Rd. Burlington, NC 584-5591 SCHNEIDER, HILL SPANGLER 1001 Johnston Bldg. 377-3414 303.

Administrative ASST. DIRECTOR. Residential non -residential treatment program for children. Prefer exp. in accounting, public private funding, administration supervision.

Degree required. $15,000 plus benefits. Send resume to Youth Care, Box 3427, Greensboro, N.C. 27402. COMMERCIAL CASUALTY UNDERWRITER.

$16,000 fee paid. Min. 1-2 vrs. experience. Call Jim Scott, 332-4155, Scott Pers.

DUNHILL PERSONNEL 527-2270 FIELD Auditor Trainee $9600 up. Exp. car. Degree. Call Lee.

Lori Lee 527-2831. EOE PREMIUM AUDITOR Experience necessary. Excellent opportunity and benefits with leading insurance company. Car and expenses provided. Call 364-2200.

An equal opportunity employer SMP UNDERWRITER. $15,000. Fee paid. Must be experienced. Call Jim Scott, 332-4155, Scott Pers.

UNDERWRITER Commercial Lines Dept. A new position due to expansion. Opportunity to join leading insurance company, Casualty experience necessary. Call 364-2200. An Equal Opportunity Emplover UNDERWRITERS.

To $30,000. All fee paid. 2-15 yrs. experience. Call Jim Scott, 332-4155, Scott Pers.

2 ADMIN. asst. trainees. 10K up Degree. Nat'l co.

Lori Lee Personnel, 527-2831. EOE. 308. Management A Growing Convenience Food Chain is seeking an aggressive person to join its staff. We have immediate openings, rapid advancement, good benefits, must be bondable.

Apply at 1101 Commercial Ave. Mon, Tues. 3-5. EOE Age OPER 21 up. TRN.

Only 5600 sincere, career minded, mgmt. oriented people apply. Metrolina Inc. 568-2465. DESIGNER- -Creative Director for growing progressive agency, Attractive salary, working conditions and opportunity for advancement.

Write in confidence to Box C-103 The Charlotte Observer, The Charlotte News. MANAGER, 3 yrs experience in service related industry, 1 vr college, ability to deal with people, janitorial knowledge helpful, Call 372-9242, Mr. Jordan. McDONALDS OF CLEMSON, SC Has openings for Managers. Previous McDonalds Managerial experience desired.

803-654-1479. MGR. TRAINEE. Start today, $6700 up, Mor. in 12-16 wks.

potential in 12 mos. Call Penny, 568-6140, Whitfield Pers. RESTAURANT Manager for oceanfront resort property. Experience in short order food preparation required. Only qualified applicates need apply.

Send resumes to Box 1487 Newport News, Va. 23601. FAMILY DOLLAR STORES Manager Trainee Program 847-6961 GENERAL MANAGER Strong food and beverage background, as well as, experience in all of motel operations required. Only qualified applicants need apply. Send resumes to P.

O. Box 487 Newport News, Va. 23601. INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS MANAGER A career growth opportunity for person with 4 10 5 yrs. generalist experience in Relations.

This position is located in the Piedmont area of NC. Duties include employee relations, contract administration, employment, administration, training, safety community relations for piant locations. Limited travel. Here is a chance to broaden your experience make independent decisions with a machinery manufacturer headquartered in the Carolinas. Send resume salary history in confidence to Box A-25 The Charlotte Charlotte News.

312. Technical A-CLASS Lineman, work in Forest City, Morganton area. Call after 6 pm, 704-287-2105. CHIEF CHEMIST. Degree in Chemistry and minimum 5 vrs.

in laboratory development research. Excellent pay 8 fringe benefits. Call (205) 669-6747. An Equal Opportunity Employer. MACHINIST OR MOLD MAKER Small mold repair shop IS looking for a good machinist or mold maker for a working lead man over 8 3-man shop.

The job consist of scheduling, of molds and mold repair. Contact Chuck Jones, Norwesco Carolina division, P.O Box 3867 Acre Center Station, Gastonia, NC 28052. (704)864-4389. An Equal Opportunity Emplover Mechanical Draftsman For design of medical x-rav equipment. Familiarity with sheet metal design desirable.

Salary and bonus to $14,000. Call 554-0362 between 2 4 for appl. Transworld X- Ray Corp. PERSON needed 10 instruct sheet vinyl mechanics in heat welding techniques. 5 yrs.

exp. required. $1,000 per mo. Apply ESC, 112 W. First St.

TV TECHNICIAN WANTED. CALL 394-2380. 315. Data Processing COMPUTER OPERATOR This position is for a second shift Operator minimum of 2 yrs. experience in Systems Operation.

The successful applicant will be involved in the function of a fully integrated manufacturing order entry system utilizing data communications. Prior usage of Burroughs Hardware a plus. Mail re-' sumes to: Compton Knowles Corp. Personnel Dept. EDP Regency N.

Elm, PROGRAM trainee. Lori Lee 10701 Texland Blvd. Charlotte, NC 28210 EDE Specialist All Fee Paid, Personnel Consultants, 823 Greensboro, NC. systems analyst 10K up. Degree.

Call Lee, Pers. 527-2831 EOE 318. Data ProcessingKey Punch 521-4553. INFOREX OPERATOR DATA ENTRY Operators. would you like to be off from Friday morning til Monday afternoon? You can al DPS.

Call us. Qualified operators draw top salary and fringe benefits. A Several openings. Call Bill Pearce at 333-0713 for appt, Equal Opportunity Emplover A ENTRY OPERATORS Work with us for the summer, using modern equip. in congenial surroundings.

Several openings on 2nd shift. Prefer vr. recent keying experience on both Alpha and Numeric data. Call Bill Pearce, 333-0713. E0E.

ENTRY LEVEL KEYPUNCH On-job exp. helpful, not req. Fee $500 range. Midsouth Emp. Exp, Inforex Operator, 6 mos.

full time, 8-5. Call Thurston Motor Lines. 373-1933. for appt. Equal Opportunity Employer KELLY GIRL Keypunch Operators Top pay.

Pleasant working condition. Both day evenings. 1 vr. exp. 372-3440, Fee paid.

Salary open, exp. req, Midsouth Emp. 527 -4553. KEYPUNCH 129 Experience. Small DP shop.

Conveniently located. Free parking. Excellent company surroundings. week vacation after 7 months. All benefits paid by company.

Fee paid. All resumes and interviews held in strictest confidence. CREATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Data Processing Div. Attn: M. Sullivan 512 Charlottetown Mall 372-9393 PUNCH FEE PD $550 Experienced congenial office, exc.

benefits. Call 372-9382. MCKINNEY BAIN PERSONNEL 308. Management EXPERIENCED MILL SUPERINTENDENT Needed by Florida based crushed stone company. Good Salary Good Benefits Good Opportunity For Advancement Apply P.

O. Drawer AN West Palm Beach, Florida 33402 I RINKER MATERIALS or phone (305) 833-5555. 50-0-5-28 303. Administrative 303. Administrative $9,000 FIRST YEAR We're looking for Managers and Manager Trainees with ambition and enthusiasm TO GROW WITH US One of the South's Finest and Fastest expanding Restaurant Chains.

Immediate openings in Charlotte area. We have a new and modern training program and school for our Management team. Share in company sponsored hospitalization, vacation, stock option plan, plus free life insurance and salary continuation insurance. A guaranteed salary of $9,000 the first year and moving into 5 figures area in the near future. Apply in person to: SHONEY'S MANAGEMENT OFFICE 3119 Freedom Dr.

17-0-06-05 312. Technical 312. Technical QUALITY CONTROL Bendix has the following openings for qualified Q.C. individuals who have experience in the metal cutting and assembly operations. QUALITY CONTROL SUPERVISOR -Must have supervisory experience, a good shop math background and knowledge and use of inspection equipment.

Statistical Q.C. knowledge is an asset. 3-5 years related quality control experience and 1-3 years of technical school or equivalent. QUALITY CONTROL INSPECTORS -Individuals must be capable of set-up and layout of castings machine parts to blueprints, drawings, or other specifications. Desire 1-3 years experience.

Bendix provides excellent wages and benefits in a clean and modern working environment. For consideration please contact the North Carolina Employment Security Commission at 112 W. 1st Charlotte, NC. We are an Equal Opportunity Employer 20-0-06-28.

The Charlotte News from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)
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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.