The Charlotte Observer from Charlotte, North Carolina (2024)

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The Charlotte Observeri

Charlotte, North Carolina

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100owbarawmoalwarmiraArkprrigrripVINInzNroloywr PwPm3m94901a0ii'oNi 10-D Tditt Chartottr Obstrytt FEBRUARY 14 1934 Merchandise I Merchandise Merchandise IMICFLII1d12025C Merchandise Merchandise MCIG110111L1131 INIEMMINIM IU)n loyment Employment Merchandise MM A A tr wiercnangue M0 46 Household Goods AFPUANCtg-111-1-eaalis MAUS Wholesale 5-4393 To nousenoio moos Wholesale 24392 Merchandise EIMEREEINNOIMMINEEN A as mercnanalse 45-A Sports Equipment 45-A sports pv minima pl oaJ wooa uii wood any loosth 815 cord 3736c I SAXAMONE Alto with WOOD mil anY length Green or 'dry $15 cord elivered 2-6715 150 Musical Merchandise 154 Coal Wood Oil PlAg67TiprIghtT-1507-1-4301--- Oak noml cjid T1360 CAVAn(11N Mtn Antk rAela RA-roifi rro'rbA laJnim 54 Coal Wood Oil ITak wood any lenslh HS cord 3-1360 DAK WOOD Cid InY length Green or itY 815 cord Delivered 7-6715 vAit 1 0U CU I llY alum treen Or Idry 815 cord Delivered T-6715 I mrituggnurmulaill 1 156 Building Materials FLOORING kiln drift' '2 e0T111110ti (eCOTIOrtii grade $60 stontey Realty Co Stanley 4156 WOOD fireplace All lengths oak hickory Delivered Sit load 7-2Ifili) i HERRIN BROS- ICE- CO Fuel oils Kerosene Dial 2-21931 DRY CLEANING for Good Coal esvs Ir stanie Ready- -C-0-StZniey 4156 hWirOkOorDy flap tilvaree' All 815 load 7-21fiii)i Mochi nety--Motors HERRIN BROS- COAL-3 ICE- Fuel Os Kerosene Dial 2-2193 RY CLEANING il tor Good Coal WOOD fireplace All lengths oak- hickory Delivered SIS load 72Ifil Fuel Oils Kerosene Dial 21193 for Good Coal I 156 Building Materials driet1714 '2 commor (economy vale) $60 U11111311119 bAK FLOORING kiln 2 eommor (economy Vatic Raalty Co Stanley i UK LItAN I NU 157 'Jailers! Boilers! Amesteam Generators Steam for Every 10 to 300 PurP" Duncan Co InC 157 Boilers! 1 Boilers! Amesteam Generi Steam for Every Pu 10 tO 300 Duncan Cc Completely Autotra Oil Fired SPINET Piano A-I colidli Steam for Every Purpose 1 A WI IS Duncan Co Inc Completely Automatic I Oil Fired sniNET Piano A-1 condition Sell DUNCAN CO -1 1 214 I 1 is-A sports Lquipment rOnAni 111Nra es aim skss nee oat i Electric- Range 5-887074132 Roarin Ave -GOLF CLUBS (Wilson) left-- landifdriammy tieepinfr -Bags $475 GAS LANGE Excellent 855 73676 1 PE ed 3 woods and 9 irons In bag12 man mountain tent' 11495 iBEDROOM SUITE-Complete and odd PI ORGANS just out-pawn 88950 Reliable Loanyup Tents with doer floor $973pieen 34054 Custom Built Conc I 201 East Trade 5-8662 1 Charlotte surplus Center GBLE Deck Beds $3950 ll ALIrmINUM-BOATS 221l1 rTrade gmmiDO Phone A Sizes Creech Drums 55 piers floats WINTER CLOTHES SPecial Privet' Moller Inc 18173 Jackson Container Co 7-1890 Ladies men" children' up 2-3212 Marine Headquarters 145-13 Cameros Supplies 328 ton MATTRESS CO 5 WE 2-194 Metier Jr 45-A Sports Equirment Fie trie- Ran a NOr 5-1347ai 32 127 I ay A ve SUPPLIES AND Wiggins Coal and A 1315 College OAK and MN pulpwood ppro 811x0i Call 7 LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Wiggins Coal and 1315 College 50807 OAK and GUN pulpwood Approxi SUPPLIES AND LAUNDRY EQUIPMENT Call enoiFt rou Childs MO 2:17817 FOLDEX liCAMERA with flash- good' IMA 01 41e omit WdC itst Pnce S2450 just out 10 ln 93 Reliable Loan CO 60 Male Help SHOE SALESMEN I for one of Charlotte's leading shoe salon Good proposition penenced Must also be capable of keeping corn- I WIN or right man Box X25 Observer MANAGER-- For parking lot Ages 18-35 Apply 201 4tn lor trade tor Dodge or iord car1- 1 ire Kecoppirig ler trade tor Dodge or iord car I Ifor right man 11 ire Recopping 1 iic Good condition 3-7941 218 First St Dial 3-841A BARGAINS In new and used ma- SERVICE laundry equipment (Mine shop equipment Trade and washers tumblers shirtfinanee Charlotte Steel Products In 11 A 11 rat! Ct 1777A GlirdCo 2241is Cedar St 37770 iGood condition 3-7941 1Good condition 3-7941 Evinrudes in stock for imme diate delivery: 3 hp 712 np 13 El ps Z3 np Nisbet Co We Ranter St Ph Queens Rd) Rd) (One Moen Off SOO -OUTBOARD MOTOR Neptune 212 Nisbet Co le Patter St Ph 2 721 (nne Mort Off SOO Queens Rd) TROARD MOTOR Neptune 212 pawn Inctexcellent condition with necessary 20t East Trnde $-8662 drainage pipes $75 15-9415 46 Household Goods itowywoon 'Good condition $25 Wm Ir ariVertible 3409 wiOlIERTMonitor AVE BUY sell and trade good cleansDEA BED si mmons mos neW 146 Household Goods I 1 AVE BUY sell and trade good clean furniture 11nt nAittm it vv WASHER IStonitlr $27 47890 SOFA qg tire records Dilmor iunits ironer! New or rebuilt Iner MarhineryCorp34950 eto or ing ac inery New us WaNTED--- Surfacer 24" or-371 Metal Cutting Tools Gauges 1011 Co Lotto Itound Head Good condition Cheap APEX MACHINE TOOL SUPPLY A I int-rnD nvr i 'WANTED Surfacer 24" or-3711 Hound Head Good condition Cheap mew woriumi MarninCrj view or urbts Metal Cutting Tools Gauges APEX MACHINE TOOL SUPPLY lOil Co Lotto AUDITOR mately 100 cords pSee Mr Arnold at the A Jones ropedy on Creo the A Jones property on Creo of Street 55 Jewelry PRINCESS RING Plat 4 inum dia 1117 runinum monds 475 43321 2-7842 S()LITAtRE and Bitar- Diamond ring cost $250 Twothirds A SOLI Diamond ring cost $230 Twoithirds carat A bargain at 1123 Mr Booth 116 Ch "'urch We Buy Sell Make Loans on Dia- month Dukes Jewelry Loan 205 East Trade 7-5378 WATC New 'Henrik Calendar tells month day time Retails $70 Will take much Call 5-1145 or 5- 1786after 5 56 BuiliiiriiMatertals $595 Fir Doors $5Qc 12 6-8 through 2-11 6-8 1 00 4th 1100 4th Brown Cabinet Works 443 Green Brown Cabinet Works 443 Green A-c--085-42576 Floor Lamp $UE I) A-1 condition Call 5-9696 1417i11RE os ruRN CO BOAT 12' with trailer Deason'si 2141 Trade St 241287 Crown Service 7th at Hawthornel REVOLVER 45 automati 2 'Wardrobe cedar lined- $40-16273 3 22 target pistol 625 each 2101 Plaza DINING TA BLE--6 chairs mahogany 6-1719 Duncan Phyle $65 6-4575 overhauled your VVe- it aTii-Tn stock---tiev erermoder-7-0 All makes Rosa 45116 Winchesters in different calibres All RPMIngtOn models and calihresJELECTRIC RANGE Universal New used On li ra 11 -MIAl St Morganton ENGINE LATHES DRY CLEANING PCANT EQUIP 11 -11 Lodge Shipley 18- by MENT Complete For sale at soul I Lehmann IS" by 7' lice 7-3203 Seneca Folk 14" by A' BOLE IR 75 Horsepower James TURRE TT A II ES billet vvith stoker return system' No 2 Warner SWAReY and stack About 6 yearn old Fligh1 No 4A Warner Swasey 712" IP Pressure Pates Laundry and Cleam'through the spindle rs DDillon 1 Aetna 214 through the spindle Ls22ohle Barber- SANR Porta-Cable $300 3-7163 Toleman bobbing machin Ph 6-6521 3107 Wilkinson Blvd a ll IHOUSEKEEPERS -----Alaids for nevi York sleep-in jobs Own room genet- yfuotuurie re tciluthatilai ed hearedstefid In rm al cleaning and cooking Traveling here is an unusual opportunity Age expenses Start monthly limit 22s ust have college degree Write Mrs asco 12 Wildwood in accounting Tra easntdabilnist vel and eventual Road Hicksville Long Island 1 relocation a condition of employment Give phone number and enclose snap itialary to $400 plus travel expenses shot 'Company automobile furnished WriteNurseMold sonse housesTfirk71 giving full details and enclose recent dabs $15 1733 Logie Ave off Central snapshot Box 1-96 Observer at Carriker Poultry ittnt'SVKFFPFIlh A good 11-1OWY Rmtngton Brown- Ing Wtheheater Ithaca Shotguns stork of reloading supplies very complete Open a in close 15 Pitch's Nobby Shop mil WI ter St Phone 3-0159 'Pr NT rnone sos is 9: UMP SA Call 39489 Shallow well with tank I No 3 BrOMI Sharpe Milling Machine van Norman Cylinder boring ma -Petty Machine Co 612 Franklin Ave ichine 1Gastonta chin Gastonia 44 l'--4 4 4 1101Lywoon Beds (2) 9225 3-9509: itolLywoon BEM-complete: Cover FARRIS BROS n3 barrel pillows Ed) 4-1321 279421 Itscorn- -1117 College 111 8 College -Sioux Valve yetacer heavy dotv her various i7C8 $55 4-6184 LUMBER 12780 ft Rough lumlhoth late models in excellent condi Pi lion Price to sell 1 Sioux Valve refacer heavy iboth late models in excellent Ilion Price to sell AS11E Monitor $20 54033 tVIA7t 12 1-4-TV---flottitm with 11 erk saber Spotlit( as- nevi- S185--3-9506 4150- 5-0413 atter 530 Gray frieze- Simmons- 117s TIZ NIAttn moTolt 2 bp I cellent Cost 8300 Sell $90 67032 Never used 1173 4-7335 cl*tired 5-4186 Ong Immediate opening for right duty- ot man Hearn News Myrtle MA Between 30 and 40 years Swop Beach age clean housekeeper with no LOOM FixErts for mode) dependents preferably living in Pine- 'EFRICERATOR Westinghou SI'M se ust be good Apply in person tooville or Selwyn Park area Hours 7 for smaller box 5-0192 not write od phone) Smithermanlam to 545 Saturdays until Cotton Mills Troy II Write Box W-48 Observer 59 Wonted to Buy BOYS l2) young Work Hardware and 5tOTHER'S HELPER Light eti-ok: Used home Box F89 Observerdiott near IL Send photo chain112000 to 15000 gallon capacity cani- 1EctilICIAN Licensed Sal- i health card references MO 00 a Matti'16-6421 9 a to 5 in or write de- I ary and commission Establishedlmonth Mrs Goldberg 97 WierG to Box 9128 Charlottel business Write Box F-88 care oflmas Lane Hillsdale 'Observer Swap Used 7112000 to 15000 gallon capacity Call 1'16 6421 9 a to 5 or write de- to Box 9128 Charlotte1 ling Immediate opening for risk 5 -4186 PrinterPressman in weekly shop epxrperience with automatics newspa presses and commercial print to work Good pay and steady work- TRUCK MECHANIC 1st cla must be sober honest end wilting 1y 1 -Duncan Pyle floral 'portables like new each $65 WE BUY sell ano trivia al pes 640 54720 i Call Mr Rogers guns Builders Hardware 912 Trade St 2-8608 iffitchen Cabinet 915 7'429() STONE FINANCE CO 6niPlete servici-beoCior IREDROOM SUITE maple complete INC Outboard S86 II4239 6-3844 1 SMITH-WADSWORTH Hardware Co Refrigerator Norge 6125 58670 Oat Tryon 4-5364 428 TRYON ST Pb 6-7421 HoLLYWOOD HEADBOARDS 5 42311 InStoEs intiqs ----Sell oi tmadechest night table Leather 960 21073RANGE" Hotpoint-875 -44383- Ross Grocery 6-2838 Rock HilLSC4LAY PEN CO 3-2256 (tornES DRYER-SIM DEALERS BABY-SWING -66- 3-2236----- 1- Es- 38543------- dsTunto sm SUITE beInauNtitoulh manoduldedSouthyeCnoawrolin Jac iftert rapes curtains st 50 up 2 1073 hogany Custom-made Pada $110 3- boats None finer Write: BOAT HOUSE INN Rt 3 Box 242 Charlotte cI SAVE 50 HIH CHAIR-87 Stroller 27 94144 nrt rinrvi AMO 1 mroo -hintrmr Stroller $7 34194- 011 CIRCULATOR Large blower Asko Brick Co Van Wyck 1 ohver El- NrUll tloSn7A2In c-7-hib Phone 5-1545 Rock Hill PART-T1ME wanted Margo Stores care fo 309 Trade1 SECRETARY -Male for Top est five of a large corpoation In the PICE Carolinas Must be able to take dic- 'Lady to do OFEICe TABLES any 11 'ibe bargain 13466 1 Old Typewriter at bargain 6-90351 '9'WASTE PAPER wanted Cash paid iChesapeake Paper Co 701 West Fifth GOOD USED REFRIGERATORS i 'Friendly Sales 411 Trade 3-61383' Top Prices paid for good used furnt-I tore and appliances tioffmeyer's I Furniture Co 114 College 2-6712" i We pay more for used furniture' Office Equipment antiques I MINER FIXTURE It FURN CO' 208 Trade St Ph 2-8287' Console piano wanted 31304 CABLE Control Blade for Louis Parker Concord Ph 27715 1 'CEDAR BOARDS- ApproximatelyCCio'rema-n Ph 1935 Salisbury 500 ft $75 Apply 2021 Wilmore Drtc SillITE blocks build better buildings CHARLOTrE BLOCK INC 6-54oft 1 MACHINERY 11111DINGS 2 utility buildings Fae Egan No 186- 42" Band Rel! 20 Ideal for storage work shop Yates No G-2 direct drive chain additional room to home or river ripsaw 18" Crescent planer Matti-cabin 6-0303 can 42" Automatic lathe American FLAG STONES No 3 6" molder Hermance 10" Stepping stones sidewalks terraces molder Colliday 6" molder Vance 12tie sq ft Pick it yourself 4-520fLiNo I matcher 3 side Sash sticker 35000 good used brick Robertson Plow and borer 40" blower Small Wrecking Co 4-2343 troller feed ripsaw Double spindle Cement $105 bag sl 25 hh shaper Wm Slack 409 Mortar Mix Wright Bldg iHigh Point Finish Lime 31 Elevators CD Otis --Capacity 1000 Rug Plaster 8123 2000 3000 pounds CAROLINA SASH Si DOOR CO 1 ACE ELEVATOR Co "Everything for the Builder" 924 4th St 1300 Central Ave Ph 3-3114 8 -x 12 Flue- hinging-ft Ste 8 Flue Lining-ft 40e BARGAIN HOUSE CAROLINA SASH noOti CO "Everything for the Builder" CHUCK FULL OF MO Central Ave Ph 3-3114 Johnson McMillan Lumber Concrete BARGAINS BARGAINS Everything to build anything 7-1564 3-8" Sheetrock 843s4 615-00000 worth of merchandise Gypsum Lath $115 MIL odds and ends going for at song 10 a 12 Plain Rail Window $410 Some used some new CAROLINA SASH DOOR CO Doors exterior $2 00 UP "Everything for the Builder" Doors Interior 6100 UP Window screens 50c UP 1300 Central Ave Ph 3-3114 Screen doors SI 00 UP FENCE POSTS POLES Odd Pieces of Plywood Kitchen cabinets $500 4 up Pressure Treated Creosote All she Taylor Colquitt Co lumber STOP IN AND VISIT OUR and timber posts and poles tor NEW BARGAIN HOUSE fencing lighting and barn ronstrue iron FP1110 wire of all kinds Open Daily tit 5:30 Sat til 12 FREE DELIVERY Lumber Co EDWARDS coNSTRI1CTION SUPPLY CO rsritt Foreman Ph 1935 Salisbury 1 MACHINERY Fast Egan No 4'2" Band Re- Yates No (3-2 direct drive ripsaw 18" Crescent I P-aner- Ison 42" Automatic lathe Americanlails 1 No 3 it molder Hermance It 'Tit Noon Saturday 1 I i priers Mattresses 1 Renovating Collins Mattress 71111 iSICIIIIICLIE2 inISIIWAS1IER Apex automatic Excellent $5 47641 Highchair Portable S20--3 "MUD etIERRY" bed -Room Suite 4-pcs only 8439 00 Vance Furniture Co Huntermile lwy No 21 WE PAY highest prices for good used furniture Call 31412 SEWING MACHINE $55 3 94119-- QuAlsrY Furniture at SO per cent The Puritan Company South College St Phone 2-2378 Ph rah Modern Purnituro Co' 1724 Peerem St 74407 SEWING MACHINES (2) State excellent bargain 825 3-1052 Refrigerafor 94' Coldspot275-22569 22769 Tables 2 lamps $57757017 ELECTRIC In crate Slightly damaged in transient $150 cash 0-1311 RollaWay bed 8207cot $37-5701t7- Snta good' Condition 822 5-1017 PIANO -L-7- Apartment size (1 wayher 8150 43139 SPECIAL: Feb enli-KelyMator-air conditioners $IO down first pay ment May You pay only In hot wealh'en Phone 3-9230 EFFICI ENT APPLIANCE SERVICE 111111i00M-SOITE7S50 -7-5559 270- 73559---- WASHER Pendia 295 75559 illetrigerator Phileo $125 343937--- DINETTE SUITE Chrome new 95 value price 885 26393 3- 2933 firFRIGERAT011-7 Phileo 2-ft with freeze rest Excellent 11100 34283 mornings ELECTRIC RANGE $40 7:3732 ROLLAWAY-BED 71732 LIVING ROOM -StitTE 1130 7-5559 LIVING-1100M SUITE 5ple4 semi-modern As new original cost $400 Sacrifice 11290 841375 DINING ROOM SUITE Beautiful 9 piece solid mahogany S200 3-7837 Wood-heater-7721g Washer- wringer A-I: 243 335097- WASHING-MACHINE-- 823 8 0402 WASIIEJi 5:41311 GAS FIANGF $um 34838 WAVER -Aatomalle Ant 1 yeai old Perfeet $150 4-1387 Se81-118 51ach1ne-CItieen -Anne model- Call 54)351) SP YTilg MaehTnn -C)neen -Arine-TnorleT Vta Call 30150 4 CA Wearing Apparel 6 bik'ir Slamktal 7 6148 1 inen nil Drrne Close Out Prices en all Overcoats Prices Up to 224 SO Out-Faun Your Choirs $995 Reliable Loan Co 201 rad Trade St Matching-1e-1r (Imported) SIC Call Beth Laney 34342 FUR SCARF Sable 4 skins 240 4-1321 2-7842 MANS SUIT-4Ize-4271311(e-herringbone New 8105 value $25 4-5228 USED CLOTHES Bought and sold FUR SCARF Sable 41321 2-7842 MAN'S StIlf-L-SIze-4! bone NPW 8105 WIN I stt) 321 Trade 7-3342 i'0A17--- -ARTS quality custom made 50e sq ft I i I 1 California Redwood Stock Cornices Thru Yr" 111 a9 Thru 44" 29 Thru Thru 2449 Thru Sale Alan Ontlam Rat COMIC'S Any design any size can bo pa4nted covered atainad NEWTON NEWTON 2-0795 in perfect coed len list price $2450 Nat nut pawn $995 Reliable Loan ('o Inc 261 Fast Trade 5 8662 Cf FAN ED" USE!) FURNITCR 17 Cedar Wardrnbe $1950 3 pc hcri iroom suite 3:19 0 3 piece living room suite $24 50 metal bed and $750 CASH or CREDIT PLINXER FIXTURE EURN en 2fig East Trade Ph 28287 ELECTRIC IRON (GE) good as new list price $1295 just out-pawn $5 95 Reliable Loan Co 201 East Trade 5-8882 SOFA Duncan Phyfe Reautifill condition Colonial rocker Hollywood bed 41207 RED (Maple) Twin $34) 6-0407 ELECIIIIC REFRIGERATOR $3956- Sewing machine guaranteed $930 washing machine guaranteed $3950 GE electric range $3950 12315 wool rug with pad 9312 genuine Oriental wool rug combination radio and rec ord plaver $24 50 Discount for cash MCIVER FIXTURE EURN CO 200 East Trade hhnn 0207 Used Spec laIs i 1-2 ne Living Room Rd gin 95 2-11nnnie Oven 'aril S450 1--4Fitttner Oil Stove $24 501 Kilehen Cabinet $19951 No Chug tor Credit I Meyers Furniture 204 Traci St 2 5673 USED WASHERS Automatic automatic and wringer All in good condition From $29 95 to $99 Easy terms Snook Bmthers 1020 Central REFRIGERATOR 1) IL Coldspot as new SM DRAW DRAPES 3 pair gray Cot tures fixtures $25 3-63211 LAMP TABLES each 3-63213 LAMP TAIMES SR each 3-6321i (01-1- Eh: TABLE 219 3-8328 11101'1EAF TABLE 4 chalii-libm can phyte mahogany 27S 3-8328 HEr) double complete 825 2-3402- BASINET BASINET lation type maintain files and hill a co'nfidential position Must be iftee to take occasional trips Good salary Only a top quality young goo duetion ran qualify Box F-59 Observer MEAT MANAGER- CUTTER day week Salary Ii COMMiftRiOn Apply Piedmont Super Market 2635 Tryon ATTENDANT for parking lot Neat 18 to 30 Apply 123 Church FURNITURE SALESMAN! with some experience in handling executive af fairs for position as assistant manager of furniture store in Piedmont section of North Carolina Must be completely sober and willing to work Give details of furniture experience where now employed and salary expected in first letter AU letters confidential Box F-81 Observer HOSIERY Experienced Wildman Brinton Or Fidelity hosiery rib machine fixer for day work Steady work House available Write or apply in person POWELL KNITTING Co SPARTANBURG Group Field Service Representative The man selected will be given thorough training at company's home office at a reasonable starting salary travel expenses paid car for traveling and many other em ploye benefits This position offers an excellent opportunity for advancement Age 22 21I Single Draft exemnt Write Box NI9 Observer giving full dotailk MULTIPLE MACHINE CARVERS Must be experienced Write Box IA29 Observer TERMINAL MANAGER 1 for Class 1 Motor Carrier Must he familiar with operation and adminisd tration of large terminal All repliesl confidential Box P-38 Observer RTG MECHANIC on Jersey Circular wheel or Jacquard machines Good opportunity with progressive firm Nat Gaiston 1604-5Ist St Brooklyn 4 New York YOUNG MAN For general dent cal duties Excellent oppodtunity in progressive organization Fine insurance and pension plan provided Apply In person: SUBURBAN RULANE GAS CO 2317 Thdift Rd Bee Thompson MAN with family physicalIV and mentally able to work on mechanized grain and cotton farm New home with modern conveniences Theodore Parker 14 Warren Court Phone 543N Sumter WARM- AIR 1NSTALLER1rot1is Must be experienced in Insulation of I m1 160 Male Help MECHANICAL ENGINEER neglect ed Write David Wm Cecil tee*ts Engineere Box Int Spartanburg stating salary expected and experience itV lot NURSE necestrY registere for elderly gentle d-Waii---tel 'man Will live on premises and act as companion This is a permanent 'man- Will live on premises- aid act as companion This is a permanent position for the right Party Plea reply to Charleston Inat 1754 giving age experience and sal EN WANTED larY exPecte di 443 EN 'ANTED 1 arY 60-A Domestic Help 1-loisevvorker Expc1 S3Per wk nws 4 References Required 2 children own room and bath to start immediate 11y Write Mrs Kessler 214 Knight St Oceanside I room and bath to start Immediate Write Mrs Kessler 214 Knight St Oceanside 1 iloNvfAiD Experienced Couple East Full time Permanent position er 25 years old References is family Room board salary W-45 I 6 Female Help HOUSEKEEPER (white) for WORK in RFAI ESTATE OFFUIE UPtOWn office INTERVIEW BY APPOINTMENT ONLY 3-1154 HANKS-JERMAN itt WYMAN REALTY CO SALESWOMEN For IleadyTo-Wear Experience Preferiincl Call 3-5IRI For Interview Appointment MONTALDO'S LADIES! Time on your hands? No money in your pockets! If you are suffering from these symptoms and have use of phone we have a solution to your problem! Sur veva No selling Write P34 ()Met TYPIST SECRETARY neat rapid accurate Experience on au dograph or dictaphone helpful but not essential Work with new equip ment in pleasant surroundings 5 day week 61684 extension 26 BOOKKEEPER Must knowledge of complete double entry bookkeeping Knowledge of accurals necessary 45375 WAITRESS Experienced 18 or over Apply 9:30 to 11:30 Mrs Aus tin Pine Room Hotel Charlotte Exper-1: enced Insurance company work Air condtiioned Johnston building office 5day week Company benefits Good sal ary Call 3-8466 for appoint ment (2) (ASCP) wanted for hospital work in western South Carolina city with approved school of medical tech rulings Salary open Write muslin cations Box X-28 Observer REGISTERED INDUSTRIAL NURSE Poly: Personnel Director SOUTHERN DESK CO Ifickory 1--A-BORATORY TECHNICIAN experienced 5-day week No MIMI work Good starting salary Ron 41 Observer CASHIER Mirldleayed woman exPerlenced lb restaurant work Steady emplovment References Reply W-2S Observer A-1 Typist For A-1 Position No shorthand required For top Lyrist salary on permanent basis 40-hour 5day week paid vacation hospital LABORATORY technicians for IM bed hospital Employ three techniclans Salary open dependent upon qualifications and experience Complete maintenance in new nurses home Give full qualifications and experience in first letter Apply: Administrator Union Memorial HoS pital Monroe COLLEGE WOMAN 23-40 to call on new residents to promote outstanding Charlotte business firms Combine civic and business posiHon Mrs Briggs Wm Barringer lintel 912 a wNk days for appointment SUPERVISOR to take charge of Finshing Department in ladies Hosiery Milt Must be capable of as-coming full responsibility for both quality and production through in sperting and pairing Apply to firri X-47 Observer in own handwriting slating age experience and salary desired North Carolina Cerebral Palsy Hos' pital in Durham has openings for a head nurse and a staff nurse Pediatric nursing experience desirable Excellent working hours and salary plum maintenance if desired Write or telephone KITCHEN HELD (colored) Muli be experienced tinily 2043 south Blvd BEAUTICIAN Experienced Two Sisters Beauty Salon Call 3-0438 or 3i414 WAITRESS experienced for AS Blatant Hostess Good pay and tips off Sundays Apply Mr Montet 3- 0:120 COUNTER GIRL Experienceir neat dependable CrOssroads HeStaurant Charlotte Bus Terminal Accours-Ts BECEIVABLE POSTiNd C1F11K by local wholesaler MUNI be thoroughly experienced with Burroughs Posting Machine also must be experienced handling figures asily accurately Some typing Not over 35 No absenteeism Permanent SIX day week Not for beginners Phone Mulkey 0-6428 LABORATORY New 100 bed hospital Usual hard work reasonable salary on call every 3rd night and week end Three excellent technicians and aide employed Opening on April 1 Privato room and bath new nurses home Near beaches and larger allied Pleasant working associates Contact Administrator Sampson County Memorial Hospital Clinton North Carolina Assistant dietician: 100 bed hospital Eastern Good 'Wary complete maintenance in Home Econntnics required WAITRESS and counter Belmont Grill 1130 Belmont Ave Secretary Typing shorthand and filing Air ceb ditioned offices Salary commensurate with experience Apply by appoint ment only ERVIN CONSTRUCTION CO Phone 341416 HOME ECONOMICS COLLEGE GRADUATES For pleasant challeneng work with our Home Service Depart Work involves demonstrating all uses of electric service to our customers Complete training given thou Accepted Prefer I 2 years teaching or similar ex Perienct in home r(onomics field Locations in eastern North and South Carotin' Car required for limited travel Salsry and Penney Benefits include group insurance vacations with pm week nptiremoct plan orPortunity for advwricement AP-PIN Horne Srvice Director Caroline POWt ft Light Cornpang Raleigh Mt Southern Sales Mgr 2f01 Selwyn Ave dpr 60049 Charlotte VISIT OUR GRAND OPENING SEE OUR COMPLETE STOCK OF ORGANS PIANOS RECORDS PHONOGRAPHS HI-FI EQUIPMENT REGISTER DOOR PRIZE: MAGNAVOX HIGH-FIDELITY PHONOGRAPH (Nothing To Buy) MUSIC INCORPORATED 212 Independence Blvd (Corner Elizabeth Ave) Free Parking 4 1079 PIANOS Baldwin AC rosonic Gulbransen SPINET PIANOS also Baldwin Electronic Organs WIda spiretion of axed pianos Uprights end Grande Terms to Ault Case Bros Plano Co Since 1907 "House of Baldwin" 117 6th 6-1575 51 Radio-Televisian Radio Record Player san7-7 555T CLOCK ADIO table model i white good-as-new it price $34 95 Plat outpawn S1993 Reliable Loan 1Co Inc 281 East Trade 58557 1 i TV BARGAINS 17" Tele-King Table Model $143 17" Tele King Console $165 21" Motorola Console Mahogany like new $245 17" Tele-King table model $75 Call Mr ROWE Stone Finance Co Inc 920 Tryon 4 5364 AWN IFLEVISIOrg tca real) price 216177 day 22522 night ZENITH table model teievisiori7fine condition $09 Snook Brothers 1020 Central Ave FAINSWORTIr Itadiorecord-PlaYer combination Console reasonable 47710 SIIVERTON Radlocombination 3speed A console $50 6 Mel WEsting-1 BOOKKEEPING-1mA- 1 DESKS (2) Art Metal 34 160 ve pinte slam top (1 7 Corporation Rents late model typewriters Free delivery Phone 3 6156 APPING MACIIINP late nowlei Underwood With subtraction 4-7711 Rent a late model typewriter learn touch typing at home BUSINESS EQUIPMENT co 316 So Tryon St Charlotte Tel 2 2905 l'iiiTahirrei--nictaCS15751Jt09--- TYPPWRI'lFt -Good 245r a 9025 CHAIRS 5 solid walnut chairs Desk solid oak flat top glass top Exealiontcondition 3 2413 -CALCULAT- For Bent For Salo BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO VII Trion St cllattotto TIC 1 1 I 3-73941-111-- WASHER Floodlit MOO 2-7073 'Good condition Make offer 7-4290 It 2175 2-7031" rxeellentBilY and sell used REF ATOR --Norge oleos and childrens 2-3212 condition 5-0350 days 3-81175 into Power Mower Excellent- condition HEALERS: Used clothing Ana ahoos 7-8245 or Nide Berlin's Pawn Shop 231 mens and childrens 2-3212 $50 5-0350 days 3-81175 nite Power Mower Excellent- condition DEALERS: Used clothing and mhos' $70 7-8245 for ante Berlin's Pawn Shop 231 FUR- NPII Pineville Road PA miles from limits 38693 210 Lb Shingles $595 Green black green blend red blend blue blend and slate blend 1 1100 4ttAssorted Window per pair NIVENS LUMBER CO 2627 BROWN 1111111ER CO Matthew Ph 2411 MI lumber materials for sale 1100 Boulevard 7-2401 150m 28706 CLEAN your own Fritters 30 ft 'aluminum hidden for rent $2 Per 16 per week Owslev and Sons Phone 68444 Pineville Rd 'Save on Septic- tank Material out door toilet parts precast stens Co 5412 Autrey Concrete Products MCAIN wrecking large hospl tat 125 pairs steel easem*nt sash 40 of slate 100 plod doors 125W bricks All kind of lumber Suggs Wrecking Co PilltLIPS-BUILDETIS606 Palmer Dial 4 OM Wrerking Douse 612 Morehead Robertson Wrecking Co 4-2343 Sears Arranges Installation Of Roofing Siding Insulation Guttering Materials Labor Guaranteed No Money Down On FHA Terms Call 6-2711 for FREE Estimates SEARS ROEBUCK AND CO Charlotte Repairs Remodeling Additions to your Home Labor and Materials Financed Thru Our Office Up to 36 months to pay McClure Lumber Co Mt Holly Rd Phone 6-5517 forihnegr' fenxrglevnearmd air furnacal771ile)ite1ectifo Applicant must t71P I work and ahontvr thoetsp1ilrlm have pride in inent Must have eh round rtaohoJ ext varrnd rmgenit man Call 4-5561 for appoint- uptown office and iood Plloebasafonrt the right typist Unless you ar (11ERK DE om real good typist with good riee 11 1'1 nation fwhiteo Apply Barney's xe please do not apply 440 Piedmocid 17south Blvd Charlotte TRUTONE 10" table model telecondition vimion New picture tube with 1 year warranty 875 22564 PICTURE -SALE- 2 price-of Trnd -one 21" with IL New As-VALLEY FURNITURE CO 147 Awnings Vers BlitTas mime payments 4 7831 3315 Wilkinson Blvd Charlotte TeleY-iiion All leading makes whit hilEAKFAST SUITES $89 95-1 New Buia-s----Bamboo Drapes sale 5-4393 Salvage Albemarle Rd 5-7455 Aluminum Awnings aiggem stork of Cited Flirni Painting-Taning-Repairing Radio AM FM WEstingtune in Junk-Electric Venetian Blinds Weaned 110115e 7 tube like new $2150 gas or oil ranges washers oil heat CHARLOTTE VENETIAN BLIND era electric refrigerators etc You REFINISHING CO name it Ws got it Reasonable 4 8830 after 5 4 9101i FRANK'S LOAN OFFICE Pried' Cash Discount or Easy Terms CLINTON CO FLEXALUM VENETIAN 227 Trade St 2-0191 YR ANK New Used Furniture BLINDS TELEVISION-12r 8475072101-P1i: 112 Brevard St Ph 3 4751 Window shades PlYWOO1 and 7A Redwood Cornices WHOLESALE' Curtains-Stork Draperies Metal Awnings 53 Business Office Eqpt -Th4q1-1' ------'rh-i T- gT-AIIRETT-'1'R A SIT- 141 While They Last Venetian Blinds Washed Belatsed and target like new Just out New Philco Appliances mi Repainted nvrow St NEWTON 2 0795 'scope and ground level vial tripot piusn 54950 Reliable Loan AVONDALE HARDWARE 4 0925 VENETIAN PLINns Flexalum 14 0 Int 1'14 Co Inc va do cRAA9 INPUIVOnti or meg Curtains-Stneit Draperies Metal Awnings Venetian Blinds Washed RelaPed Repainted Nrwrow NEWTON 2 0795 VENETIAN bit Radio AM FM house 7 tube like new $2150 FRANK'S LOAN OFFICE 227 Trade St 2-0191 53 Business Office Eqpt gTAIIII-Efr'T ft -A-SOF and target like new Just out 'trope and ground level vial tripot pawn 34950 Inc- Reliabl Loan CO 201 East Trade 58662 2 CENTURY Resorter le's 112 Grays 1 CENTURY Resorter IS 135 Gray 1 Chris-Craft 11 SO used clean 2 CENTURY Seaflyte's 14' It le Outboard's CENTURY Imperial's 14-11Y Outboard's 2 Johnson 2514P Used real clean 1 MEBruny ribri Used bargain 1 MERCURY Mark ell Quicksilver New SO Used outboard motors real bar gains Several used outboard boats Bargain Queen's Boat at Motor Service Tel 9138 Shelby SPECIAL Folding Doors Mg Modern FOlti 2 6" 6' OS 9 0' 01 II" It6 93 Color pogo Grog Newton Newton 614 It Trade Phone 2-0793 FUEL OIL anz-All DIAL ang VV 3-7511 Kt IMO Columbus Oil Co CHARLOTTralummmlhahAtm eamptutg Z12-211 TRADE- PH03-4163 Prices Are Lower HERE ARMY USED PONCHOS 9 Used for Ground Cloths Covers Raincoats Tents Etc MMIIIIMEMMONMMIIIIM TENTS Alt sixes In stock Up to 16'1E32 Army Surplus Squad Tent $60000 Value OUR PRICE $1 Or) BRAND NEW 111ECE Army Style PUP TENT Complete with Poles And Pegs li ONLY sommonomannommion SLEEPING BAGS And Camping Supplies vsameass Malayan Throwing Dagger $145 Hunting $145 Sling Shot Fencing Swords $335 Set Inlignismotosninasionatio DRAWING SET 13-PC SET EXPERTLY MADE IN GERMANY $1500 VALUE $485 SIMINIMENOMMOINNIPMINIS ChaZete 0-442idetg Come lattg CHARLOTTE tAcr SI 0 ICI i 112-211 TRADE-PHU-4763 IMPINSIBMISINAIWAISIZIMINIEL CHARLOTTE VAJ- IM' ic 1 sloit- i Pr PI Alt I 161E3 Tent OUR PRIC 7 IA elleil fJ 4 sIoltE 4 112-211 TRADE PH03-4763 estootaaranawin 0 1 We Buy BANKRUPT Or Other Stocks Piedmont Soles Co 2537 Wilkinson Blvd Ph 33454 DESKS (2) used office One 4 drawer file cabinet 68244 Employment 60 Mole Help AIR LINES Need mechanics Learn how you can qualify See or phone Mr Sherwin at Hotel Barringer sun or Tues Feb 14 15 16 after 10 a to 10 pm Advertising Loyout Mon Man to lay out advertising and write copy Must be able to do neat lettering and familiar with the use of mat services Retail advertising experience helpful Excellent working conditions in air conditioned office Reply stating age experience and starting salary expected F-53 Observer IFWELRY PFPAIRMAN and stone setter wanted by one of sates best Write atialifirationit Louts Selig The Elizabeth City INDUSTRIAL ENGINEER National organization engaged in the synthetic textile fiber and organic chemical industries requires a graduate In dustrial Engineer or equiva lent age 35 to 45 to direct department of 6 to 7 people Candidate must have a strong background and experience record preferably in the textile and chemical industries in chiding Time Study and Stand' ards with considerable emphasis on maintenance labor control Should also have demonstrated ability in the development and application of standards for accounting and management control needs Applicant must be qualified to deal with supervisors union representatives and accounting personel on all matters relating to labor standards Position is located in the South ackground and experience cord preferably in the textile nd chemical industries in- hiding Time Study and Stand- rds with considerable em- hasis on maintenance labor untrol Should also have dem- Opening also available graduate Junior Industrial Engineer with experience in Standards data Submit complete resume stating age education experience and salary requirements Box W-49 Observer Goodyear Service Store needs YOUNG MAN for Inside Sates Work Excellent opportunity for advancement Liberal Free Insurance Sick Leave Paid Vocation Pension Plan Coed Working Conditions Good pay 'Applicants Must Hove Minimum: High School Education Neat In Appearance See Shrum Manager Goodyear Service Stores 68 Tryon St LINCrTNTE OPFRATOR for night work Straight matter New machine VS Printing Co Greenville Pit A ACIST Registered Good salary opportunite for advancement Contact A Dowdy Mann Drug Storms High Point PUBLIC WAREHOUSE Experienced procuring accounts at in 'email operation opportm permmanent future Apply Ci Rox liOn only if preciously expert priced puhlie warehoilye oFrict styPtitx Ntoz roved Old Estahlinhed CO AIM mo aide Saleaman Write or phone 313q Record Prtnting Co Rock Hal Open 520 Dowd Road Ph 2-5191 1011051MMOMMMOONS 11110" The Henry Welke Co Industrial Supplies Machine Tools Contractor Supplies 1310 Tryon Ph 4-5391 Charlotte SCRAP PAPER Phone 1-9512 For Prices CHESAPEAKE WASTE PAPER CO 701 5th St Charlotte I l'it i iee (( 1 I--11 ii -4! "That's Right I Said Paints From The Doggett Lumber Company!" i-- 44: rf your paint brush could talk it would always insist upon our paints A few n-tagic sweeps of the brush and gloom and drabness ale banished Your rooms become brighter have sparkling glamour that en hances your furniture Stop your color scheme this week DOGGETT Lumber Co "Qlialit Materials Since 1908" 111 VV Park Ave Ph 6-7161 Distributors fe t) mom est itriatec 3-2 Ii1111 arta ISM 11 14P1171(1 NIN- 49c I Free 3 6393 939 Nti lb Wrights 316 Trade CHINE (National) suitable for banks REFRIGERATOR Cll 9125-6-1666 48 Antiques or wholegole busoirs list price 42A(10 95 CLOSE OUT SALE up to 50 per Just returned from Northern buying For Quirk Sale On 1 liable loan Co Inc 201 East Trade cent reduction on new and floor trip 2117 Charlotte Dr 41662 sample appliances flurry mostly NEW SHIPMENT of furniture and one of a kind Eaaiest terms of china 2610 Providence Rd Tpewriters 1 couree Snook Brothers 1020 Central CiMLINS ANTIQUE 5 HOP Wishing 95905 Wilk Blvd Ph 2777 Belmont For Rent i FUllY guaranteed 1513 Central SHOP All makes and sizes Special See NEWEST FLOORS walls- 108 Morehead St Met tops easiest cleanent kitchen e'llEST-- marble low rental rate to students metal Metal weatherstrip Bost tables mirrors lamps Nina A DANCY CO i ElltliRITIPM 912 ath lit 3L1321' Open 9 a to to in China SoltA BED- 9207 25553 bricbrac 223 Blvd 215 Second Phone 4-2706 pfsg roll top swkel chain Ditty's c- 1a 50 Musical Merchandise 10 cubic 1 oOnlittiOn Ptited tot quick! Free est i matek 3 3-29111 48 Antiques cn MUSiCal Merchat1411101309F165Kgroka Rto IP: swivel chain Ditty's RIFLING and CHINE (National) suitable for banks or wholesale busines list price S2A00 For Quirk Sale S295 (A Re ii(To New i 2n bamiliniii Importer $99 Mon' yhaek guarantee It Good sale 3-73112 after I 04' ft A rorf'Nugefreeer 1 compartment WO 2 5460 GAS HANOR (Bottled) 815 54625 or 5-1426 FLOOR FUR with thermostat 850 2 )1669 'Sofa cushions PayneFurn 116 College 2 8481 One 9 tont Hotpoint refrigerator Repo $175 One 6 foot brand new Norge Regular price 1199 95 Sell for S178 One used Easy Spin-Dryer Washer 8-10 Godfrey Inc 1816 rthizell'a Ferry Rd phone 4-8605 PROPLEAF TABLE 4 dais 8100 3-6880 SEWING MACHINE now portable $79 5-(1250 stile rebuilt 129 5-0350 1111'Ct11111 BANICiES: In unusually good condition tor $25 each 3-5504 Sewing 151achines--Vartuttn t'1-eanera good condition tor $25 each 3-8504 Sewing Free literature Box F411 Observer i ieolumn -keyboard -paymaster (I) 10 PIANO 875 41 1Column Monroe electr Ru ic adding h- GUITAR Electric If awailan 5-wit2h9 I tracting machine it) ROYill office amplifier Good condition 275 6- typewriter oil) swivel typist chAlt 8707 t2i Swivel desk chairs All used about PIANO upright $35 3-1297 a month Will aell separately or together at sacrifice 7-5338 Pionos-Orgons nonrAntE TATEWIIITEI1S-81750 plus taxes Adding niachines hand Steinway Wm Knobe elec up to 20 per cent off cash' FUNDERBURK SIZER Everett Winter 504 Tryon Ph 84419 SCALES for all purposes Largest Cable-Nel son selection in Charlotte State require-Pianos Ments nice factory repre'tentative 121 Brevard 2-7335 Used office beaks and chairs Legal Brand New Spinets $49500 Up and leiter sire File Cabinets WWII Hammond Organs ern Bros Transfer Co 513 8111 Place Phone 37768 BARGAINS IN USED TYPEWRITERS for rent $3 month Babygrand and Upright Adding Machine $5 month 3-4286 CAS! REGISTER 'National 1 cent Pianos to $2 99 Almost new bargain 33468 Andrews Music Co oortableT typewyliergIn 6-91135 REGISTERED PHARMACIST For established downtown drugstore or new suburban store in good location contact RingHarris Pharmacy Box Oa High Point WATCHMAN for Saturday and Sunday nights Sober and elderly man Preferred Apply Mr Reynolds Morrison Hall Queens College Budget Sales Manager Age 25 to 35 To handle Budget Departments In Kannapolis and Tabor City Mast have high school educ2- don and past successful sales experience We have excellent opportunity for right persons Write: Firestone Tire C7 Rubber Co Attention: Morris Jr 117 Wilkes Place Charlotte CLAIMS MANAGER Rapidly expanding casualty Insurance company de sires Junior claims manager Salary S4090 plus car Call 7-25IS for appointment PRINTFRPRESSIMAN High quality workmanship required Good future for older man who doesn't like svm Mani pressure Good character Town of 10003 near Charlotte Excellent housing Reply Pox G-641 1 Observer Excellent Opportunity Personnel Manager Fxpanding progressive company offers unusual opportunity for a suicessful personnel man 30-38 Must possess Inagerial abilities Send complete resume Box X-45 Observer Replies confidential AIGEMIIMMMWMffNIMI General Office Reliable local concern has opening for right person This Includes dictation Em plovee benefits Write Box 22 Observer mai MIONOMMWAIGEMINMWMWMffNIMI tr7-1 ---1 tt: ELEt: Ceti :11 LW 71c LkNatilii2' 1 'L''' 7 1 rola" 1 iss otL 0 i -1 I rermiNt -p: sm 4 614 (44 41igf'41k CE i IIP '11 4 4i 1 144i i 4: 11 0 i 4 4 It -k1 3 1 444 z41'' iii 437t '-At wLi ipi '1'!" 11-Wir 'i4 ye' v' i airitaii'' For Building The New ty'r For Rombdeling The Old A4t A From old outmoded walls tx dim- 4 -10tr- OW tintive beautiful permanent struc- hires of CAST-O-STONE 41 I -7 ''''IW------ For Building The New ri- For Rombdeling The old From old outmoded walls tsi dim- 10471' tinctive beautiful permanent struc- tures of CAST-O-STONE --I fl Ir te' grZI igiii0 LA I m1 I I 1' 411 11- --err akt Ile-z-k577 -4404vot of' 2 "Our tl2rul Year" CASH REGISTERS 231 Tryon St I See our "Check-Out" regisSales Service All Nlakes ters before you buy Sales FNNErr vAcuum wrouFs os----4y' sell: Make boana oft Must Rentals service 4s4 Tryon Ph 4-4669 cal instruments Dukes Jewelry withilkan 205 East Trade 7-5378 BUSINESS EQUIPMENT CO thermostat $511 it 7235 316 So Tryon St Charlotte NC -161 FLAT Alto Sataphone Excellent Phone 21905 71ft with vitae 4 8421 glam RAAti attar el like new 3709 after 6 I WASHER Thor 650 4-26110 Rig Reduction OH Circulators COVINGTON FURNITURE CO 5 0237 WASHER Automatic sirmee tric Hans S25 Electric water heat er $AL 2-fif49: 6 8176 RAM( RED $20 21711 BEDR6OM SUITP mshogatiy bed entriplete double chest drawers dressing Itible night table A1 8- 12111 Rank ease headholini 1121i0 4-0547 OIL HEATER Rearneys Piot elty Shop Pine tile Rd 1111IETTE SUITE Chrome 6 chairs As new $75 4-0547 EaCTIIIC RANGE Itot Point -doncl condition $75 3-0930 171'4k $15 gifi OT 1 iii ia- G14 tit-NN? Room-Kpitt-1715i-e-iiF Ptne Al new 3-8466 34448 eve- nine' actattin-Tala Automatic ta Can 41773 WE DO ALL TYPES OF REMODELING ALTERATIONS AND REPAIR Accept No Estimate Before Calling Us FREE ESTIM TES PIANOS ORGANS MASON HAMLIN CHICKERING WURLITZER WEBER CEO STECK SINCE ISM PARKER-GARDNER 11 3 Trade rbone 2-8237 Cast-O-Stone MeALWAY PHONE 2 MI 1 I IVoit '1046' 941k4Cfit4044" Ak 4''Mr Ohltrda00Rtm4 gwIstekwooi 141 If "11k lo.

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Author: Reed Wilderman

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Views: 5890

Rating: 4.1 / 5 (52 voted)

Reviews: 83% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Reed Wilderman

Birthday: 1992-06-14

Address: 998 Estell Village, Lake Oscarberg, SD 48713-6877

Phone: +21813267449721

Job: Technology Engineer

Hobby: Swimming, Do it yourself, Beekeeping, Lapidary, Cosplaying, Hiking, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Reed Wilderman, I am a faithful, bright, lucky, adventurous, lively, rich, vast person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.