Teeth Whitening in Manhattan NY (2024)

February 20, 2024, Century Medical and Dental Center Manhattan

Would you love a brighter smile? You are not alone, and professional teeth whitening treatments are one of our most requested procedures. When performed correctly, professional teeth whitening can provide excellent results. A beautiful white smile can improve self-esteem and self-confidence and help you make a good first impression. Whiter teeth can look more youthful and healthier, and attractive. If you want to rejuvenate stained and discolored teeth, you could benefit from a teeth whitening treatment at Century Dental.

How Does Teeth Whitening Work?
Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dental treatment that can remove stains from tooth enamel. A peroxide-based bleaching agent is applied directly to teeth, where it can penetrate the tooth enamel and remove surface stains.

Types of teeth whitening
In-office whitening: In-office whitening treatments provided by a dentist can contain from 15% up to 43% hydrogen peroxide.
Home whitening: Home whitening treatments contain a form of peroxide called carbamide peroxide, which is more stable and, therefore, easier and safer for home use.
The longer the whitening treatment remains on your teeth, the greater the bleaching effect, but it’s important not to overuse these products. When using higher percentage bleaching treatments, these must be left on teeth for shorter times. Overusing these products can dehydrate the tooth enamel, increasing the risk of tooth sensitivity and leaving the enamel looking lifeless and dull.

What Is the Best Teeth Whitening?
The best teeth whitening treatment is provided by a dentist. We can use high-strength products safely and effectively which aren’t available to the general public. These help ensure your teeth whiten more quickly, achieving the best results. Most importantly, our dentists at Century Dental ensure teeth whitening is safe and appropriate before recommending this procedure.

Two options are available: an in-office tooth whitening treatment or a custom whitening kit for home use. Both are equally effective, but a home whitening kit will take longer to achieve the full results but does offer more control over the process.

Before whitening your teeth, it’s a good idea to ensure you have a hygiene appointment. Professionally cleaning your teeth will get rid of all the plaque and tartar buildup, leaving them already looking a bit whiter and brighter than before, and will ensure the whitening agents can penetrate your teeth more easily and effectively.

In-Office Teeth Whitening
If you want to whiten your teeth quickly, perhaps in time for a special event, in-office teeth whitening is the treatment you need. Century Dental uses GLO Whitening, a professional system that achieves excellent results quickly. GLO stands for Guided Light Optics, using warming heat to help the whitening gel penetrate your teeth more easily, lifting deeper stains from tooth enamel.

It can brighten your teeth by several shades so they look significantly whiter after just one treatment that can take as little as an hour. During this treatment, your lips and gums are protected before your teeth are painted with professional strength whitening gel that is quickly activated with the warming light and penetrates tooth enamel. The whitening gel may be wiped off and reapplied several times during a single appointment.

Custom Home Whitening Kits
If you prefer to be more in control of the whitening process, consider a custom home whitening kit using the same GLO technology with rechargeable mouthpieces that only take minutes to work. The kit has whitening trays that fit over your teeth and are comfortable to wear.

We can prescribe the correct strength of carbamide peroxide whitening gel and show you how to apply it to your teeth. We also prescribe a special gel to protect your lips, ensuring treatment is comfortable. You simply insert the mouthpiece, switch it on, and it will begin to glow and become warmer, activating the whitening gel.

Read more: https://www.centurymedicaldental.com/dentistry/teeth-whitening/

For more information about the medical center, please contact our office by number (212) 369-5566.

Working Hours:
Monday: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Tuesday: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Wednesday: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Thursday: 9:00 am — 6:00 pm
Friday: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Saturday: 9:00 am — 5:00 pm
Sunday: Closed

Payment: cash, check, credit cards.

Century Medical & Dental Center
827 11th Ave
New York, NY 10019
(212) 369–5566

Web Address: https://www.centurymedicaldental.com
e-mail: centurymedicalanddentalpc@gmail.com

Our location on the map: https://goo.gl/maps/zCTJVC72XAsPmwe17

https://plus.codes/87G8Q295+X6 New York

Nearby Locations:
Hell’s Kitchen | Upper West Side | Midtown West | Chelsea | Midtown East | Little Brazil
10036 | 10023, 10024, 10025, 10069 | 10019 | 10001, 10011 | 10022


Teeth Whitening in Manhattan NY (2024)
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