The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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0'01111PeliMmtomardeprqpnamkgpitomipintrbogi01111100 ntaAvapaved Find a Cute Puppy For Yourself in Observer Pet Ads! Dial FR 7-7474 PEKINGEsE AKC 5 months female settle MISS En 49754 day En 2-6796 nisht Miss Jeanne Spruill 106 Providence Rd Comments 'Sold Right Away" IN p40wPmlWWwep Concrete Erick Works MERCHANDISE BRICK MASONRY Concrete work 1 rree Entimates ED 2624 45 Miscellaneous for Sale Electrical Service MERCHANDISE for Sale 56 Building Materials I THE CHARLOTTE OBSERVER Fri March 7 1958 519 61 Female Help 458 Cameras Supplies 146 Household Goods CROWN GRAPHIC 05 with Hash IRONERGE Slightly used MO and solenoid 6175 I value 665 ED 4-0067 VAN NESS CO 11(411In 5th St ED 2-77111 BARGAINS GALORE' i Fresh 'lock of Furniture Just ar146 Household Goods I BARGAINS GALORE' Fresh etoek of Furniture Just arrived Dependable Hardware '60 Male Help Tubular passage Wks VW Tubular hedrmIn set Tubular entrance set Cl 451 312012 butts per pair 35c Moo 4th Tool an All knobs are solid brass at Dependable Hardware 60 Male Help Tool and Georges Trailer Sales 3000 Tryon ED 2-1315 PAINT 79 gallon Guaranteed SAPP ELECTRIC CO Rer lin's Pawn Shop 231 Trade VW Park Ave 3-311r- CLOTHESLINE POLES inqtaIled In Fence Posts cement- 2 for $1295 ED 3-3602 101E BUILDINGS fence posts TANKS t1001 3600 to 16000 emptied) Durable Wood Co FR 6-6421 First class condition Me Lean Gastonia Floor Servicing TANKS (Ran 3000 to 16000 csoneitri First class condition Mc Lean Gastonia I 76 gallon Gt a anteed Wn Shop 231r 1 Trade First class condition Mc qln Gastonia PHARMACIST registered In North Carolina Good opportunity salary and chance for advancement Call Stanley Slesinger Shamrock Drug Store 3217 The Plaza ED 30169 GRILL GIRL experienced Apply 1305 Trade St SECRETARY We Buy and Sell Die Makers USED BENrnx WASHER $25 EM 6-3170 Used Furniture anti Appliances A It Austyle Furniture Co '114 Collette St ED 3-1 Florist Refrirerntors Air "4 ustyle Furniture Co 1114 Canso St ED 3-6712 Don't Throw Away an Entire Day's Results! REFRIGERATORS (Two) KITCHEN WALL End boo cabinets MI the above are new A 11 'DINING ROOM surrE piece modern black and white 275 'FR 6-7338 LIVING ROOM SUITE 2 piece I green frieze 230 ED 44680 1RANGE GE Electric Like new 6372 value seU $140 JA 3-2586 Sanding-Finishinc-Free estimates PURSER'S pain Monroe Rd FR 151nS Hat Cleaning YOUR EASTER BONNET Will be like new if cleaned by Central Hat Shop 127 Trade Heater fa-rvics RAGAN REFRIGERATION CO 2320 Tryon ED 2-7212 StairOFS Steel Sinks CAROLINA RESTAURANT SUPPLY 220 College ED 4-3269 VALVE GRINDING MACHINE Kwik Way Al condition ED 3-7327 We pav cash for generai merchandise IHARLerrE SALVAGE CO 314 CA)Ilege ED 3-5137 usEn USED REFRIGERATOR All of the shove items at very reasonable prices to close nut Anderson Electric A Supply Co IM College SL Eb 44837 56A Construction Eqpt LOWBOY TRAILER 40' thole axle 91800 FAMES TRAILER CO 3217 Tryon SL ED 41793 See our boxed ad elsewhere on this Page Carolina Tractor ET Equipment Co YOL CATERPILLAR DEALER infi LOADER Good condition Make offer EM 6-2971 ---GUION COMPANY Wilkinson Blvd EX 9-1455 AIR COMPRESSOR portable from 15 CFM to 315 CEM Mecklenburg Eqpt Co Highway 29 5 miles north of Charlotte ED 2-7220 Only those with post ex- For Credit department pertence need apply shorthand required 5 day week pay in line with qualifications Duties in 1 dude that of receptionist Outstanding empl oyee Apply Personnel Dept benefits BELK'S Steady employment Good working conditions Give full details of ex- perience when reply- ing Write Box D-44 Observer Steady employment Good working conditions: Give full details of ex- perience when reply- ing MAA flues vacuum cleaned Quick service ED 3-5732 Heating Plumbing TABLE four chairs Natural finished maple Al S25 EM 6-3805 BED double walnut complete $30 EM 6-1196 DINEITR TABLE small chrome 2 benches Call EX 94194 'TIVEED CARPET 2195 yd Kintston Mills Carpet Center 1530 Blvd ED 2-8663 FURNITURE FACTORY TO Y011 Save up to 50 per cent Free catalog Highway 70 Hickory PURITAN FURNITURE Co FOAM RUBBER assorted Else remnants Also shredded Inc ED 2-3008 VACUUM CLEANER URFA Goo411 condition Priced for quick sale Call EX 2-1232 or ED 49208 LARGE asoortmont ale booths counters stools grills steamers cam resisters CHARLOTTE SALVAGE is FIXTURE CO 212 Co Hese P113 3-5158 Good stock of used furniture FIVE POINT FURNITURE CO 1809 Rozzells Ferry ED 2-747a PLAY PENS Larse yard pen 815 House pen 98 A-1 EX 9-6794 PRIVATE SECRETARY Attractive young lady Must be capable and able to take on responsibilities 40 hours weekly gond starting solar''' Apply in person Saunders Inc 108 ath St I BOOKKEEPER experienced For florist shop ED 22375 NURSE Mature white woman for 2 small children Pleasant living conditions and good wages Write stating age and references to Box D-4I Observer 21 inch Console Eike new Guaranteed S17006 Good-Year Service Store ED 33116 Illverstoelted ciri used applianees Prices slashed Written guarantees ig9 down on easy terms Refrigeratnrs ranges automatic rashers TV Isets Snook Brothers 1020 Central lAvenue ELi 3-11686 POWER MEAT SAW Toledo used MEAT GRINDER Sanitary tg hp 22 Used FR 64113 SMOKE STACK 10 gauge 24" diameter 6tr long complete with 2 eta guy wires used only short time USED Anchor Coal Stoker hopper fed SOO ths per hour capacity Call or write Hosiery Corn PanY Inc Hickory If you have something to sell or or a job you want is the ideal time to start your Observer Wart Ad Five-day workers have all day Saturday to read and answer your ad Pick up the telephone right now Ask to have your Observer Want Ad started on the weekend really starts! B'anted man between axe of 25 and 50 for Street Supenntendent in town 5000 Population Piedmont NC 'Prefer man with some Ciil Engt ineering experience Salary from S4- 000 to $5000 per year according to or training MI inquiries should In sprit-I caws own venting slating age experience personal references and when he will he able Ito start work Write Box F-63 c-o Charlotte Observer LOAN MANAGER REFRIGERATOR Kelvmator good condition $125 VA 7-486e ---HARVARD FRAMES 'PAIR) Like new $20 IR 57001 DINING CHAIRS 4-lid mahogany upholstered S40 Baby bed $25 ED 17036 WIPING RAGS nualitv for industrial uses Belmont Wiping Cloth Co Box 5114 Charlotte FR 6-7082 Owsley C7 Son Pineville Rd JA 3-3141 D-4 CATERPILLAR with big harrow and Mack truck Excellent small tractor for farm or construe bon WHITE MOTOR CO Manufacturers License No NI 1514 Morehead FD 2-4155 Days ED 2-7406 ED 22594 Nights MONTALDO'S 220 Tryon St Millinery Saleswoman Must hsrs mIHinry Ptperience Good onportuniY Apply PerAnnnel Mira 'WASHER '53 Automatic Deluxe Ken- more S35 VA 7-3856 i SAVE UP TO 5014 1 Factory Furniture Outlet Cannon Blvd hannapolis Call 2-0177 i REFRIGERATOR GE 7 FT Good S75 El) 3-5286 after Ready Made Slipcovers MEYERS FURNITURE CO 204 Trade St ED 2-5673 i Standard Plumbing It Heating Sheet Metal Work Serving Carolina Since 1927 rn 3-2620 ED 2-7634 A PRICE ASSOCIATES Heating plumbing Air Conditioning 109 South Church FR 6-2468 Income Tax Returns TAX RETURNS MRS FINLEY 814 Ideal Way FR 5-5922 BOOKKEEPING TAX RETURNS Mr Fowler ED 3-1116 FR 5-5838 Tax Returns Prepared ray or Evening Mr West FR 6-1979 ED 2-4908 32412 Tryon CHAMBERS 2913 Tuckaseegee Rd EX 9-0662 i'AX ACCOUNTING! Systems reports 'MitMust or business records audited maintained FR 6-2986 ----EXPERT TAX SERVICE 2008 Commonwealth IR 7-2443 EXPERIENCED ACCOUNTANT Bookkeeping service tax reports gystems and auditing ER 7-6333 or FR 7-6734 Mel Jackson Tax Expert Short Form $2 00 Long Form $3 0O RUSIllefol Returns also reasonable 127 7th St Room 100 Plenty Parking Space FR 7-5209 a 9 Pm 6 pm Saturdays --FREn RAY ACCO1'NTAN'r A systems taxes bookkeeping Individual and Business returns 2409 Blvd ED 2-2603 For an established small loan office Population inorm Must be experienced Attractive salary commission and bonus arrangement company benefits Write Box 10113 Charlotte jig Nopi 1 31' 4 4 lAUCTIONEERS Mercantile men Special close out and prices during Ithe month of March Ziegler Products 115 Shuman Ave RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT Dein fryer sandwich and short order Igrills coffee urn All electric Sacrifice ER 75975 after 4 AARBECUE GRILL and accesmories Bargain price kssociated Distributors 2109 Davidson ER 67477 'GAS PUMPS Service Station 3 rebuilt 96 8225 each FR 52597 1(110E WRITER Edison combination Like new used very little Original cost 8400 EM 62680 GLASS INSTALLED Tarpaulins Made and Repaired AUSTIN CUSHION CANVAS CO FR 6-7571 1014 Graham St 'SWING MACHINE Rayco electric portable S40 322 Cedar SOFA BED Simmons Indian print cover $45 Gold bell chair $30 Grey twist rug FM Green wool irug $5 Odd furniture draperies Selwyn Ave Apt 2 FR 5-2726 BEDROOM SUITE sohd maple dresser tilting mirror Bookcase ibed and chest Regular $16170 now 18995 WOODLAWN FURNITURE Blvd Open 9-9 JA 3-0431 FURNITURE PADS 72 80 11142 doz EX 9-7481 Piedmont Sales Wilkinson Blvd WASHER Deluxe RCA Whirlpool Like new 1145 Rollaway bed $15 Moving sacrifice ED 4-3692 DIAL FR 7-1474 FOR A FRIENDLY AD WRITER GAS RANGE TAPPAN 875 Like new ED 35286 after 6 DO YOU NEED rugs or wall to wall carpeting? NATIONAL 304 CHURCH Special rates At financing ED 2-7753 days FR 5-6448 Nights GAS RANGE MAGIC CHEF A1 condition 665 JA 36234 BANKRUPT SALE CONSTRUCTION EQUIPMENT Value $200000 Must Sell of Once 1 1955 Pioneer 120 ton per hour' Asphalt Plant continuous mix elec! trified 2 1955 Bucyrus-Erie 2211s 1 1955 Bucyrus-Erie 1511 4 Motor Graders 2 Adam I Galion 1 Caterpillar No Ft 2 Buffalo-Springfield Rollers 7 and 10 on tandem 1 Earber-Green 879A Finisher 1 Barber-Green 879 Finisher 1 Gravel Plant complete 1 Littleford Distributor 1385 Gallon' trailer mounted 2 Bulk Asphalt Trailers 1 Roger 20 Ton Low Boy 17 1956 Ford Batch 't rucks 2 Mack Tractors 2 Allis-Chalmers Tractors 1 Seaman Puivi-Mixer GM Diesel Motor 3 Ford Pickup trucks 1 1953 Mercury automobile 1 1957 Ford stationwagon Various other items street brooms Industrial rubber tire tractors1 scrapers and shop equipment Contact Jim Powell Fayetteville Telephone HEmlock 14163 Charlotte Telephone Charlotte Telephone I METAL SHELVING 1275 Unit VIM: EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLY INC FA 2-1393 3235 Wilkinson Blvd! EX 2-1393 3235 Wilkinson Blvd SECRETARY Mature experienced Shorthand required legal experience desired Permanent position Salary based on ability For interview call Harkey Taggart at torneys 512 Wilder Bldg FR 64449 SALESLADY experienced only Must be aggressive 850 to 6115 per week according to ability Also need Lady Store manager Mr Seymour ED 4-4217 Seymour's Fashion Celt ter 211 Trade St GENERAL CLERK Young lid High school graduate for mail and file department Hours 8 clay week Write full particular to Personnel Manager Box B47 co Observer WAITRESS Experienced Morning shift off Saturday Call hal Montet ED 2-6320 WANTED AT ONCE Lady trained or experienced In fur niture detailing Must be expert in mechanical drawing Give co pieta information about qualifications Apply to Hunter Box OIL High Point BUTCHER institutional experience Apply in person Chef Hotel Charlotte Please do not telephone LINOTYPE OPERATOR Also kill printer Sobs permanent Contactl A Wright Lincoln Times Lin minion Superintendent For ultra modern denim mill 50 miles of Charlotte Practical man high school education or better age 40-50 Draper weaving background Salary commensurate with ability and experience! Apply in own handwriting to Box E-43 co Observer ELECTRIC RANGE Florence dare! A-1 shape £50 EL) 4-6707 GAS RANGE Tappan deluge A-1 $250 value $125 IR 7-1928 after 6 DINETEE SUITE new Regular $89 95 now $1995 TV Westinghinie 17" portable $139 DRVER New Westinghouse $119 CARR I KER'S WINDOW SCREENS Screen door Cheap 3-0570 MOTOR 10 hp Single PR 31-15 PD Sewing Machine set in drive sockets Ckill ED 3-3580 STEP-TABLES (pair) leather top I mahogany Costs $90 each sell' 625 each EM 6-3805 First BY FAR In Want Ads REFRIGERATOR Hot Point never used 12 cu It with 75 lb freezer Retail $44995 selling $29750 Gas range $60 GE wtinger washer $5514g Antiques 53 Business Office Eqpt IR 51361 FR 54496 1 SERVERS brass china TAYLOR TYPEWRITER CO FLOOR LAMPS pair 3-way heavyl Chests Pine Bed Typewriters rented 33 month Add bases shades 625 EX 9-1021 i 2117 Charlotte Dr 1ng machines 65 month ED 14286 CHAIRS pair matching fireside Gal- SOEA 2 chairs Sectional bookcase NEW AND REBUILT vanized clothesline poles rural mail antiques ED 3-1056 box Reasonable ER 7-1450 I CHINA CLOSET Reproduction curv- Adding Machines WASHER porcelain wringer type ed glass Dark oak 650 ED 2-8685 CHAIRS pair matching fireside Galvanized clothesline poles rural mail box Reasonable ER 71450 WASHER porcelain wringer 11'9e NEW AND REBUILT Adding Machines Laundering HAVE YOUR FADED Cottun rugs end bedcpreade dyed POMESTIC LAUNDRY ED 3-7111 Maytag Reasonable Fit 7-1450 TYPEWRITERS $25 Up National Cash Registers $3850 UP 1 A DANCY Co 215 2nd ED 4-2706 ICE CURE MAKER Frigidaire used 44) lbs daily Champ-Webb Reirigeration ED 4-1114 Independence Blvd and Elizabeth I ED 6-4652 ER 6-3355i ELECTRIC STOVE Apartment 7' Frigidaire $IM IR 55257 15ASSERS wrinaer tylte $50 and up! Firestone Stores Morehead ED 3-4I93 49 Good Things To Eat GRADING fix driveways haul gravel install fencing FR 564'11 LANDSCAPING shrubbery 1510Winf McAllister FR 6-1219 JA 3-2464 COMPLETE LANDSCAPE SERVICE Out of town inquiries invited Nurseries EX 9-5641 1 LANDSCAPING' kinder and tractor work grs et dirt hauled 1 CANIPE IA 9-6542 Like rW'S70' EM PLATFORM ROCKER MAHOGANY $15 EX 9-6494 and Typewriter Bargains iBUSINESS EQUIPMENT 1 INC 318 Tryon Charlotte ADDRESSOGRAPH and Gcanitotyoe reconditioned machices Used supplies and Plate Filing Cabinets Telephone ED 4-8608 New and Used Office Equipment wicsviza -00V0 New Find Used Mire Equipment LUNCH hot sandwich CIO people TA 5- '2252 i-GliNS 4 stainless with' CAIRPFT Resular 5915 this' ich compartments serves Priced for quick sale' wee on 5 1 nic i i25I9 Plata ER 5-4449 Vinod Rooth! l' 11' PARKER llic SOFA Duncan Phyfe inahossny1 WAGONS 1 tainless with compartments serves Priced for quick sale' Illatd Wood Booths l' PARKER INC 'SOFA Duncan Phvfe rnahogan Camera CANDY PACKED MAILED FREE Anywhere in CAROLINA CUT RATE DRUGS 225 Trade Open nights to I a 50 Musical Merchandise Quality new and rebuilt pianos Easy terms Open nights 'til 9 SOUTHERN PIANO CO 1045-47 Central Ave ED 3-0640 TAPE RECORDER RCA HI-Ft Halieratters MA EX 9-7921 AIR CONDITIONER Deering ita ton IUsed I season ED 4-0122 ELECTRIC RANGE Kenmore Good condition $50 EX 9-6321 condition $50 EX 9-6321 FRanklin 6-8770 PLUMBER wanted with city card BORED 4 Call Flt 7-5985 after 6 Construction 8 Industrial Equip 4 MITCHELL DISTRIBUTING CO TRUCK EQUIPMENT MECHANIC See Amer 3915 Hutchison Ave FR 6-'333APPIY in person only Carolina Pay 57 Mach'ry Motors Eqpt ing CO 2801 So uthview St With a Car PLUMBERS WANTED Textile supplies and machinery Call ED 3-4758 4 We Buy and Sell Are you tired doing CHAV1S TEXTILE SALES CO old thing every Box 246 Gaatonta Carpet SaTesman a a You like to get BORING MILL 28" Milling rna-I Carpet Departmeritl things go Places a new profession tools Steel tubing in photography svt Steel Products Co for new store future? Pay from ED 3-7770 rN 1 twaak nti tt all 4 I TRUCK Sr EQUIPMENT MECHANIC See America Apply in person only Carolina Pay inst Co 2801 Southview St With a Carpet SoTesmon Corpet Deportment manager for new store Are you tired doing old thing every Carpet SaTesmon a a you like to get things go places a Deportment a new profession In ing photography with manager for new store future? Pay from week and up all 5 HARRY 319 College En 3-5609 brown tagiestrY 05 EX 9-7921 ti CAR RADIOS NEW AND usEn Frigidaire Bargains on all makes and models Perfection Electric Stove Eget Reams ED 4-2930 'lent eanditinn Rath far II Frigidaire Perfection Electric Stove EXCPIlent condition Bnth for 1 Yards Fixed 5-4021 Grading bulldozing Cnished rock 1 1 INTERSTATE OFFICE SUPPLY 214 College ED 2-8502 DINING TABLE 6 chairs Duncan Phyfe Mahogany $115 Bedroom suite $75 ER 5-5962 Refrigerator ft A-I Bargain EX 2-1077 EX 9-1445 WATER HEATER 40 gal auto 4- Dorsey's Inc Dorsey's Inc ft I $150 IA 3-0395 after 3 FURNITURE Bedroom living mom and miscellaneous Fine condition very reasonable ED 4-6071 2307 Markham Court evenings WASHER Bendix Econnmat tub A-1 Shape $50 FR 76914 WASHER Beadle Economat New! tub AI Shape $50 FR 76914 Piano Bargains chine Small Letter Size 911 91 Charlotte BARRIS OFFICE SUPPLY CO 22414 Cedar 3507 Blvd JA 25341 chine Small Charlotte 22414 Cedar CRAD1NG tar gravel bituminous paving- 12 month guarantee NC-FL PWC specification IR 73101 MANURE Rich wood dirt Si bag I Water oak trees VA 1-2155 1 ---White Pit Gravel VI Illte it -31UVCI matic oil burning Copper tubing tnnk oil tank and stand complete Beater guaranteed to be OE S35 EX 2-1077 EX 0-1443 the same day? Would out Re and learn advertis- a real $RO Per expenses paid ear furnished NO SELLING If you are IR-30 with top Wes elle you may qualify Salary while training For appointment call Mr Mace or Mr Hoke JAckson 3-1515 PUMP Worthington "Mud Hog" 3- 1 huh diaphragm EX 2-1393 I liauted or at pit Fil 8-4021 'BOOKS Executive Secretarial' COW MANURE PULVERIZED I Comae $15 VA 7-489S I trash 88 Graham JA 3-5225 Lath diaphragm EX 21393 1 Save eine on on introductory offer I on a BRAND NEW MODEL of 'an old famous make Manufacturer 'does not allow us to use their name when offering a discount M'e i assure you that it is one of the' most popular makes in America trade- Come in today as the offer is limit- Top Pn ed to only three at the reduced Priced from "STEINW AY NANos PANIM1111 fIRCANc HAMMOND ORGANS" "STEINVi'AY MANOR AMMOND ORGANS" I CLEARANCE I OF USED RANGES GAS RANGE Good eondition Sac- rifiee FR 5-6490 before I in Repossession and trai OIL CIRCULATOR with Mower ins Hardwick and I( lank attached Heats 6 rooms Sac- Mike FR 5-6490 before I CLEARANCE OF USED RANGES Repossession and ins Hardwick and models BOILERS REBUILT esks Chair 1 siFAI 3447 DUNCAN CO PRINTER Flor mn tr mkup 9 estcam Generators iSoaoae- Charh'Ite manaA'heinx! --obles Files PoWER -THRFATIER Oster ContI'ertence to PO Box 1778 Raleigh pieta attachment 4" ED 4-3504 IN 'C' BARGA I NS Electric motors rebuilt PRODUCER desires New rebuilt motor bargains 1 young textile graduate for evaluat- I EW and USED Dixie Electric Motor Service Inc and developing staple fiber Ex- ED 2-1116 ljeOenfe with woolens or worsteds BOILERS REBUILT 1 Amealram Generators PRINTERS Floor man tor mako-up '6 I Nao I I FD 34409 Charlotte Tables Files P-OWER TIIREATIER Oster Coin- olete attachment 4" ED 4-3504 BARGAINS Electric motors rebuilt serviced New rfbuilt motor se- ingyouannd4 tdees1eilleopginragdisitaatpelefotribeevralut4xt- unr LIrk I i New rebuilt motob-ua'rii NEW and USED Dixie Electric Motor Service Inc ED 2-1116 perience with woolens or worsteds PRINTERS Floor man for make-up and lock-up and also machine Iperator Give qualifications and ex- wrience to PO Box 1778 Raleigh NC YNTHETIC PRODUCER desires CAR TOOLS Fxtra good used set reanonable FR 5-1)69 Yards Gravel Dirt Sand stone Grading EX -1034 EX 11528 6 1237 Central Ave AncirPws D-- Andrews i1237 Central Ave 1237 Central Ave Wea th Andrews DUNBAR STANLEY STUDIO Fork Rd Shopping Center desired but not required East Ten- the ros Testile Machinery nd boilers The LAUNDRY CLEANING nessee location Liberal benefits Sal- TLa 151 AANF DO FOR ENT Ave AvIR ED 2-77661 Kelley Co 500 Cedar El) 4-9759 Observer to St' 1SAWS (61 Electric Rand Recondll BRICKLAYERS (2) WHITE Coll Wfl A-79RA Altar A rn Call ED 4-7286 after 6 Room Air Conditioners 1J 1 1 i luuctan I U-CU 110111 I -------m--7- New as hp Pre-sevion below svhole- rioor Mops $70 up Convenient terms sale price of 813945 Call ER 6-2761 REGULAR gl t5 VALUE 1 Suburban Rulane Gas Co 32 used cigarette and soda back lt1 bar section John Seegers 49031 7117 Tkrift Del pan $70 up Convenient terms! r-m 140t WI I 11JF Ilt Floor Mops $70 up Convenient terms New al hp Pre-sevion below whclesale price of 813995 Call ER 6-21 REGULAR 21 95 VALUE 76 Suburban Rulane Gas CoI 32 used cigarette and soda back bar section John Seegers 49031 1 2317 Thrift Rd Music Co "t')ur 66th Year" 231 Tryon St Plaza Rd ED 3-8369 MUSiC co Lb Year" 231 Tryon CLEAN PIT GRAVEL 3ror driveways Call ED 3-7327 flItIVEWAYS fixed crushed stone pit gravel Reasonable FR 3-6620 TOPSOIL pit gravel dirt stone 6 days delivery Concrete walks drives Reasonable ED 4-6461 Moving and Storage SMITH TRANSFER STORAGE Local long distance ED 44070 SMITH IRANSFER 60CAL ng distance 4-4070 FR 5-1721 jr' I $25 $40 FR 68324 HOME ORGAN Slightly used Orita-lAdding Maehl Calculators I 4 I sonic $1150 Casa Bros ED 3-4106Icash Regislersnes PUNCH PRESS TY 0ewriters 20 ton canAcitv 1 1 tinnoA elk tn tAil A-AllA Adding 'Machines Calculators Cash Regale rs TY pewriters Televisions qCH PRESS cin capacity PUNCH PRESS 20 ton capacity WANTED JFixer on Bentley Ladies Seamless WANTED on Bentley Ladies Seamless CANVAS TENT High grate Roodl STERCH I'S 1 condition 60 All equipment About 200 folding chairs Used part' WASHER Frigidaire Automat one season $1200 Mr1- a 1 CANVAS TENT High grade goodl condition 60 All enuipment1 cITPCI-111c WASHER Frigidaire Automatic AMU? 2tat tomtit chairs used part -r I I one season $1200 A Doncy Co 215 IV 2nd St Ample Parking ER 4-251Os ED 42325 129 Lester Spinet excellent Tressie Fletcher Taylorsville College FR 5-3269 $9 THE Appliance 995 Corner lvalue Low price Case Bros Call ME 2-3930 ME 2-3543 7th at Pecan ED 4-6424'y'D 11rawr ayltsf avInr Call ME 2-3930 ME 2-3543 17th at Pecan -3-4108 'value' Low price SA 3-6671 JA 3-096 for Canada Good pay for right 'man Reply Box F-67 c-o Observer TOOLS Craftsman Radial' saw 1 ltp 10" $275 Joiner STEEL PLATE SHOP ENGINEER 6" I $125 In new ASSISTANT CHIEF ENGINEER for ED 2-4294 plate ythop maling pressure ves ED 2-4294 1 plate shop making presaure Writer Retired Id' to work in home cot POSOlg books from given style Experienced preferable excellent op1Portunity tOP Pay Send resume to Box N-24' e-o Observer 62 Male Female Help AN and wife on Social Security good health: to raise chicken bmilere near Taylorsville on ettrittlPS sion with weekly drawing account house furnished State age reference in first letter Box 922 Saha bury SHOP Arm planer 1 'GAS RANGE Universal 42" Good Ornamental Work 1 DRY CLEANING EQUIPMENT 1 condition 845 St Terms 4-8687 FA I RES Firestone Used Plano5 10ne Chisel! Spotting Board Three ores 530 Tryon ED Arnamental Iron Railings Columnsi pressen one double ruff iron set' seaty work MO one tam imn and board one 12 DOORS 8119521n Newest All stylesmanv makes metal steps peil RS IcErt El trikti-ri ReconditionedGuarantee FAIRES USED metal steps specialty wont one tam iron and board one 12 blIA up neWPM USED ReconditionedGuaranteed 1- Used Pianos MIMEOGRAPH-PDC Res rotary' used 18 months 8150 Also Under-Wood typewriter $75 Both excellent 'condition Mrs Scherer Rt Sha- 57A ran WAInut 73084 1 57it tprnamental Iron Works EX 0-1573 hp meters holler all rood eopdiJ Cilings Modern kitchens See bathtub rn lo elosures $2995 Fors Prices start at $95 Mon Price $soo Box 572 An 511alls ITRIMS TO SUIT Plastering 'demon Rost's 912 gth St ED 341321 Plenty of free parking condition vesI 'gels and general plate work for 1 WELT DRILLING MACHINE 'chemical paper oil and utility in-' Shot drill EX 9-5039 idustries Require college graduate' iunder 33 native Southerner Exce1-1 Printing Equipment 1 opportunity with rapidly grow-ring medium size concern Write 1We buy and ell printing machinery full particulars to Fitzgeraid1 I and equipment Standard Printers Vice President Gary Steel Products Co 5001 Tryon Lynn Wienrti 0 Ftn 441 Lvmh 1 i ing medium size concern Write fluiltle Gtoan1 Step! priptzrgoedrualdt "Weanbduyegaunipdmseentit pSritnatnidnagrdmaPerihinnteeryra Co 5001 Tryon Lynn Rog 449 Lynch- FURNITURE CASH SALE Good used home furniture that peovie trade in when they buy FURNITURE CACI-I CAI Case Brothers Fuel iTILE Plikkie box of gn 8479 Piedmont Door Covering 109 College NEW PLASTERING REPAIRS Small EX 9-7809 4 plexico Ft 6-1414 Ct Draw 2725 burg Virginia '59 Wanted to Buy 1-- MANAGER at Greens-horn with progressive I Furniture and appliances 0 I 11 I Highest cash paid El) 2-1754 freight carrier Minimum qualifica- Itions Thorough freight experience Need Coal or Fuel Oil? Call HERRIN BROS 315 East 36Lit St ED 2-219? PLASTER PATCH WORK Wm Henry Swift FR 71231 Painting and Papering REGISTERED PHARMACIST cm weekly Write Ideal Drug Stars West Asheville Graduate Interior Dec orator expe rienced Dorsey's Inc for bed general hospital Good work ing conditions good miary Apply Administrator York County Hospital' Rock MR "House of Baldwin" Pianos Organs 5094 Tryon El) 3-4108 Open Friday 111 9 00 KOHLER (7 CAMPBELL New Spinet Pianos 88 note 3 pedal 10 year warranty FIREWOOD Aro length or size Call John Lee 11 5-4579 55 Jewelry Watches SOFA gray 2 cu4hiom pillow arms 60" long 650 ER 71416 ELECTRIC RANGES (4) Westinghouse $45 each call ED 3-9527 SOFA BEns AND CHAIRS Perfect Mahe VA 7-2003 FurnitureJewelryAppliances CLYDE'S 127 Park Ave 1611 Central LAZY SUSAN TABLE 4 chairs Pine hand made FR 5-4664 WASTE PAPER wanted ti ash paid to Mole 45 man terminal Age 25-40t Chesapeake Paper Co married: education Write giv701 West 5th St ping personal data and all experience Ito Mason 1715 Tryon (harlotte 'WANTED Piann upright small pre- I 'erred Er) 22241 GRADUATE ENGINEER with a I proximately ten years experience CLOTHESLINE POLES Jarrell Machine Co El) 37189 45A Sports Equipment We buy sell trade modern and an Ilene guns Ilitch's Bobby la Gun Shop EL 3-0559 1918 Winter St le Day Cruiser precision built Almost finished 5750 FR 5-6964 Italian Government stir! plus Powerful reliable $75 value only $15 88 each 6 round CAPS of ammunition Flic each 1 Gottliebs A Store Trade St El) 3-4763 BOAT 14 motor trailer complete Good condition Cost S7611 sell $300 'ED 3-8503 day JA 34484 night BOAT 14 ft Runabout 35 hp Evinrude motor electric starter Ga TV's S35 up Radio Record Player Console 165 Couches 320 up Living Room Chairs $250 tip ti ide-abeds $100 Kitchen Cabinets Sit50 up Refrigerators $30 up' Electric Ranges $50 up Gas Ranges $20 up' Gas Ranges new $75 up Automatic Washing Machines $50 uP Dinette Suites $15 up Sewing Machine Webster Portable like new $45 Sewing Machine Atlas portable like new SIM 49 ICE SKATES boys 517eS 3 4 5'In Ehctricai fkifchaTeal lijiustrialj DIAMOND 42 carat Regular $225 Special 2125 MOONEY JEWELERS 4th 56 Building Materials $515 Screen doors $845 1100 4th ANATOLY KAMTNIN European Background Finest Paint in and decorating ED 3-9045 PAINTING None better Insured Dick Wingate ED 3-1252 after 6 PAPERING PAINTING Moss 2911 Plaza Call FR 7-1281 25 years experience Papering painting 1-3 off ED 3-7659 INTERIOR exterior Painting 30 Years experience IR 5-6814 TAMES WEBB PAINTING Cafi Flk 6-4326 iand Administrative iinc This per WEAVERS for and Er 4 In ono box looms Also Barber Coleman draw-in machine operator Victoria Cotton Mill Rock Rill imanent important position with large ELECTRIC STOVE Nice apartmenCnational concern estahlishPd in North size El) 41379 before 5 Camlina near Raleigh Send resume of qualifications and phone number REFRIGERATOR A rood 10' lee-lo Jones Personnel Manager th(' Er) 44379 before 5 Comell-Dubilier Electric Corporation -YUMMY Springs North Carolina I num nviartrr TUNING AND REPAIR SERVICE CHARLOTTE MUSIC HOUSE INC 1316 Independence Blvd YR 7-1324 Open Frt Til 9 Closed Wed I 63 Male Itelp-Sales i Bedroom Suites bed dresser chest' $25 up 1' RUMMAGE Lane S25 $55 Plano $55 Oil Heaters I EXCELLENT OPPORTUNITIES lexist with Electmlux Ann "lances for several men In this -ea No previous experience or capital ca Galvanized and Aluminum Roofing SV and Corrugated EMPLOYMENT WANTED Reliable reasonable Et) 3-3617 ratntibg papering Large small jobs reasonable Campo FR 7-4567 I tor Trailer $1365 ED 24698 1 HOUSEBOAT 16x12 with liwinx space 16 ft boat Roane and electric win: Ina Price 61095 $ee Jr Junes Joe's: Camp near Buster Boyd Male Help Resin-Latex chemist cot orhalt Bhingles-Field Fence-Barb Wire 1 $20 up Ftorthesses blond $IS Drum Table mahoganSt $15 Mort thru Fri FAMES TRAILER CO 3217 Tryon ED 2-3750 Radio 8 TV Service No Down Payment Prime call $LR TV Clinic ED 3-5800 ITEMS AT JOHNSTON'S OUR REMODELING IS TAKING ITS TOLL OF MERCHANDISE HERE ARE A FEW EXAMPLES! PIANO Gulbrensen upright gond tone $IM VA 7-2630 Rent Wurlitzer CHORD-ORGAN Only $2 a Week PARKER GARDNER Get Our Price Phone ED 3-5696 CI Davis Co RFD 7 Charlotte at Croft 24 HOUR SERVICE AU makos Joes Radio az TV FR 6-4353 qUited b1803 iSALESMEN Hospital Life health-accident insurance IR 7542L SALES EXECUTIVE Opportunity Financial organization For appointment Mr Fitzsimmons I Write Box D-27 c-o Observer COLLECTOR-SALESMAN combination Experienced in Household merchandise House to house selling and collecting Anplv in person 0 Mercantile Co 230 24th St be tween 8-11 a AUTO INSURANCE SALESMAN Large automobile insurance comps-fly has opening for sales representatives Part time or full time baIsis Earn while you learn at our expense Must be white age 21-3o resident of Mecklenburg County Call FR 6-1130 or JA 3-6590 after Asphalt Sheathing $56 Vaa4x9 asphalt coated sheathing 1100 4th Radio Hospital 1 29 BREVARD ED 2-5212 WASHER brand new 1957 Frigidaire List price $249 95 NOW $198 1 ESTIMATOR 1 lege graduate 3 years Roofing Contractor ham an opent6g experience in laboratory i for qualified etimator expericnc-and production Please rq-1 hut not necessarily in roofing Prefer young college graduate wilW rush resume photo Good military obligation completed and Isome field experience Reply Isalary Box 1693 Charlotte Smith Employment 1DRIVERS Over 21 'Para nP age I See Mr Prim Victory Cab Co Service I mULTILITH OPERATOR Our Twelfth Year 'Must bP able to produce quality work with speed Experience with i 127 7th St negatives and layout necessarY1 Write giving age marital status and past expenence Box B-35 Observerl REPORTER FIXER 'young asgressive man In take charge of news and Features on Experienced ER Spiral knitting newspa per Good pay hos- 1 chi a clime fixer Apply Box 792 Oahu in a nd bonus call or writel or phone 840 Mt Airy to Lauren Adverbsr Laurens i TVand RI Fl Service SNOOK BROTHERS ED 34686 ALLIED TV SERVICE FR 5-5122 Refrigeration Service FARRIS BROS :118 Trade En 2-8257 1117119 College St FR 6-3588 AL-LEN SPINET Special floor MO4M OnlY 6885 Buy of a Lifetime! ORGANSvn tnu7 uuy up lel Irrie r1909 4-0567 CREOSOTED POSTS POLES Edwards Construction Supply en Pineville Road JA 3-5811 $420 Wood Blinds $635 2-8 $545 And In other sizes Best quality white pine 1100 4th Reg $17995 Sofa Bed Suite Modern Styling See this brand new Frigidaire Im- pehal double oven range today PREAMPLIFIER Fairchild model 1You appreciate every modern 240 Like new $50 FR 5-6843 "a'nfr Refrigeration Service Prompt LEEPERS TA 5-5039 I Red Fabric Soiled JANOS Fabric Soiled OnINrange fitter! And of P- JANOS small ed Fabric Soiled Only range offers And best of an you'll PIANOS small upright $60 Regularr upright San Regular 1 arPreckatetne low price of 6375 ceg- upright excellent condttion $90 appreciate the low price ot reit- upright excelle'nt RACING BOAT and outboard motor lIke new utility sell cheap or trade for boat motors guns etc Call 5-0201 Rock Hill ournoARD MOTOR Mercury Mark 25 with and extra prop Perfect EX 9-5951 or EX 9-3823 We buy trade and sell Any type Guns BUILDERS HARDWARE 912 Trade ED 2-8608 BOAT 12 ft Run-abut with steering wheel 16 hp motor Al condi non 9200 FR 5-4928 REELS 351- off (will Trade) BALENTINE'S HARDWARE 3360 Commonwealth El) 3-3865 Rave Boats Will Sell see Short's Boat at Motor Service Shelby BOAT Runabout 14' complete 30 hp electric engine steering wheel" controls running lights battery Cox trailer lights Sacrifice See Super EWA) Corner Blvd and Shuman BOAT 14 ft Elgin Runabotit Front and center decks fiberglass bot-! tom first 8150 gets it IR 7-3011 BOAT Yellow Jacket '55 25 ho Evinrude boat trailer cover skis $640 700 Morehead -MARINE ENGINE Chrysler inb(iatd 95 hp Cheap JA 3-2060 ClIAR1101111 SURPLUS CENTER Elq Roofing War price S50a Stokes ED 2-7396 It Solesman-Collector Established route for willing worker Strictly sober Direct sales goer fence helpful Good car necessary Permanent with good earnings te right party Apply 0 Price Mei cantle Co 1916 TrY011 Charlotte after 10 a Godfrey Inc 1816 Rozzells Ferry Bd ED 4-8605' FOR SALE i USABLE STEEL 'Beams Channel Iron Pipe Flat Iron Shafting: UNITED JUNK COMPANY Telephone EX 9-7321 SALESMAN 61 Female Help Experienced Apply Lebo'g Shoe Store 128 Trade St IHOUSEKEEPER white live in ran- time folded age 35 to il General 001-andDiE MAKER Er good cook Fleferencee pored in ila and fixture Atut'Plcime rePiy to boa A-37 co Ob SPINET PIANOS Brand brand 1-)1 Ur ILI leW I iurn tdrU REFRIGERATOR 12' In warranty1 Warehouse discount S399 value S150 ER 57629 Eastern Transit Storage Co new name $99 Quilted Spreads Reg $1798 Choice of Patterns $888 56A Construction Eqpt Residential Roofing INTERSTATE ROOFING CO 620 West Palmer St FR 5-8447 4-- PIEDMONT AIDING ROOFING Free Estimates ER 04919 ittIOEING SIDING and repair work Free Estimates FR 5-2131 Rug Cleaning Rugs and Upholstery Cleaning Wall Cleaning Call ED 4-8430 CHARLOTTE FLOORMASTER I 4-------- FR 6-1636 Hardboard $Y) We buy sell used furniture PAYNE FURNITURE CO See "MARTIN KANE" Tempered hardboard $60 I 1113 College St 1 1 00 4th ED 2-84831 CH Singer Sewing Maehille $2954 1- I PLINERS FURNITURE CO I SALE BUN' AND REMOVE houses at PO 2f IR Trade St ED Sell Player Piano $15 and 610 Tth St and SAO Hardboard $50 Tempered hardboard SR 1 1 100 4th a PO and 610 Tth St and 4ne 3CY AND REMOVE houses trin a Sat En- AIRPOR Rool and Mfg Co Matthews NC server f----------- HOSTESS for Dogwood Roor Safety Engineer 77 ipperson Young man to as fey ftESTAURAI sim per (Insurance Company) Prer------- fer ngineering graduate or will con FOLDER-BOXER Miler man with 2 Years eollefle en' 17Inrering And indumtrial experience Experienced Ladies Boston Excellent company benefits car fur- APPLY in wenn nisherl Write Box X-34 c-o Observ-i Security CPMMilligi011 112 First St 1 IA VI flication exi II DI OL server HOSTESS for Dogwood Room Apply in person AIRPORT "77" RESTAURANT FOLDER-BOXER Experienee1 Ladieg Flosion crrlTh 110- IPLUP PLANERS FTIINVITRE CO 3th St General RPRIIV le Insurance St General RealiY le Insurance Corp 418 5th St IR 6-1545 418 5th St FR 6-1545 Remodeling PIEW AnDmo Ns REMODELING Parris FR 6-2929 before 2: ED 4-2677 fpra I om I mom I Frigidaire clothes dryer Frigidaire I deluxe electric range both almost new Sacrifice for quirk sale Also Bend's washer FR 6-8244 lod Nails $920 ad corn VI 15 Rd finish kg SS Sheet rock $in HO 1100 4th lod ri ol $920 Ekt cool S1 15 Rd finish SA 55 Sheet rock Sin Ho 1 1 0 4th 0 ORGAN 'Hammond Chord Like new i saw s0o0 financed JA 3-7011 51 ZENITH 17" CAmtiole $IO down MUNTZ 21" table TV SIO down -KEN'S TV INC FR 6-0320 Chatham Blankets Reg $550 These Are Slightly Soiled $350 9)(12 Pile Rugs UX I 2 Pile RI 7 1 Heating Air erinditioninr ier giving resume of er perience and salary expected I' WAITRESS experienced good hours and pay Morning shift 0 i Central Drive In 1146 Elizabeth I we have an opening for a young 4--------------- I man 25-35 years old with some WAITRESS Experienced Brown Lum ber experience in the design or manufac-I ture of small precision mechanisms Apply 1305 Trade St 4 Matthews Dial VI 74531 Write Box D-40 Observer with full HOUSEKEEPER White liN in care for 2 a a I 1 children DINETTE TABLE 4 chairs Drift- wood manic S50 Er) 2685 INVALID WALKER excellent condition $50 UN 4-1396 Carbines government surplus 515 ea Tie' tall tents new SIT95 Army hunk mattreses DPW $bcla 22 a Trade St 4 4 4 4 NEW ADDITIONS REMODELING 9 Autry Contractor ED 4-5842 Reweaving irINE REWEAVING Mail Service Mrs Summey 1413 Thomas Ave Saw Service BOAT Halsey Outboard 15 HP EVill rude trailer 500 ED 2-2357 BUCCANEER I Used Display Elmore Trailer Sales Marine Mart! 5050 Tryon El) 22471 1 Reg $2995 FROZEN EQ0D BOX 6 FT Good condition ED 2-9546 HOLLYWOOD BEDS Twin complete Excellent condition Both 270 Fr) 4-6996 46A Wearing Apparel 750 Louvre Doors 970 114 and PI ponderosa pine Aluminum screens al 50 1100 aith '4 SANDED PLYWOoll SHEATHING $ilk IMO Ch $1688 $1688 Charlotte Saw Company on Palmer FD 4141 Septic Tanks make used TVs fully guar anteed $2905 up Terms 404 Tryon FR 6-8816 Admiral Clock Radio 219 95 HOME VI IINITU HE CO 200 College FR 6-3648 Columbia 17" Console AE i owner 6100 ED 2-2321 up payments of $250 per week on repossessed TV NPW picture tube 1 year guarantee See Mr Mills GOODRICH 428 Fourth St CAPEIIART Tv A very good 21" console Mahogany $125 EM 6-2680 3-0960 WANTED ISALESMEN IN OUR MAJOR rWAITRESS colored Apply In per-APPLIANCE DEPARTMENTS son 11-2 pm 1616 Statesville If you can qualify for a FRIesman Ave in the major 11100liance field and halking you ie a car we are interested in 45 Miscellaneous for Sale ta with 1Ve offer excellent Company Benefits a 1 d' vacationa group Insurance etc AP' ply at personnel department Sears Roebuck and Co Jacksonville NC AIR CONDITIONING MAN Experienced call El) 2-6629 t1 CLEANER-SPO'rrrB for quality axnthetic plant Piedmont section a Experienced in all phaxes desired Salary open Box F-61 c-n Observer in a 4re iett viLlat: HOLMAY STONE solite blocks Patio and Chimney Blocks Charlotte Block Inc ED 9-3367 BOAT Jumping Jack and TrailerI 10 MPITUrY motor with nuick sver foot 9211 7138 Alayi Ion- er Crarnerton Call' VA 421115 ra Poor People can't afford to MVP Linen Sets a cabin cruiser or yacht Rut Colored 60 Pieces Rome poor Poul with a wife and family can own the nicest 14 ft Was $3995 boat motor with electric starter trailer boat and motor cover for $2995 6795 FR 5-1167 E'R 5-5496 50 HP Evinrudes! BARBOE'R boats for immediate de- Dacron Curta ins licrv rnrnsA nil rim thprn 2 nen- 6111 Us Poor People can't afford to WTI 1 1 i-Mt a cabin cruiser or yacht But Colored 60 Piece Rome poor PI mil with a wife and family can own the nicest 14 ft Was $3995 boat motor- with electric starter trailer boat and motor cover for $2995 6795 FR 5-1267 FR 5-5496 50 HP Evinrudes! BARBOUR boats for immediate de- Dacron Curtair lisery Come and run them at Ben- A "Bonded Buy" Is A Guaranteed Buy CAT D6 Tractor Ser 9U14100 with No 6A Hyd Dozer An oil clutch machine in excellent rondition A BONDED BUY Located Asheville Allis-Chalmers HDPEI Tractor Ser with Gar Wood Hydraulic Angledozer Four new bottom rollers new idlers new sprockets new set of tracks cleaned and Painted Looks and runs good CERTIFIED BUY Located Salisbury Allis-Chalmers HIMG Tractor Ser HIAIG637 with Hydraulic Loader Excellent condition CERTIFIED BUY Located Salisbury CAT D-4 Tractor Sec 7U21344 with No 4S Hyd Dozer Yen good condition CERTIFIED BUY Located Charlotte CAT D-7 Tractor Set 3T22368 with No IA Hyd Dozer Excellent condition BONDED BUY Located Salisbury SEPTIC TANKS cleaned and re ritdrd Free inspection 24-hour service Call Clark FR 5-9405 Tree Service tREES Cut and removed Lumber Pawed and dressed LI 5-4771 Truck Rentals 543 Sheathing $115 txR fir plywood also Rig sheathing $ql 1 100 4th 147 Suits Overcoats $888 During nur store wide Clearance 1 Sale RELIABLE LOAN CO 201 Trade SL FR 541662 WOM EN5 CLOTHES Skirts suites dresses coats etc size 14 to 46 EX 9-1013 NAVY UNIFORMS tor officers Serge whites J7-38 ER 7-7993 WV RUN' MEN'S USED CLOTHING Gaskins Clothiers FR 6-8005 jam Joalvl nett 's Landing R-incite Ferry Britht-e Highway 115 Sun March 1 Call Used for Disploy Reg $2299 $1699 57 Machry Motors Eqpt Lovely Majestic TV Console Like new Cost $2:41 Leaving town Sacrifice $85 ED 24206 1 PHILCO TV '57 24 Inch fable model S11950 FR 67329 Need a Second TV? With a (uarantee! rrit(1flON TV SERVICE 515 Tr? on 2-018 21" 'TV SET THE Appliance Corner 7tt aa eeaa El) 44M6444 RENT A TRUCK By the hour or dav to move yourself Ryder rrttek Rental System NO Daiton Ave FR 5-7391 or FR 5-7392 Vacuum Cleaner Repairs ALL MAKES guaranteed work Ace Appliance Service FR 7-6917 Upholstering HYDRAULIC FORK LIFT TRUCKS after noon Baker Service Ifighvi ay: 115 Iluntertiville BOAT 12 ft Stareraft AtUrIlinUM Fully equipped '58 Johnson 18 hp' motor trailer TA 52888 SKIER'S rWIFITS at preseason special prices after noon Bakers Service trighvi ay 115 fluntersville i BOAT 12 ft Starcraft AtUrIlinUM 1 WiliIv ponintusrl '51 Johnmon IR hp! DFALERS Used clothing In lots Berlin 's Pawn Shop 231 Trade LAdies Prince Charmer Blouses $4 value 97e FAMOUS MART 4 and don't "Th- know what to do about the home needing repairs? Doggett will remodel and repair with nothing down and up to 5 years to pay Cafe Curtains Per Pair Open 'hi 6 pmSaturday RoAT MOTOR CENTFR ED 2-5204 JA 3-3593 1 00 S000 lbs capacity Clark warehousa type with 40-in forks A000 lbs capacity Towmotor warthous type 3500 lbs ity Clark dual wheals pnaumatic tires loss straddle lumbar truck 15000 lbs capacity Case warahouse tractor with pneumatic tints 3500 lin it Clark dual wheal nit pumatic tirtS lo straddle lumbar truck 15000 lbs capacity ss Casa warahousa tractor with pneumatic tiros 211i Collge St -38219 45 Miscellaneous for Sale 's-ruTTS----bn-Ts- lightweight 12 14 Reasonable FR 7-2331 48Antiques evnri' (tint 21 11 Co ifrge St FR 8219 SEWING all kinds Also slit) ers upholstering ED 4-3623 CALL ED VMS for tailored potiata draperies upholstering REBUILD Upholster Refinish Ctood work Mahe VA 7-2003 iVe don't do ALL the repairin refinishing and upholstehng but we en the BEST Thompson Antique Co OOn Wilknson Blvd EX 9-14M Aili DOGGETT Carolina Tractor Equipment Co Your Caterpillar Deafer 3401 Hutchison Avenue Call Fit 5-3711 "Caterpillar is the Iteeistered Trademark of Caterpillar Tractor Ce All in Excel loht Condition A 11 I All In Excellaht Condition ame ir ti Itil 01' It 1111141 17 rtr: '0 1 1 -7 II Ilt i I 1 -04 110 wr 4 1 FREE BOAT SHOW PARK RD SHOPPING CENTER Ends March 9 NISBET MARINE MART 1330 Tryon JOHNSTON'S 120 Trade Call ED 2-8137 LUMBER CO 111 Park Ave FR 6-7461 COLLECTORS item rare pair French Sleigh Beds MahoganY beautiful holly inlaY floral design 2301 Cioydon Rd Apt 3 after 6 pm Antique Fair 'March lAll Open Mill al 6 Ii 1-1301-11 a MAO Ps F1reMall5 Hall well Drilling For information and prices call 7281 or write Braswell Co Box 971 Kannapolis vrorwornmenennenmertwrImrmrremeenornrimenmmeirimemeorgere- For tnformation and prices call 7281 or write Braswell Co Box 971 Kannapolis Y01 DON'T MISS THE V1414-13 IT the well runc dry Cell McCall' Bros Pump 1 Well EX 9-1506 I lommon IIMMIIMIEMO 1 VPPLOPt Stew slit041almSlapo0110114611 40040wateiwoo-.

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Author: Carlyn Walter

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Views: 5886

Rating: 5 / 5 (50 voted)

Reviews: 81% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.